úåñ' ã"ä ìà ðäðéï îãøáðï
(Summary: Tosfos explains why it is not d'Oraysa.)
åä÷ùä äø"ø éò÷á ,ìîä ìðå ìåîø ãøáðï äéà? ãìîà îãàåøééúà äéà...
Question: ha'Rav Rebbi Ya'akov asks why do we need to say that it is de'Rabanan? Perhaps it is mi'd'Oraysa? ...
ëéåï ãîøáéðï î"àéù" "àéù," ùðåãøéï äòåáãé ëåëáéí ëéùøàì?
Reason: Seeing as we include a Nochri in the Din of Nedarim (regarding Korbanos) like a Yisrael, from "Ish" "Ish" (See Tzon Kodshim).
ãëä"â àîø (îòéìä ãó æ:) áùìîé éùøàì -ãìà ðäðéï ãàåøééúà, )ã(àò"â ãàéï áäï îòéìä.
Precedent: Since we say a similar S'vara in Me'ilah (Daf 7b) regardin g Shelmei Yisrael - that they are Asur be'Hana'ah mi'd'Oraysa, even though they are not subject to Me'ilah (See Tzon Kodshim).
åö"ì, ëéåï ãàéï áäï ÷ãåùä ìòðéï ôéâåì ðåúø åèîà, àéï áå ÷ãåùä ðîé ìòðéï äðàä ãàåøééúà.
Answer: We must therefore say that since they are not Kadosh with regard to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei, they are not Kadosh with regard to being Asur be'Hana'ah d'Oraysa.
úåñ' ã"ä åéìéó ðåúø çéìåì çéìåì îèåîàä
(Summary: Tosfos explains why it is preferable to learn Nosar from the eating of Tum'ah rather than from a Tamei who served in the Mikdash.)
åëúá áéä áèåîàä "åéðæøå áðé éùøàì î÷ãùé... " ' ,åìà òåáãé ëåëáéí' .
Clarification: And the Torah writes (in Emor) by Tum'ah "ve'Yinazru B'nei Yisrael mi'Kodshei ... ", ' and not Nochrim'.
åôùèà ã÷øà îééøé áàåëì ÷ãùéí áèåîàä, ëãàéúà áñåó äôøùä "àùø éàëì îï ä÷ãùéí ... ".
Clarification (cont.): And the simple P'shat in the Pasuk concerns eating Kodshim be'Tum'ah, as it writes at the end of the Parshah "Asher Yochal Min ha'Kodshim".
åä÷ùä äø"í, åðéìó ðåúø "çéìåì" "çéìåì" îèîà ùùéîù áèåîàä... ?
Question: The Ram asks why we cannot learn Nosar via "Chilul" "Chilul" from a Tamei, who served in the Beis-ha'Mikdash be'Tum'ah? ...
ãàîø áôø÷ á' ãæáçéí (ãó èå:) ã'÷ãùé òåáãé ëåëáéí ìà ÷øáé áèåîàä ... '
Question (cont.): As the Gemara says in the second Perek of Zevachim (Daf 15b) that Kodshei Akum cannot be brought be'Tum'ah.
ãàîø äúí 'àìà ìîòåèé òåáãé ëåëáéí- ? äùúà öéõ ìà îøöä- ãàîø îø 'áòåáãé ëåëáéí áéï áùåââ áéï áîæéã ìà äåøöä, áèåîàä ÷øá'!?
Source: Because it says there 'But to preclude a Nochri? - If the Tzitz does not atone - since Mar said 'By Nochrim it is not Mechaper either be'Shogeg or be'Meizid', how can it be brought be'Tum'ah?!'
åé"ì, ãéù ìðå ìîéìó èôé îèåîàä ãäà ëúéáé ðåúø åèåîàä áéçã ...
Answer: It is preferable to learn it from (the eating of) Tum'ah, seeing as Nosar and Tum'ah are written together (See Olas Shlomoh) ...
ëãàéúà áæáçéí ô' á"ù (ãó îä:) ãúðé ìåé 'îðéï ùàó áôñåì æîï äëúåá îãáø...
