(Rabah bar bar Chanah citing R. Yochanan): These openings [Shitin] originate in the six days of Creation (proof text which is further expounded to teach that the openings go down to the depths, Hash-m's Handiwork).
This is supported by Tana d'vei R. Yishmael from the word Bereishis, and by R. Yosi in the Beraisa (expounding the Pasuk in Yeshayah 5).
(R. Elazar b. Tzadok): There was an opening (Lul) on the western side of the Mizbe'ach, between the Kevesh and the Mizbe'ach into which the wine dripped (not going to the depths).
Once in 70 years the young Kohanim would bring up the coagulated wine which was burnt (Isur Hana'ah), as learned from ba'Kodesh Hasech Nesech Shechar LaShem.
Question: How does this Pasuk imply that the wine remaining in the Shitin must be burnt?
Answer (Ravina): The work Kodesh links the Nisuch to the Sereifah.
Question: Who, then, is the author of the teaching that Nesachim only have Me'ilah prior to Nisuch but not after?
Answer: It is R. Elazar b. Tzadok (since, according to Rabanan, the wine went down to the depths and was not around to be burned!).
Answer: It could even be Rabanan, speaking where it happened that the wine was caught in a Kli before it could descend.
Alternate Question: It seems that this teaching is Rabanan since, according to R. Elazar b. Tzadok it must be burned while this Mishnah teaches that there is no Me'ilah after its use!?
Answer: It could even be R. Elazar, since nothing could have Me'ilah after its Mitzvah has been done (and the burning is not m'Ikar ha'Mitzvah).
(Resh Lakish): The Shitin were plugged up during the Nisuch so that the "throat" of the Mizbe'ach should appear full (as the Pasuk ba'Kodesh Hasech implies).
Question: How is this learned from ba'Kodesh Hasech?
Answer (R. Papa): The word Shechar implies fullness.
(R. Papa): The satisfaction from wine comes from the throat (not the stomach).
(Rava): A Talmid Chacham who does not have much wine should drink the little that he has in large gulps, to derive satisfaction therefrom (Rava would thus enhance his experience from a Kos Shel Berachah).
(Rava): The Pasuk Mah Yafu Pa'amayich Bas Nadiv refers to Bnei Yisrael, the nation of Avraham Avinu, the Nadiv (the first to generously give himself to become a Jew), who would come for Aliyas Regel.
(Bei R. Anan): Words of Torah are called a Yerech since they are learned in private, not in public.
This is supported by R. Elazar who taught the Kal va'Chomer that private matters (in this case Tzedakah, but readily applicable to Torah study) should certainly be conducted modestly.
R. Elazar taught the following five Derashos:
Tzedakah is greater than offering Korbanos (proof text).
Gemilus Chasadim is greater than Tzedakah (proof text, since reaping is greater than planting).
The merit of Tzedakah is not the amount given, but the Chesed involved in troubling oneself to give properly (proof text).
(Beraisa): Three ways in which Gemilus Chesed is greater than Tzedakah.
It is done with both body and funds, it is done for rich and poor, to the living and to the dead.
One who does Tzedakah and Mishpat fills the world with Chesed (proof text).
Not all who give Tzedakah merit to give it to worthy recipients (proof text).
A Yarei Shamayim is assured that his Tzedakah will go to worthy recipients (proof text).
(R Chama b. Papa): Whomever has Chen is surely a Yarei Shamayim (same proof text).
Toras Chesed refers to Torah Lishmah (alternately it refers to Torah studied in order to teach it).