
TOSFOS DH v'Travaihu l'Kula

תוספות ד"ה ותרוייהו לקולא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how we are lenient like both of them.)

- כלומר תרוייהו כדר"מ דאמר מר"ח ועד התענית וכרשב"ג דאמר אינו אסור אלא אותה שבת בלבד


Explanation: "Both of them" means like R. Meir, who says (forbids) from Rosh Chodesh until the fast, and like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, who forbids only that week.

הלכה כתרוייהו לקולא כלומר דאינו אסור אלא אותה שבת בלבד כרשב"ג ודוקא [עד] התענית אבל לאחר התענית מותר דהלכה כר"מ דאמר דאינו אסור אלא עד התענית


The Halachah follows both of them to be lenient, i.e. we forbid only that week, like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, and only until the fast. After the fast is permitted, like R. Meir, who forbids only until the fast.

ואע"ג דשלחו משמיה דר' יוחנן דכלי פשתן מותר לכבס במועד (הגהת מהרש"א) מ"מ החמיר לנו מורינו רש"י לתת סדינין שלנו לכובס אותה שבוע שהיה בה ט"ב קודם התענית


Stringency: Even though they sent in the name of R. Yochanan that one may launder linen garments [in the week], our Rebbi Rashi was stringent upon us, [and forbade us] to give our [linen] sheets to a launderer in the week of Tish'ah b'Av before the fast.


Note: The Beis Yosef (OC 551) was astounded by the rest of this Tosfos (after this). The Gra deletes it from the text. The Taz (551:14) defends it.

אבל היכא דחל ט"ב בה' בשבת מותר לכבס ולספר מחצות ואילך מפני כבוד השבת


Distinction: However, when Tish'ah b'Av falls on Thursday, one may launder and cut hair from midday [of Tish'ah b'Av] and onwards, for Kevod ha'Shabbos;

דאין להמתין עד ערב שבת מפני טורח השבת.


One should not wait until Erev Shabbos, due to the exertion of [preparing everything needed in time for] Shabbos.


TOSFOS DH Erev Tish'ah b'Av Lo Yochal Adam Beis Tavshilin

תוספות ד"ה ערב ט"ב לא יאכל אדם ב' תבשילין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses different foods cooked together.)

- פירוש ב' תבשילין ר"ל בשתי קדירות כגון שקורין העולם אכלנו ב' מינים שקורין מיישו"ן אבל אין לאסור לאכול תבשיל שעושין מבצלים ומגבינה ומביצים


Explanation: The two cooked foods are in two pots, like people say "we ate two kinds called Maishun. However, we do not forbid eating a Tavshil made from onions, cheese and eggs.


Note: The Maharsha understood that Tosfos forbids two different species in two pots, so it is not clear why we would think to forbid onions, cheese and eggs cooked together. Keren Orah explains that Tosfos forbids even one species cooked in two pots, and also two species cooked even in one pot. It is a Chidush to permit onions, cheese and eggs cooked together.

דאע"ג דאין רגילין העולם לאכול בצלים חיין


Implied question: People do not normally eat onions raw! (It and the eggs are like two Tavshilin!)

כדאמר בעירובין (ד' כט.) אכל בצל והשכים ומת וכו' שקשין לכל גופו של אדם כחרבות


Citation (Eruvin 29a): If one ate [raw] onions and died the next morning [surely they killed him]. They are harmful for the entire body like swords (Kidushin 62a).

אעפ"כ מאחר שאין עושין מהם תבשיל בעצמו אם לא ישימו או שומן או שום דבר שנותן בהם טעם אינו קרוי תבשיל כדי לאסור הביצים שמשימין עמהם


Answer: Even so, since we do not make a Tavshil of them by themselves, unless he puts in oil or something to give taste, it is not called a Tavshil to forbid the eggs put with them.

אבל מן גבינה המבושל בקדירה אין חששא לאכול


Implied question: Why may one eat the cheese cooked in the pot? (It is like a second Tavshil!)

דכל דבר שהוא נאכל כמו שהוא חי כמו חלב כמו גבינה כמו תפוחים אין בהם תורת בשול כלל וכלל.