Source: As it says in Zevachim (Perek Beis Shamai, Daf 45b) in the Beraisa cited by Levi - 'From where do we know that the Pasuk is speaking about 'P'sul Z'man'? ...
'ú"ì "åìà éçììå àú ÷ãùé áðé éùøàì" -áùðé çéìåìéï äëúåá îãáø, àçã ôñåì ðåúø åàçã ôñåì èåîàä'.
Source (cont.): 'Therefore the Torah writes "ve'Lo Yechal'lu es Kodshei B'nei Yisrael" - the Pasuk is referring to two 'Chilulin', 1. the P'sul of Nosar and 2. that of Tum'ah' (See Shitah Mekubetzes 32).
úåñ' ã"ä åîòùø ãâï
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the D'rashah and establishes the authorship.)
ëúéá "áðé éùøàì" ' ,åìà òåáãé ëåëáéí' ...
Clarification: The Torah writes "B'nei Yisrael", 'and not Nochrim' ...
åäééðå øáé ùîòåï ãàéú ìéä äê ãøùä...
Clarification: And it is Rebbi Shimon who holds this D'rashah ( See marginal note)...
àáì øáðï ôìéâé òìéä- åìéùðà ÷îà ùééê ìøáðï.
Conclusion: But the Rabanan disagree with him - and the first Lashon goes according to them.
úåñ' ã"ä ãåîéà ãúøåîä ã÷ãåùä ÷ãåùú äâåó
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the MIshnahs in Makos and K'risus.)
åàí úàîø, åäà àîø 'äæéã áîòéìä áàæäøä' ,ãéìôéðï "çèà" "çèà" îúøåîä' ...
Introduction to Question #1: The Gemara (in Sanhedrin Daf 84a) states that Me'ilah be'Meizid is subject to a warning' (i.e. Malkos), since we learn "Chet" "Chet" from T'rumah' ...
äåä ìï ìîéîø ëé äëà 'îä úøåîä ÷ãåùú äâåó' ... -åìà éäà àæäøä ãîòéìä àìà á÷ãùé îæáç ...
Question #1: It ought to have said, like it says here, 'Just as T'rumah is Kedushas ha'Guf ... ', in which case the warning of Me'ilah would be confined to Kodshei Mizbe'ach ...
å÷ééîà ìï ãàôéìå á÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú ùééê áäï àæäøä ãîòéìä ëãúðï (áîëåú ë''à:) 'éù çåøù úìí àçã åçééá òìéå ùîåðä ìàååéï' - å÷çùéá ùåø åçîåø ãîå÷ãùéï?
Question #1 (cont.): Yet we Pasken that even Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis are subject to the La'av as well
åòåã ÷ùä, ãúðï áîñëú ëøéúåú (ãó éâ:) 'éù àåëì àëéìä àçú åçééá òìéä àøáò çèàåú åàùí àçã -å÷çùéá ôñåìé îå÷ãùéí?
Question #2: Moreover, the Mishnah says in Maseches K'risus (Daf 13b) that 'One can be Chayav four Chata's and one Asham for eating one item - and it reckons Pesulei ha'Mukdashim?
åëï ëîä ãøùåú ãøùéðï áô' áúøà ãîòéìä (ãó éç:) 'ôâí' å'ðäðä' å'ùìéç ùòùä ùìéçåúå' ,ãâîøéðï îúøåîä- äéä ìðå ìåîø ãìà ðäâé á÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú?
Question #3: And in the same manner, many D'rashos that the Gemara Darshens in the last Perek of Me'ilah (Daf 18b) 'Pogem', 'Neheneh' and 'a Shali'ach who did his Shelichus', which we learn from T'rumah - we should have said that they do not pertain to Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis?
åé"ì, äà ãîîòèéðï äëà ÷ãùé áã÷ äáéú, äééðå îùåí ãëúéá äëà ìä'.
Answer: The reason that we preclude Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis here is because the Torah writes "la'Hashem" (See Tosfos, Sanhedrin 84a DH 'Gamar').
