

תוספות ד"ה קמ"ל

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains whether or not we maintain the teaching that Sheker and Shav were spoken together.)

וא"ת א"כ בלא דיבור אחד נאמרו דרשינן ליה מה' לא ינקה אבל ב"ד של מטה מלקין אותו


Question: Even without the fact that they were spoken together, we would still derive from the Pasuk that Hash-m will not cleanse him from this sin, but Beis Din gives him lashes!

וי"ל דהשתא הדר ביה ממאי דאמר בדיבור אחד נאמרו


Answer: The Gemara is now retracting its statement that they were spoken at the same time.

ומיהו בירושלמי ובסיפרי מוכח בהדיא דבדיבור אחד נאמרו דקאמר התם שוא ושקר בדיבור אחד נאמרו וכן מחלליה מות יומת וביום השבת כו'


Opinion: However, the Yerushalmi and Sifri clearly indicate that they were said together, as they say that the words "Shav" and "Sheker" were said together. The same is true regarding the words "Mechalelehah Mos Yumas" and "u'vi'Yom ha'Shabbos etc."

וללישנא דבסמוך דאכלתי ולא אכלתי שקר ויליף מלשוא לשוא ב' פעמים איצטריך שפיר הא דבלאו אחד נאמר


According to the text quoted later that "I ate" and "I didn't eat" are referring to Shevuos Sheker, and we derive this from the fact that it says "l'Shav" twice, we indeed must say that they were spoken together as one negative prohibition.

משום דאיכא למיפרך אדרשא דלשוא כדפריך לקמן ומאי שנא פירוש אפי' אוכל ולא אוכל נמי ומשני בפירוש ריבתה תורה כו' והיינו דבלאו אחד נאמרו כדפרישית בפ"ק (דף ג: ד"ה בפירוש)


This is because it is possible to ask regarding the teaching of "l'Shav" as the Gemara asks later, why should it be different? In other words, the Gemara asks, why (does Rebbi Yochanan say that if someone swore he would eat a certain loaf that day and did not do so is he not liable to receive lashes, if the Mishnah said that even) if someone said he would or would not eat something he is liable? The Gemara answers that the Torah specifically included etc. In other words, the Gemara answered that they were said together as one negative prohibition, as I explained earlier (3b, DH B'FEIRUSH).

ואיצטריך נמי דרשא דלשוא לשוא משום דלא נאמרו בדיבור אחד לענין שבועה אלא לענין עדות דבדברות הראשונות כתיב לא תענה ברעך עד שקר ובדברות האחרונות עד שוא


The teaching of "l'Shav-l'Shav" is also required because they were not spoken together regarding Shevuah, but rather they were spoken together regarding testimony. In the first Dibros the Pasuk says, "Do not answer your friend by being a "Sheker" -- "false" witness." In the second Dibros the Pasuk says, "a "Shav" -- "false" witness."

אבל השתא דכתיב לשוא לשוא ילפינן שפיר ממאי דבדיבור אחד נאמרו לענין עדות דלא מרבינן אלא אכלתי ולא אכלתי.


However, now that it says "l'Shav-l'Shav" we can indeed derive from the fact that they were spoken at the same time regarding testimony. This shows that we should only include "I ate" and "I didn't eat."



תוספות ד"ה חוץ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when speech is and is not considered an action.)

תימה והא ר' יוחנן אית ליה בהשוכר את הפועלים (ב"מ צ: ושם) גבי חסמה בקול והנהיגה בקול עקימת פיו הוי מעשה


Question: This is difficult. Rebbi Yochanan holds in Bava Metzia (90b) regarding muzzling it or leading it with his voice that moving one's lips is considered an action! [Why does he understand that swearing is not considered an action?]

וי"ל דשאני התם דבדיבור עושה מעשה שהבהמה נמנעת מלאכול והוי כמו מימר דא"ל רבי יוחנן לתנא לא תיתני מימר דבדיבור קעביד מעשה בריש תמורה (דף ג:)


Answer: The Gemara there is discussing a type of speech which causes an action, as the animal refrains from eating because of his voice. This is why it is like Temurah. This is apparent from Rebbi Yochanan's statement to the Tana that he should not include Temurah with the other passive negative commandments, as with his speech he commits an act as stated in Temurah (3b).

וא"ת והא בפ' ד' מיתות (סנהדרין סה: ושם) גבי הא דמשני לר' יוחנן דעקימת שפתיו דמגדף לא הוי מעשה משום דישנו בקול ופריך עליה מחסמה בקול והנהיגה בקול דאמר ר' יוחנן דעקימת שפתיו הוי מעשה ומאי קושיא התם משום דבדיבור קעביד מעשה


Question: In Sanhedrin (65b), the Gemara answered according to Rebbi Yochanan that moving one's lips by cursing Hash-m is not an act because the main thing is their voice (Rashi has a different text there). The Gemara asked a question from muzzling it or leading it with his voice that moving one's lips is considered by Rebbi Yochanan to be an action! There is no question according to what we have said above, as muzzling or leading it is voice that leads to an action!

