SOTAH 40 (30 Sivan) - Dedicated by Dr. Alain Bitton of Geneva, Switzerland, in memory of his grandmother, Freha bat Haviva Bitton a"h.

[40a - 53 lines; 40b - 27 lines]

1)[line 7]פסוקא לקבל פסוקאPESUKA LA'KAVEL PESUKA- a verse for a verse (after each verse of Birkas Kohanim or during the recitation of the Name of HaSh-m in each verse of Birkas Kohanim, one of these verses is said by the congregation)

2)[line 10]אמר רבי חנינא בר פפא תדעAMAR REBBI CHANINA BAR PAPA, TEDA- Rebbi Chanina bar Papa said, "You should know [that this is true...] (that the correct ruling is not to recite these verses)

3)[line 15]מסביר פניםMASBIR PANIM- to demonstrate that the Birkas Kohanim is important and pleasing to him by thanking his Master (through the recitation of these verses that contain praises of HaSh-m) for bestowing it upon him

4)[line 16]מריש הוה אמינא להוME'REISH HAVAH AMINA LEHU- at first I used to say them

5)[line 19]עינותנא אנאINVESANA ANA- I am a humble person

6)[line 21]אמוריהAMOREI- his Meturgeman, (a) the person who repeats in a loud voice the words of the Rav, who lectures in a low voice (RASHI to Berachos 56a); (b) the person who translates into Aramaic the words of the Rav, who delivers the Shi'ur in a low voice in Hebrew (RASHI to Yoma 20b)

7)[line 23]דביתהוD'VIS'HU- his wife

8)[line 24]הא דידן לא צריך ליה לדידךHA DIDAN LO TZARICH LEI L'DIDACH- Behold! Mine (my husband) does not need yours (your husband)!

9)[line 25]דגחין וזקיף עליהD'GACHIN V'ZAKIF ALEI- that he bends down (to hear his words) and stands up (to repeat his words) for him

10)[line 28]מיני ומיניה יתקלס עילאהMINI U'MINEI YISKALES ILA'AH- between the two of us, the One Who Is Most High shall be praised

11)[line 29]אימנו רבנן עליהIMNU RABANAN ALEI- the Chachamim voted about him

12)[line 29]לממנייה ברישאL'MIMNAYEI B'REISHA- to appoint him as their leader

13)[line 31]איכא רבהIKA RABAH!- There is a greater person!

14)[line 32]איקלעוIKLA'U- came, visited

15a)[line 33]באגדתאAGADETA- the class of Rabbinical literature that contains homiletic interpretations of the verses of Scriptures

b)[line 33]בשמעתאSHEMA'ATA- the class of Rabbinical literature that contains laws of prohibitions and ritual purity

16)[line 34]שבקוהSHAVKUHA- they left [him]

17)[line 35]חלש דעתיהCHALASH DA'ATEI- he became upset or dejected

18)[line 38]סידקיתSIDKIS- items used for spinning thread or for sewing

19)[line 39]מלוהMELAVEH- escort

20)[line 40]אושפיזיהUSHPIZEI- his place of lodging, inn

21)[line 40]משום יקרא דבי קיסרMISHUM YEKARA D'VEI KEISAR- for the honor of the Roman emperor (since Rebbi Avahu was held in high esteem by the Roman authorities - see Kesuvos 17a)

22)[line 41]ההוא יומאHA'HU YOMA- on that day [that everyone went to hear Rebbi Avahu and left Rebbi Chiya bar Aba]

23)[line 42]לא איתותב דעתיהLO ITOSAV DA'ATEI- he was not consoled

24)[line 49]"ויקם דויד המלך על רגליו ויאמר שמעוני אחי ועמי אני...""VA'YAKAM DAVID HA'MELECH AL RAGLAV VA'YOMER: SHEMA'UNI ACHAI V'AMI..." - "[And David assembled in Yerushalayim, all the leaders of Yisrael, the leaders of the tribes, the leaders of the divisions that served the king, the officers of thousands, the officers of hundreds, and the officers who were in charge of the possessions and livestock of the king and his sons, along with the valets and the mighty men.] And David ha'Melech stood up on his feet (despite his advanced age) and he said: Listen to me my brothers and my people; it has been in my heart to build a House of Rest for the Aron of the Covenant of HaSh-m, and as a footstool for the feet of our G-d, and I have made the preparations to build it." (Divrei ha'Yamim I 28:1-2) (DAVID HA'MELECH AND THE BEIS HA'MIKDASH)

(a)It had long been David's wish to build the Beis ha'mikdash, only HaSh-m told him that, as a man of war, it was not befitting for David to fulfill this Mitzvah, but that his son Shlomo, who was a man of peace, would build it. Nevertheless, David, together with Nasan ha'Navi, prepared the plans of the Beis ha'Mikdash, and David set aside vast funds and silver and gold, copper and iron, as well as all the other raw materials needed for its construction.