úåñ' ã"ä åäøé îéîø ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä åì÷é
(Summary: Tosfos queries this from different angles, and inter alia, he reconciles it with the Sugya in Makos.)
åàí úàîø, àîàé ìà ôøéê äëé ðîé îîåöéà ùí øò åòãéí æåîîéï - ãìàå ùàéï áå îòùä, åì÷é?
Question: Why does the Gemara not ask the same Kashya on Motzi Shem Ra and Eidim Zomemin - which are La'avin she'Ein bahem Ma'aseh - yet they are subject to Malkos?
åé"ì, ãìà áòé ìîéôøê îäðé ãëúéá áäå îì÷åú áúåøä.
Answer: It does not want to ask on cases by which the Torah specifically writes Malkos.
åà"ú, áîñëú îëåú (ãó ã:) ãàîø øáé éäåãä 'ìàå ùàéï áå îòùä ìå÷éï òìéå' ,ãéìéó îîåöéà ùí øò; åôøéê 'îä ìîåöéà ùí øò ùëï ÷ðñ' ...
Question: In Maseches Makos (Daf 4b) Rebbi Yehudah learns from Motzi Shem Ra that 'A La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh, Lokin alav'; and the Gemara asks that 'Whereas Motzi Shem Ra is a K'nas?' ...
åìéîà àå ðùáò àå îéîø àå çã îäðê ãùîòúéï [éåëéç]?
Question (cont.): Why does the Gemara not bring a Yochi'ach from Meimar or from one of the other cases cited in our Sugya?
åé"ì, ãàéï ä"ð, àìà úéøõ ùôéø.
Answer #1: It could have done so, but it answered the Kashya satisfactorily anyway.
àå ùîà ìà ãîé äðé ãäëà ìäðé ãäúí.
Answer #2: Or perhaps the cases here are not comparable to those there.
åàí úàîø, ëé ôøéê äëà 'åäøé îéîø ãìàå ùàéï áå îòùä '? ... -ìéîà áãéáåøéä àéúòáéã îòùä, ëãàîø ì÷îï?
Question: When the Gemara asks here 'But Meimar is a La'av she'Ein bo Ma'aseh ... ?' - Why does the Gemara not answer that he performs a Ma'aseh with his speech, as the Gemara will say later?
åé"ì ãàä"ð, äåé îöé ìúøåöé, àìà ãùôéø ùðé.
Answer: The Gemara could have answered that, but it answers the Kashya satisfactorily anyway (See Shitah Mekubetzes 35).
úåñ' ã"ä àó äî÷ãéí úøåîä ìáëåøéí
(Summary: Tosfos cites two reasons for this ruling.)
ì÷îï îôøù èòîà - ãàîø ÷øà "îìàúê åãîòê ìà úàçø."
Reason #1: Later (on Daf 4a) the Gemara will ascribe tis to the Pasuk "Mele'ascha ve'Dim'acha Lo Se'acher" ...
"îìàúê" ,'æå áëåøéí' " ;åãîòê" ' ,æå úøåîä' ,åàîø øçîðà "ìà úàçø" .
Reason #1 (cont.): "Mele'ascha" refers to Bikurim, "ve'Dim'acha", to Terumah, and the Torah concludes "Lo Se'acher".
åáñôøé îôøù èòîà àçøéðà' - é÷ãîå áëåøéí ùéù ìäï ã' ùîåú ' ... (åøù"é îééúé ìéä ì÷îï [ã' ã. ã"ä îôðé]).
Reason #2: Whereas the Sifri, which Rashi cites later (on Daf 4a DH 'Mipnei'), offers a different reason - 'Give Bikurim precedence, since it has four names ... '.
úåñ' ã"ä ùáåòä ùìà àåëì ëëø æå ùáåòä ùìà àåëìðä ùáåòä ùìà àåëìðä åàëìä àéðå çééá àìà àçú
(Summary: Tosfos explains the sequence and elaborates.)
åãå÷à ð÷è 'ùáåòä ùìà àåëì' úçéìä...