Answer: Anything that is eaten raw like milk, cheese and apples, cooking does not apply to it at all.


TOSFOS DH v'Im Hayah Ragil Lis'od b'Asarah Yis'od b'Chamishah

תוספות ד"ה ואם היה רגיל לסעוד בעשרה יסעוד בחמשה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why one must eat with fewer people.)

- צריך למעט בכבודו.


Explanation: [This is because] one must reduce his honor.


TOSFOS DH v'Af Al Gav d'Ka'amar ha'Shas d'Basar Mali'ach Mutar Kol Zeman she'Eino k'Shelamim

תוספות ד"ה ואע"ג דקאמר הש"ס דבשר מליח מותר כל זמן שאינו כשלמים

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when meat is permitted, and other deviations that one must make.)

כלומר שעבר יותר מב' ימים משחיטתו


Explanation: This means that more than two days have passed since it was slaughtered.

אפ"ה לדידן אסור לאכול בשר אפי' מלוח מזמן מרובה כיון דאנו רגילים לאכול בשר מליח


Distinction: Even so, we may not eat salted meat even [slaughtered] from a long time ago, since we often eat salted meat.

וכן צריך למעט בשתייתו שאם היה רגיל לשתות עשרה כוסות משכר או ממשקה אחר לא ישתה כי אם חמשה


Explanation: Similarly, one must diminish his drinking. If he normally drinks 10 cups of beer or another drink, he should drink only five.

וצריך לשנות מקומו שהוא רגיל לאכול בו כמו שהיה מנהגו של רבי יהודה בר' אילעאי שישב ואכל ערב ט"ב בין תנור לכיריים מקום שהיה מנוול.


Also, one must change the place where he normally eats, like the custom of R. Yehudah bar Ila'i. On Erev Tish'ah b'Av he sat between the oven and stovetop, which is a disgraceful place.



TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Oseh Melachah b'Tish'ah b'Av Eino Ro'eh Siman Berachah l'Olam

תוספות ד"ה כל העושה מלאכה בתשעה באב אינו רואה סימן ברכה לעולם -

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses paining oneself on Tish'ah b'Av, and drinking after the Seudah Mafsekes.)

כלומר באותה מלאכה שרגיל לעשות בתשעה באב אינו רואה סימן ברכה לעולם


Explanation: In the Melachah he normally does on Tish'ah b'Av, he will never see a sign of Berachah.

וחייב אדם לצער ולמעט בכבודו ובהנאותיו שאם היה רגיל לשכב על שני כרים לא ישכב כי אם על אחד


Pesak: One must pain [himself] and reduce his honor and pleasure. If he normally lies on two pillows, he lies on only one.

אבל עוברות ומניקות אינן חייבות כולי האי שאינם יכולות להצטער בעצמן


Distinction: However, nursing or pregnant woman need not do so much, for they cannot pain themselves.

ואוכלין סעודה המפסקת מבעוד יום


Pesak: We eat the Seudah Mafsekes while it is still day.

וכן נמי ביום הכפורים צריך לסעוד מבע"י דתוספת יום הכפורים מן התורה


Also on [Erev] Yom Kipur one must eat while it is still day, for Tosefes Yom Kipur (accepting Kedushas Yom Kipur before night) is mid'Oraisa;

כדכתיב (ויקרא כג) מערב ועד ערב וכתיב בעצם היום הזה (שם)


Source: It says "me'Erev Ad Erev", and it says "b'Etzem ha'Yom ha'Zeh" (one must start fasting during the day).

אבל מכל מקום אין לאסור לשתות משאכל סעודה מפסקת ועדיין הוי היום גדול כדמשמע בירושלמי


Pesak: In any case, we do not forbid drinking after eating Seudah Mafsekes while much time remains in the day, like the Yerushalmi connotes;


Note: This is not in our Yerushalmi. Tosfos (Eruvin 41a) cites Eichah Rabah (3:6), which brings essentially the following episode, but there R. Yehudah ben Beseirah went to Netzivin, and the Reish Galusa invited him.