וי"ל דהתם משום עדים זוממין פריך דלא חשיב להו מעשה אע"ג דמתחייב הנידון על ידם ושם מפורש יותר


Answer: The question there was actually due to Eidim Zomimim, as the Gemara had stated that Eidim Zomimim do not have an action associated with their transgression, despite the fact that the defendant could have been found guilty due to their testimony. The Gemara (and Tosfos) there explain this more thoroughly.



תוספות ד"ה חוץ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why Eidim Zomimim and Motzi Shem Ra are not included as exceptions.)

וא"ת וליחשוב נמי עדים זוממים ומוציא ש"ר


Question: Let us also consider Eidim Zomimim and Motzi Shem Ra as exceptions!

ואע"ג דעדים זוממים קרינהו רחמנא מעשה בריש ב"ק (דף ה.) ומוציא שם רע נמי קאמר רבי יהודה גופיה בכתובות בפרק נערה (דף מו.) דאינו חייב עד שישכור עדים


This is despite the fact that the Torah calls Eidim Zomimim an action, as explained in Bava Kama (5a). Rebbi Yehudah himself says in Kesuvos (46a) that one is not liable for Motzi Shem Ra unless he hires witnesses.

מ"מ חשיבי אין בהן מעשה דהא בפ"ק דמכות (דף ד: ושם) יליף מיניה ר' יהודה בעלמא דלאו שאין בו מעשה לוקין עליו


Even so, Eidim Zomimim are not considered to have done an action, as is apparent from the Gemara in Makos (7b) where Rebbi Yehudah derives from Eidim Zomimim that transgressing a passive negative prohibition makes one liable to receive lashes.

וי"ל כיון דכתיב בהו מלקות בהדיא לא חש למיתנינהו


Answer#1: Being that lashes are explicitly stated by these two sins, Rebbi Yehudah did not bother saying these cases.

א"נ אין למדין מן הכללות אפי' במקום שנאמר בהן חוץ


Answer#2: Alternatively, we do not derive from rules, even when they say ("This is the rule) besides (for these things.")

והא לא תקשי דהכא קאמר רבי יהודה דלאו שאין בו מעשה אין לוקין עליו והתם קאמר דלוקין


Implied Question: You should not ask that here Rebbi Yehudah says that one does not receive lashes for a negative prohibition, and that there he says one does receive lashes. [Why isn't this a contradiction?]

דהכא משמיה דרבי יוסי קאמר לה


Answer: In our Gemara he is saying this in the name of Rebbi Yosi.



תוספות ד"ה אמר קרא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why we do not have a different source that one does not receive lashes for transgressing a passive negative commandment.)

וא"ת אמאי לא נפקא לן בריש אלו הן הלוקין (מכות יג:) דלאו שאין בו מעשה אין לוקין עליו מדאיצטריך קרא בנשבע ובמקלל חבירו בשם כדאמר בריש תמורה (דף ג:)


Question: Why don't we derive that one does not receive lashes for transgressing a passive negative commandment in Makos (13b) from the fact that the Torah needed to write a Pasuk showing that one who swears and curses his friend with the name of Hash-m is punished, as stated in Temurah (3b)?

ויש לומר דדלמא לא הוה דרשינן להכי הני קראי


Answer: It is possible that we would not understand these Pesukim to mean this unless we first knew that one does not receive lashes for transgressing a passive negative commandment.




תוספות ד"ה ומה ראית

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Gemara's question.)

פי' בקונט' דלמא דאתא נמי למעוטי אכלתי ולא אכלתי


Opinion#1: Rashi explains that perhaps this is coming to exclude "I ate" and "I didn't eat."

ואין ומה ראית שבגמרא כן אלא ונימא איפכא


Implied Question: The question "what have you seen" in the Gemara never means this, but rather means "let us say that the opposite is true." [Rashi apparently had the text "u'Mai Shena" as we have in our Gemara, not "u'Mah Raisa."]

ונראה לפרש ומה ראית פירוש דטפי הוה לן לאוקמה כולה כר' ישמעאל ותיהוי רישא דומיא דסיפא דתרוייהו למעוטי אכלתי ולא אכלתי ורישא למעוטי מקרבן וסיפא ממלקות


Opinion#2: It therefore seems that "what have you seen" means that we should have said the entire thing is according to Rebbi Yishmael. The first part is like the second part, as both are excluding "I ate" and "I didn't eat." The first part excludes bringing a Korban, and the second excludes lashes.