Clarification: It deliberately mentions 'Shevu'ah she'Lo Ochal' first ...
ãàé àîø 'ùáåòä ùìà àåëìðä, ùáåòä ùìà àåëì' ,çééá ùúéí...
Reason: Because had it reversed the order - 'Shevu'ah she'Lo Ochlenah, Shevu'ah she'Lo Ochal' - he would be Chayav two sets of Malkos ...
ã'ùìà àåëìðä' îùîò ëåìä, åëé äãø àîø 'ùáåòä ùìà àåëì' îùîò ëìì.
Reason (cont.): Seeing as 'she'Lo Ochlenah' implies the whole loaf, and when he then adds 'Shevu'ah she'Lo Ochal', it implies that he will not eat any of it.
åáùáåòåú (ãó ëæ:) îôøù àîàé úðà 'ùìà àåëìðä' ùðé ôòîéí ...
Question: In Shevu'os (Daf 27b) the Gemara excplains why the Tana says 'she'Lo Ochlenah' twice ...
ãàé àúùéì øàùåðä, ÷ééîà ùðééä.
Answer: Because if he releases the first Shevu'ah, the second one still stands.
úåñ' ã"ä åîàé ùðà
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôøù"é 'îàé ùðà' -ãîîòè 'àåëì' ,åìà àëì îîì÷åú ,å÷îøáé 'àëìúé' å'ìà àëìúé' îñéôà ãçééá á÷øáï.
Refuted Explanation: Rashi explains 'Mai Sh'na' - that it precludes 'Ochal' and he did not eat, from Malkos, and includes 'Achalti' and 'Lo Achalti' from the Seifa, that he is Chayav a Korban.
åìà ðäéøà, ãàé àîø ìîòåèé 'àåëì' ,åìà àëì, ìà ÷ùéà îéãé...
Refutation: This is not correct however, because now that he says 'to include Ochal', and he did not eat, there is no Kashya ...
àáì àé àîø àéôëà, àæ úé÷ùä ìê.
Refutation (cont.): Where if he said the other way round, this would pose a Kashya ...
åà''ë îàé ÷àîø ,îàé ùðà?'? åëé ðàîø 'îàé ùðà? 'ìä÷ùåú à'ãø''é? ãäà ø''é éúøõ 'ìîòåèé "àåëì' " - ëé äéëé ãìà ìé÷ùé ìéä.
Refutation (concl.): In which case, why does it ask 'Mai Sh'na?'? What sense does it make to ask 'Mai Sh'na?' to query Rebbi Yochanan, who will simply answer 'to preclude "Ochal" ', in order to answer the Kashya.
åø"é ôéøù ' -åîàé ùðà' -ãîôøù ìä ëøáé ò÷éáà? ìå÷îà ëø' éùîòàì, åøéùà ìîòåèé 'àëìúé' å'ìà àëìúé' î÷øáï, åñéôà ìîòåèé 'àåëì' ,åìà àëì îîì÷åú?
Authentic Explanation: The Ri therefore explains 'Mai Sh'na' - that the Gemara explains it like Rebbi Akiva? Why not establish it like Rebbi Yishmael, and the Reisha precludes 'Achalti' and 'Lo Achalti' from a Korban, and the Seifa, 'Ochal' and he did not eat from Malkos? (See Tzon Kodshim).
åîùðé '÷àé áìäáà ...'.
Conclusion: And the Gemara answers 'It is speaking about the future ... '.
úåñ' ã"ä åî÷ìì çáéøå áùí îðìï
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and the source of the Azharah.)
"àí ìà úùîåø ìòùåú ...åäôìà" ...
Source: "Im Lo Sishmor La'asos ... ve'Hiflah" (Ki Savo 28).
åàæäøúéä îäëà "ìà ú÷ìì çøù" ...
Azharah #1: And the warning (for Malkos) from "Lo Sekalel Cheresh" (Kedoshim 19).
àé ðîé, îäàé ÷øà âåôéä.
Azharah #2: Alternatively, from this Pasuk itself.