דר' יוסי איקלע לבצרה אכל סעודה מפסקת אתא לגבי דריש כנישתא והוה סעיד אמר ליה ההוא ריש כנישתא סעוד אצלי


Citation (Yerushalmi): R. Yosi went to Batzrah. He ate Seudah Mafsekes. He went to the overseer of the Beis ha'Keneses, who was eating. He invited R. Yosi to eat;

אמר ליה אכלית ואפסקית אמר לו אשגח עלי דלא לימרון הדין גברא לא אשגח עליה


Citation (cont.): R. Yosi said that he already ate and was Mafsik (finished eating before the fast). The overseer said 'heed me, lest people say that you did not heed me.'

אכל מכל עיגול פתית ואכל מכל תבשיל ותבשיל חד פת ושתה מכל חבית חד כסא


Citation (cont.): R. Yosi ate from every loaf a small piece, from every Tavshil a small amount, and drank one cup from every barrel.

והכי הלכתא אם עדיין היום גדול לאחר שאכל סעודה המפסקת מותר לשתות אפילו ערב יוה"כ וכל שכן ערב תשעה באב.


Conclusion: This is the Halachah. If much time remains in the day after he ate Seudah Mafsekes, he may drink, even on Erev Yom Kipur, and all the more so on Erev Tish'ah b'Av.


TOSFOS DH Amar Rava Halachah k'Tana Didan v'Lo Hodu Lo Chachamim

תוספות ד"ה אמר רבא הלכה כתנא דידן ולא הודו לו חכמים

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that therefore we do not invert the bed.)

- פירוש שאין צריך לכפות המטה


Explanation: He need not invert the bed.

והאידנא דחיישינן לכשפים לא עבדינן כפיית המטה ואפילו באבל.


Pesak: Nowadays we are concerned for [Nochri accusations that he does] witchcraft, so we do not invert the bed even during Avelus.


TOSFOS DH Yom she'Hutru ha'Shevetim Lavo Zeh b'Zeh

תוספות ד"ה יום שהותרו השבטים לבא זה בזה

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is why it is a Yom Tov.)

- פירוש דהיינו י"ט.


Explanation: This is why it is a Yom Tov.


Note: This attribute makes it a Yom Tov. Rav Yosef explains the second attribute (it is when Binyamin was permitted) to explain why it is greater than the other Yamim Tovim (Maharatz Chayos).


TOSFOS DH Yom she'Kalu Mesei Midbar

תוספות ד"ה יום שבו כלו מתי מדבר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why this was the 15th.)

- כדאמרי' (במדרש איכה) כל ט' באב היו עושין קבריהן ושוכבין בתוכן ולמחר הכרוז יוצא הבדלו החיים


Explanation #1: This is like we say (introduction to Midrash Eichah, 33) that every Tish'ah b'Av, they used to make graves, and sleep in them. The next day they announced "the living should separate [from the dead]!"

ואותה השנה שכלתה הגזרה קמו כולם והיו סבורים שמא טעו בחודש


The year that the decree ended, all of them arose (no one died). They thought that perhaps they erred about [which day was Rosh Chodesh, so it was not really the ninth of] the month.

עד שראו הלבנה מלאה ואז ידעו שכלתה הגזרה ועשו יו"ט


[They slept in graves again the next night, and the night after...] until they saw the moon full. Then they knew that the decree ended, and they made a Yom Tov.


Note: How could they think that Hash-m did not agree to the day they were Mekadesh to be Rosh Chodesh? If so, almost everyone transgressed Melachah on Yom Tov, eating on Yom Kipur, and they did not fulfill Mitzvos such as Shofar, Sukah, Lulav, Matzah and Korbanos of Mo'adim and Rosh Chodesh in the proper time... And why were they in Safek until the 15th? How could they think that they erred six days about Rosh Chodesh, which is once the new moon is seen! Also, on the ninth, the moon is about 60% full. Already on the 13th, it looks almost full! (It is difficult to say that [in summer!] every day until then was cloudy, and the moon was not visible. It connotes that they saw the moon every night, but were in Safek until it was full!) They knew which day people died the previous year. How could they think that they were Me'aber six months too many since last year? (It would be more reasonable to assume that Hash-m considered it a leap year, so now is Tamuz! Perhaps the year already was Me'uberes, or they knew from calculation that it cannot be a leap year, e.g. two of the last three years were leap years.) This must be like the opinion that manna fell on Yom Tov. (Midrashim argue about this - Tosfos Beitzah 2b DH v'Hayah. We hold that one must bless on two loaves on Yom Tov (OC 529:1), unlike this opinion.) If not, from the lack of manna on the first [or seventh] day of Pesach (they cannot both fall on Shabbos), they knew the correct day of Rosh Chodesh Nisan. Even if they erred about every month after this, Rosh Chodesh Av would be at most four days too early!

