[39a - 23 lines; 39b - 51 lines]
1)[line 5]"ויקרא בו לפני הרחוב אשר לפני שער המים מן האור עד מחצית היום נגד האנשים והנשים והמבינים ואזני כל העם אל ספר התורה... ויפתח עזרא הספר לעיני כל העם כי מעל כל העם היה וכפתחו עמדו כל העם""VA'YIKRA BO LIFNEI HA'RECHOV ASHER LIFNEI SHA'AR HA'MAYIM MIN HA'OR AD MACHTZIS HA'YOM, NEGED HA'ANASHIN VEHA'NASHIM VEHA'MEVINIM, V'AZNEI KOL HA'AM EL SEFER HA'TORAH... VA'YIFTACH EZRA HA'SEFER L'EINEI KOL HA'AM, KI ME'AL KOL HA'AM HAYAH, UCHE'PISCHO AMDU CHOL HA'AM." - "And he read in it before the plaza which was in front of the Water-Gate, from the beginning of the day until mid-day, in the presence of the men and the women and the wise men, and all the people bent their ears to hear the words of the Sefer Torah. And Ezra opened the Sefer, for he stood above all the people, and when he opened it, all the people arose." (Nechemyah 8:3, 5) (EZRA READS THE TORAH TO THE PEOPLE)
See Background to Nedarim 37:7.
2)[line 6]"והוחלתי כי לא ידברו כי עמדו לא ענו עוד""V'HOCHALTI KI LO YEDABERU; KI AMDU LO ANU OD."- "And shall I wait because they do not speak, because they stand there and answer no more?" (Iyov 32:16)
3)[line 13]לא עשיתי בית הכנסת קפנדריאLO ASISI BEIS HA'KENESES KAPANDARYA- I did not walk through a synagogue as a shortcut
4)[line 13]ולא פסעתי על ראשי עם קודשV'LO PASATI AL ROSHEI AM KODESH- and I did not [walk in a place where I would appear to] step over the heads of the holy nation (the students)
5)[line 17]כי עקר כרעיהKI AKAR KAR'EI- when a Kohen starts to move (lit. uproot his feet)
6)[line 20]מכשולMICHSHOL- impediment; hindrance
7)[line 20]ועוןV'AVON- and a sin
8)[line 21]וכי מהדר אפיה מציבוראV'KI MEHADER APEI MI'TZIBURA- and when the Kohen turns his face away from the congregation (after saying the Birkas Kohanim)
9)[line 21]אדבריהADBEREI- (lit. led him) taught him the following words
10)[line 1]"השקיפה ממעון קדשך מן השמים וברך את אמך את ישראל ואת האדמה אשר נתתה לנו כאשר נשבעת לאבותינו ארץ זבת חלב ודבש""HASHKIFAH MI'ME'ON KODSHECHA MIN HA'SHAMAYIM, U'VARECH ES AMCHA ES YISRAEL, V'ES HA'ADAMAH ASHER NASATA LANU; KA'ASHER NISHBATA LA'AVOSEINU, ERETZ ZAVAS CHALAV U'DVASH."- "Look forth from Your Holy Habitation, from Heaven, and bless Your people Yisrael, and the land that You gave us; as You swore to our fathers, a land flowing with milk and honey." (Devarim 26:15)
11)[line 3]לכוף קישרי אצבעותיהןLA'KOF KISHREI ETZBE'OSEIHEN- to bend the knuckles of their hands
12)[line 18]המתרגםHA'METARGEM- the one who translates the Parshah into Aramaic, verse by verse (this is still the custom today in Yemenite congregations)
13)[line 22]המפטיר בנביאHA'MAFTIR BA'NAVI- the one who finishes [the reading on Shabbos by reading] from the Prophets
14)[line 27]להפשיט את התיבהL'HAFSHIT ES HA'TEIVAH- to take off the decorative cloths from the Bimah, the table upon which the Sefer Torah is placed when reading from it
15)[line 33]בר אהינא אסברה ליBAR AHINA ASBERAH LI- [the sage named] bar Ahina explained it to me
16)[line 36]"ברכו ה' מלאכיו גבורי כח [עשי דברו לשמע בקול דברו]""BARCHU HASH-M MAL'ACHAV, GIBOREI CHO'ACH, [OSEI DEVARO, LISHMO'A B'KOL DEVARO.]"- "Bless HaSh-m, O you His angels, you mighty ones, [who do His word, listening to the voice of His word!]" (Tehilim 103:20)
17)[line 41]"שיר המעלות הנה ברכו את ה' כל עבדי ה' [העומדים בבית ה' בלילות]""SHIR HA'MA'ALOS, HINEH BARECHU ES HASH-M KOL AVDEI HASH-M [HA'OMDIM B'VEIS HASH-M BA'LEILOS.]"- "A Song of Ascents. Behold, bless HaSh-m, all you servants of HaSh-m, [who by night stand in the House of HaSh-m.]" (Tehilim 134:1)
18)[line 49]"מקוה ישראל מושיעו בעת צרה למה תהיה כגר בארץ [וכאורח נטה ללון. למה תהיה כאיש נדהם כגבור לא יוכל להושיע ואתה בקרבנו ה' ושמך עלינו נקרא אל תנחנו]""MIKVEH YISRAEL, MOSHI'O B'ES TZARAH; LAMAH SIHEYEH K'GER BA'ARETZ, [UCH'ORE'ACH NATAH LALUN? LAMAH SIHEYEH K'ISH NIDHAM, K'GIBOR LO YUCHAL L'HOSHI'A, V'ATAH V'KIRBENU HASH-M, V'SHIMCHA ALEINU, AL TANICHENU!]"- "O Hope of Yisrael, its Savior in times of trouble, why should You be like a stranger in the land, [and like a wayfaring man who turns aside to stay for a night? Why should You be like a man astonished, like a mighty man who cannot save? Yet You, O HaSh-m, are in the midst of us, and we are called by Your name; leave us not!" (Yirmeyahu 14:8-9)