SOTAH 6 - Dedicated by Yeshayahu Schmidt of Clifton NJ and family. May the Zechus of teaching Torah to Klal Yisrael assure them good health and the fulfillment all of their material needs, enabling them to continue dedicating their energy to Torah and Mitzvos. May Hashem bestow upon you the unlimited Berachah of those who support Torah, in this world and the next!

[3a - 54 lines; 3b - 51 lines]

1)[line 4]"ויקנא ה' לארצו [ויחמל על עמו]""VA'YIKANEI HASH-M L'ARTZO [VA'YACHMOL AL AMO.]"- "Then HaSh-m was zealous for His land, [and pitied His people.]" (Yoel 2:18) - The Gemara interprets this verse to mean, "Then HaSh-m warned the various species of locusts not to destroy his land..."

2)[line 6]מכריז עליו בגלויMACHRIZ ALAV B'GALUY- proclaims about him publicly

3)[line 10]רוח שטותRU'ACH SHETUS- a spirit of madness, foolishness

4)[line 10]"איש איש כי תשטה אשתו""ISH ISH KI SISTEH ISHTO..."- "If any man's wife goes astray..." (Bamidbar 5:12)

5)[line 11]תשטה כתיבTISHTEH KESIV- it is written [so that it can be read] will act in madness, foolishly

6)[line 17]"ועבר לכם כל חלוץ [את הירדן לפני ה' עד הורישו את איביו מפניו]""V'AVAR LACHEM KOL CHALUTZ [ES HA'YARDEN LIFNEI HASH-M; AD HORISHO ES OYEVAV MIPANAV.]"- "And every armed man among you shall cross the Yarden [River] before HaSh-m, until He drives out His enemies before Him." (Bamidbar 32:21)

7)[line 32]"[ולאחתו הבתולה הקרובה אליו אשר לא היתה לאיש] לה יטמא""[VELA'ACHOSO HA'BESULAH, HA'KEROVAH ELAV, ASHER LO HAYESAH L'ISH,] LAH YITAMA."- "[And for his virgin sister, who is next [of kin] to him, who has had no husband;] for her he may become Tamei." (Vayikra 21:3)

8)[line 33]"[והתנחלתם אתם לבניכם אחריכם לרשת אחזה] לעלם בהם תעבדו [ובאחיכם בני ישראל איש באחיו לא תרדה בו בפרך]""[V'HISNACHALTEM OSAM LI'VNEICHEM ACHAREICHEM LA'RESHES ACHUZAH,] L'OLAM BAHEM TA'AVODU; [UV'ACHEICHEM BENEI YISRAEL, ISH B'ACHIV LO SIRDEH VO B'FARECH]"- "[And you shall hold onto them as a heritage for your children after you, to give to your heirs as a possession;] you shall work with them forever; [but your brothers, the people of Yisrael, you shall not subjugate with hard labor.]" (Vayikra 25:46)

9)[line 42]כלפי שאמרה תורהKELAPEI SHE'AMRAH TORAH- since the Torah stated

10)[line 52]"[ויאמר...] אמר אל הכהנים בני אהרן ואמרת אלהם לנפש לא יטמא בעמיו. כי אם לשארו [הקרב אליו לאמו... ולאחתו הבתולה]...""[VA'YOMER...] EMOR EL HA'KOHANIM BENEI AHARON; V'AMARTA ALEHEM, L'NEFESH LO YITAMA B'AMAV. KI IM LI'SH'EIRO [HA'KAROV ELAV, L'IMO UL'AVIV... VELA'ACHOSO HA'BESULAH...]"- "[And HaSh-m said to Moshe:] Speak to the Kohanim, the sons of Aharon, and say to them, 'Each of you shall not Metamei himself for a [dead] person among his people. Except for his relative [who is closest to him (i.e. his wife), for his mother and for his father, for his son, for his daughter, and for his brother. And for his virgin sister, who is next [of kin] to him, who has had no husband; for her he may become Tamei.']" (Vayikra 21:1-3)

11)[last line]לה יטמאLAH YITAMA

(a)The Torah (Vayikra 21:1-4) forbids Kohanim from coming into contact with corpses while concurrently commanding them to handle the burial of certain relatives. Those relatives are the Kohen's mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister from his father (if she is an unmarried virgin), and wife (if the wife is permitted to be married to him).

(b)If a Kohen is married to a woman with Kidushin mid'Rabanan (e.g. if she married him as a minor after her father died), her husband is allowed and required to handle her burial. (The Gemara (Yevamos 89b) concludes that the Kohen is actually permitted to bury her mid'Oraisa, even though she is only married to him with a Kidushin mid'Rabanan. Since the Kohen inherits her, nobody else will handle her burial, and therefore she is like a Mes Mitzvah - see Background to Nazir 43:17 and Insights to Yevamos 89b.)

(c)The prohibition to come into contact with a corpse applies only to male Kohanim who are not Chalalim. (However, immediately before, and during, the three pilgrimage holidays (Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukos), every Jew, male or female, is commanded to be Tahor - RASHI, Yevamos 29b DH v'Lo Mitames.) The positive command to handle the burial of the seven relatives mentioned above (a) applies not only to Kohanim, but also to all Jews.

12)[last line]ואין מיטמא לאיבריהV'EIN MITAMEI L'EIVAREHA- but he must not become Tamei for one of her severed limbs, which are Metamei like the limbs of a corpse (Chulin 128b)


13)[line 14, 17]"וגם מבני התושבים הגרים עמכם מהם תקנו [ומשפחתם אשר אשר עמכם] אשר הולידו בארצכם [והיו לכם לאחזה]""V'GAM MI'BENEI HA'TOSHAVIM HA'GARIM IMACHEM, MEHEM TIKNU, [UMI'MISHPACHTAM ASHER IMACHEM,] ASHER HOLIDU B'ARTZECHEM; [V'HAYU LACHEM LA'ACHUZAH]"- "Moreover of the children of the nations that sojourn among you, of them shall you buy (slaves), [and of their families that are with you,] which they fathered in your land; [and they shall be your possession.]" (Vayikra 25:45)

14)[line 22]"ובאחיכם""UV'ACHEICHEM" (Vayikra 25:46)- see above, entry #8

15)[line 28]כי קריא לשומשמאKI KARYA L'SHUMSHEMA- like the sesame worm to sesame

16)[line 29]תוקפא בביתאTUKFA B'VEISA- anger in the house

17)[line 35]מלפפתוMELAPAFTO- enwraps (and clings to) him

18)[line 36]"ילפתו ארחות דרכם יעלו בתוהו ויאבדו""YILAFESU ORCHOS DARKAM; YA'ALU BA'TOHU V'YOVEDU."- "They become enwrapped in their [dishonest] ways; they will go into nothingness and become lost." (Iyov 6:18)