[20a - 46 lines; 20b - 42 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, the Tzon Kodashim, the Vilna Ga'on and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 20a [line 12]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #6
(This is also the Girsa of Rashi DH Trei úøé and Tosfos DH d'Ika ãàéëà; the Chok Nasan also made this Girsa change)
[2] Gemara [line 35]:
Should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #13
[3] Rashi 20a DH Ho'il u'Mosar ha'Pesach ã"ä äåàéì åîåúø äôñç:
The words "Shem Shelamim Alah Ho'il" ùí ùìîéí òìä äåàéì
should be "Shem Shelamim Alah v'Ho'il" ùí ùìîéí òìä åäåàéì (Rashash)
[4] Rashi DH Ashir Hu ã"ä òùéø äåà:
Perhaps the words "v'Iy Nami Ani Hu" åàé ðîé òðé äåà
should be "v'Iy Nami Nedavah Hu" (M. KORNFELD)
1)[line 4]äøåòä ìäñúàáHA'RO'EH L'HISTA'EV- an animal that needs to graze until it receives a Mum in order to be redeemed
2)[line 38]÷ãåùú äâåó à÷ãùéðäåKEDUSHAS HA'GUF AKDESHINHU- he consecrated it with Kedushas ha'Guf. That is, he was Makdish the entire body of the animal to HaSh-m, and thus it must be brought as an Olah and not as a Shelamim (which is eaten in part by its owner).
3)[line 10]ðãáäNEDAVAH (NIDVAS TZIBUR)
See Background to Temurah 13:9.
4)[line 20]ðñëéä îùì öéáåøNESACHEHA MI'SHEL TZIBUR- and its Nesachim are brought from communal funds. That is, he need not bring Nesachim, because the Tzibur brings them (not "and" the Tzibur brings them; in the Mishnayos, the letter "Vav" ("and") is often substituted for the letter "Shin" ("because"); see Beitzah 7b).