א"נ סיפא למעוטי אוכל ולא אכל ממלקות ורישא למעוטי אכלתי ולא אכלתי מקרבן ואתי כולה כר' ישמעאל ולאו אדרבי יוחנן קפריך


Opinion#3: Alternatively, the second part excludes the person who swore "I will eat" and he did not eat from receiving lashes. The first part excludes "I ate" and "I did not eat" from having to bring a Korban. The entire Mishnah is according to Rebbi Yishmael, and there is no question on Rebbi Yochanan.

וזה הפירוש נראה יותר דמסברא אין לנו למעט אכלתי ולא אכלתי ממלקות כדי להקשות לר' יוחנן


This explanation seems more correct. This is because there is no logical reason to exclude "I ate" and "I didn't eat" from lashes in order to ask a question on Rebbi Yochanan.

ומשני מסתברא כו' והוא הדין דה"מ לשנויי דניחא ליה לאוקומה כר"ע דכולהו סתמי כוותיה


Observation: The Gemara answers that it is logical etc. It also could have answered that it would rather say the Mishnah is according to Rebbi Akiva, as all general Mishnayos are according to his opinion.



תוספות ד"ה היכן מצינו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains one is not liable if he eats a very small amount.)

ואע"ג דבמפרש כל שהוא חייב כדאמר בגמרא


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that if he explicitly said he may not eat a little bit he is indeed liable, as stated in the Gemara.

סתמא דמילתא דעתו אסתם אכילות שבתורה


Answer: However, his general (unspecified) mindset is on the type of eating mentioned by the Torah.



תוספות ד"ה היכן מצינו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is a reason.)

הלכך כיון דחמיר דעתו אכל שהוא


Explanation: Being that it is such a stringent thing, he indeed has in mind that he will transgress his oath if he even eats a very small amount.



תוספות ד"ה כרבי שמעון

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rebbi Yochanan's position is like that of the Rabbanan.)

ר' יוחנן דאית ליה בפרק בתרא דיומא (דף עד.) דחצי שיעור אסור מן התורה אתי שפיר כרבנן דבחצי שיעור ליכא מלקות אלא איסור בעלמא


Observation: Rebbi Yochanan, who holds at the end of Yoma (74a) that half of an amount forbidden by the Torah (i.e. eating half a Kzayis of pork) is also forbidden according to Torah law, can easily hold like the Rabbanan that while one does not receive lashes for doing so, he has transgressed the Torah prohibition.

ובסוף פרק גיד הנשה (חולין צח.) מוכח בהדיא דכרבנן סבירא ליה ובפרק אלו עוברין (פסחים מג:) קאמר רבי יוחנן דבכל התורה אין היתר מצטרף לאיסור חוץ מאיסורי נזיר ואי כל שהוא למכות למה לי צירוף


In Chulin (98a), it is clearly apparent from the Gemara that he holds like the Rabbanan. Additionally, in Pesachim (43b) Rebbi Yochanan says that in the entire Torah permitted things do not combine with forbidden things besides for the prohibition regarding a Nazir. If one would only require a small amount to be liable to receive lashes, why would combination be necessary? [It must be that Rebbi Yochanan holds that while one does not receive lashes for a Chatzi Shiur, he has transgressed the Torah prohibition.]



תוספות ד"ה ולא אמרו כזית

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between the amount required to bring a Korban for Shevuas Bituy and that of other Korbanos.)

ודוקא בשאר איסור בעינן כזית לקרבן שהקרבן תלוי בכרת וזדונו בכרת לא הוי אלא בכזית


Explanation: Only for other prohibitions do we require a Kzayis for the bringing of a Korban. This is because the bringing of a Korban is dependent on the fact that the prohibition is punishable by Kares, which would only occur if someone ate a Kzayis.

אבל בשבועת בטוי דאין בו כרת אלא לאו והקרבן תלוי בלאו כי היכי דלוקין אכל שהוא מביא קרבן אכל שהוא


However, regarding a Shevuas Bituy that does not have Kares and is only a general negative commandment, and the Korban is dependent on the negative commandment, just as one would receive lashes for a small amount, he would also bring a Korban for a small amount.



תוספות ד"ה ואי ס"ד

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the derivation from Mishras is not a factor.)

תימה דלמא שאני הכא דגלי קרא כדדרשינן באלו עוברין (פסחים דף מג: ושם) ובפ' ג' מינים (נזיר לה:) ממשרת וכל משרת


Question: Perhaps our case is different, as the Pasuk revealed from "Mishras" and "And all Mishras" as taught in Pesachim (43b) and Nazir (35b)?

וי"ל דאי סבירא ליה כר"ש הוה מוקי ליה לקרא למילתא אחריתי


Answer: If he held like Rebbi Shimon, he would understand the Pasuk differently.