תוספות ד"ה או שהיה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Mishnah repeats that this only applies to those who are fit to testify.)
אף על גב דכבר שמענו דאין נוהגת אלא בראוין להעיד
Implied Question: This is despite the fact that we already know that this only applies to those who are fit to testify. (Why did the Mishnah repeat this if was already stated in a previous Mishnah?)
איצטריך למיתני הכא דאפי' אם יש שלשה עדים והשנים כשרים פטורין דעדות שבטלה מקצתה בטלה כולה, מתוספות ה"ר משה
Answer: It has to say this here as well to teach that even if there are three witnesses, and two of them are valid, they are exempt. This is because a group of witnesses that has been partially invalidated is totally invalidated. The source for this is the Tosfos of Rabeinu Moshe.
תוספות ד"ה באלף
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this can be done while avoiding a more serious prohibition.)
אע"ג דההוגה את השם באותיותיו אין לו חלק כו'
Implied Question: This is despite the fact that someone who pronounces the name of Hash-m as it is written has no portion in the world to come.
שמא כיון שאינו מתכוין לשם מותר גם זה מתוספות רבינו משה
Answer: Perhaps if he does not have intent for the name of Hash-m this is permitted. The source for this as well is the Tosfos of Rabeinu Moshe.
תוספות ד"ה בפר"ח
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we are more stringent regarding the letters "Alef" and "Daled" from the name of Hash-m.)
א"ד מן השם אינו נמחק
Opinion: The letters "Alef" and "Daled" from the name of Hash-m may not be erased.
ותימה דמאי שנא מצ"ב מצבאות וש"ד משדי דנמחקין לפי שאין שם בפני עצמו
Question: This is difficult. Why is this different than the letters "Tzadi" and "Veis" from "Tzivakos" and the letters "Shin" and "Daled" from "Shakai" that can be erased (before the entire word is spelled out) because they do not form an entire name of Hash-m?
ושמא משום דשם המיוחד הוא יש להחמיר בו יותר
Answer: Perhaps because it is the special name of Hash-m there is reason to be more stringent.
תוספות ד"ה ה"ג
(SUMMARY: Tosfos quotes the proper text, and explains why it is necessary.)
אין הלכה כרבי יוסי
Text: The law does not follow Rebbi Yosi.
Implied Question: The Gemara needed to say this. (Why? Isn't it obvious that if he argues with the Tana Kama/Chachamim that the law does not follow him?)
דלא תימא נימוקו עמו וכן [גרס] ר"ח
Answer: This is in order that we should not say the law follows him anyway, as his reasoning is always with him (see Gitin 67a).
וכן [גרס] ר"ח
Text: This is also the text of the Rach.
תוספות ד"ה באחרונה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how they were more discerning the last time.)
שבכולן לא כתב אם אחדל אלא באחרונה דכתיב האוסיף לצאת למלחמה עם בני בנימין אחי אם אחדל
Explanation: Whenever they asked they did not say, "If I should stop" besides the last time they asked. This (last time) is as the Pasuk says, "Should I continue to go to war with my brother Binyamin, or should I stop?"
תוספות ד"ה דקטלא
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains this refers to an optional war.)
בהוצאת למלחמת הרשות קאמר
Explanation: This is referring to going out to an optional war.
תוספות ד"ה מה כאן שבועה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why we do not cite the Gezeirah Shaveh of "Secheta" as a source.)
תימה ותיפוק ליה משבועת הפקדון מג"ש דתחטא וכ"ת דעיקר דאיצטריך למילף מה כאן בשם כו' אכתי לקמן דפריך לרבנן אלה דשבועה היא מנ"ל ליגמר מפקדון
Question: This is difficult. Why doesn't he derive this from Shevuas ha'Pikadon using the Gezeirah Shaveh of "Secheta?" If you will say that this is because the main teaching it must learn is "Just as here this is with a name of Hash-m etc." even so, when the Gemara later asks how the Rabbanan know that Alah refers to Shevuah, why don't we derive this from Pikadon!