(b)He now assembled all the leaders of the people to inform them of what he had done, before calling in his son Shlomo and handing him the plans of the Beis ha'Mikdash and formally appointing him with the task of building the Beis ha'Mikdash. He also inspired them to add large amounts of raw materials to the Temple treasury.

25)[line 51]ואני רודה אתכם במקלV'ANI RODEH ESCHEM B'MAKEL- and I will rule over you with a big stick

26)[last line]רצועהRETZU'AH- strap

27)[last line]והדר אזיל למיקטריהV'HADAR AZIL L'MIKTEREI- and he will go back to tie it


28)[line 2]מנין שאין עונין אמן במקדש?MINAYIN SHE'EIN ONIN AMEN BA'MIKDASH?- From where do we learn that the answer "Amen" is not used in the Beis ha'Mikdash?

29)[line 6]על כל ברכה וברכה תן לו תהלהAL KOL BERACHAH U'VERACHAH, TEN LO SEHILAH- after every blessing, give praise to HaSh-m

30a)[line 8]חזן הכנסתCHAZAN HA'KENESES- the sexton who took care of the maintenance of the synagogue that was located on Har ha'Bayis near the Azarah (RASHI, TIFERES YISRAEL 7:7:30)

b)[line 9]לראש הכנסתROSH HA'KENESES- the superintendent of the synagogue who would appoint those who would lead the services and read the Torah

c)[line 9]לסגןSEGAN- the deputy Kohen Gadol, who has been prepared to officiate in place of the Kohen Gadol, should he become unfit to do the Avodah (RASHI). According to the Girsa in Yoma 39a, he always stays at the Kohen Gadol's right-hand side.

31)[line 12]ומניחה בחיקוU'MENICHAH B'CHEIKO- (a) and he embraces it against his chest; (b) he placed it under his arm (TIFERES YISRAEL to Yoma 7:1:13)

32)[line 14]שבחומש הפקודיםSHEB'CHUMASH HA'PEKUDIM- that is in Sefer Bamidbar (Bamidbar 29:7-11)

33)[line 15]על התורהAL HA'TORAH- the blessing normally recited after reading the Torah ("Asher Nasan Lanu Es Toraso...")

34)[line 15]ועל העבודהV'AL HA'AVODAH- and the blessing of Retzeh (Avodah), which ended with the words she'Osecha Levadecha b'Yir'ah Na'avod, which is the Nusach of most Machzorim

35)[line 16]ועל ההודייהV'AL HA'HODAYAH- and the blessing of Modim (Hoda'ah)

36)[line 16]מחילת העוןMECHILAS HA'AVON- the blessing that starts with "Atah Bachartanu" and ends with "Melech Mochel v'Sole'ach la'Avonoseinu vela'Avonos Amo Yisrael..."

37)[line 16]ועל המקדשV'AL HA'MIKDASH- a prayer for the Beis ha'Mikdash that ends with "Asher Bachar ba'Mikdash"

38)[line 17]ועל ישראלV'AL YISRAEL- a prayer for Benei Yisrael that ends with "ha'Bocher b'Amo Yisrael"

39)[line 17]ועל ירושליםV'AL YERUSHALAYIM- see Insights

40)[line 19]חולקין כבוד לתלמיד במקום הרבCHOLKIN KAVOD LA'TALMID BI'MEKOM HA'RAV- one is permitted to honor a student in the presence of his teacher or any other Torah sage whom the student is required to honor

41)[line 24]"ויבא המלך דוד וישב לפני ה' ויאמר מי אנכי ה' אלקים ומי ביתי כי הבאתני עד הלם""VA'YAVO HA'MELECH DAVID VA'YESHEV LIFNEI HASH-M VA'YOMER: MI ANOCHI HASH-M ELOKIM U'MI BEISI, KI HAVI'OSI AD HALOM?" - "And the king, David, came and sat before HaSh-m (as only the king of Yehudah is permitted to do) and he said: Who am I, HaSh-m Elokim, and what is my family, that you have brought me until here?" (Shmuel II 7:18) (DAVID'S HUMILITY)

(a)HaSh-m responded to David's request to build the Beis ha'Mikdash in the negative, although he promised David that his son Shlomo would build it. HaSh-m promised that - unlike Shaul, who lost the throne on account of his sin - David's son would never lose it, and that even if he sinned, he would be punished severely but he would remain king.

(b)David, in his deep humility, could not understand why he, of all people, should have been chosen to rule eternally over Yisrael, particularly bearing in mind that he was descended from Rus ha'Mo'aviyah. In these verses he expresses his gratitude to HaSh-m for the honor.

42)[line 25]כדאמר רב חסדא בעזרת נשיםKED'AMAR RAV CHISDA, B'EZRAS NASHIM- (Rav Chisda is explaining what the Tana Kama of the Beraisa brought below meant by saying that the Torah was read "in the Azarah." His statement is also recorded on Daf 41a in its proper place after the Beraisa)