ופרשב"ם (בב"ב דף קכא.) כל המ' שנים לא היו מתים אלא בט' באב


Explanation #1 (cont. - Rashbam): The entire 40 years, they died only on Tish'ah b'Av.

ובכל ט' באב היו מתים מת"ר אלף כ"א אלף ופרוטרוט ומפרש התם דאותו פרוטרוט עולה למ' שנים ט"ו אלף


Every Tish'ah b'Av, of the 600,000, 21,000 and a Prutprut (remainder less than 1000) died. There [the Rashbam] explains that the Prutprut, over the course of 40 years, amounts to 15,000. (R. David Ofenheim (b'Sof Teshuvos Chavos Ya'ir, Teshuvah 2) defends this text. He says that when Tish'ah b'Av fell on Shabbos, people did not die that year. They did not die the year that the Meraglim returned (the second year). In the 37 remaining years, Tish'ah b'Av falls on a weekday 28 times. Twenty-eight times 21,000 is 598,000. About 536 others died each of the 28 years (the Prutprut); over the course of 40 years, amounts to 15,550; the decree was on 603,550 Yisre'elim).


Note: He connotes that the Lu'ach Shanim (calendar) was fixed, like it is nowadays. Therefore, Tish'ah b'Av fell on Shabbos nine times. This is difficult. It was fixed after the second Churban, lest people in Galus not find out in time! Also, our Lu'ach ensures that Hoshana Rabah will never fall on Shabbos, lest we omit the Nevi'im's enactment to take the Aravah that day. This did not apply in the days of Moshe! Normally, we would expect Tish'ah b'Av to fall on Shabbos once very 7 years; the average amount in 37 years is about 5.3. Perhaps Hash-m's mercy caused it to happen nine times. Alternatively, Beis Din can b'Mezid make a month 29 or 30 days, whether or not witnesses saw the new moon. Perhaps whenever Tamuz 29 fell on Wednesday or Thursday, the Beis Din chose to make Rosh Chodesh Av on Friday, so Tish'ah b'Av would be on Shabbos. (They did not want to be so bold to "rig" previous months to make Rosh Chodesh (and the 29th of) Tamuz fall on Wednesday or Thursday.) This normally happens twice in seven years; the average amount in 37 years is 10.6. Perhaps it happened only nine times, for initially they did not know to do so, until Tish'ah b'Av "naturally" fell on Shabbos. However, if so, they knew that Hash-m accepted their Kidush ha'Chodesh. Why did they err in the last year? Also, why did they rejoice on the 15th? They should have assumed that Tish'ah b'Av was on Shabbos, and therefore people did not die! Perhaps they knew that this was the last year of the decree, so since they did not die now, they were pardoned (PF). Maharsha fixes the text of Tosfos to say that 15,000 and a remainder died every year. If people died only in 37 years, more than 16,000 died every year! Rather, Hash-m decreed for 38 years, but pardoned those destined to die the last year (Baruch Ta'am). Alternatively, perhaps less than 16,000 died each Tish'ah b'Av, for more than 12,000 of those who died due to Korach's rebellion, the Slav, the Ma'apilim... were among the count of 600,000, i.e. male Yisre'elim (not Leviyim) above 20 (PF).

וי"מ שהיו מתים בכל יום אך רוב המתים היו לעולם בתשעה באב ובחמשה עשר באב פסקה הגזרה ולא מתו כלל ועשו י"ט.


Explanation #2: Some say that they died every day, but most died on Tish'ah b'Av. On the 15th, the decree ended, and they did not die at all, and they made a Yom Tov.