[17a - 72 lines; 17b - 37 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the Girsa'os of the Vilna Gaon printed in the margins of the Vilna Shas, and the commentary "Tiklin Chadtin" upon which they are based. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that conform to the commentary of the Tiklin Chadtin which are not noted in the Hagahos ha'Gra, and Girsa corrections in the text of the Tiklin Chadtin itself.

[1] גמרא יז. [שורה 65]

רבי יוחנן אמר תרפי' מציץ

צ"ל רבי יוחנן אמר טרפי' מציץ (כ"ה גירסת התקלין חדתין)

[2] גמרא יז. [שורה 67]

לעומתן בצפון וכו'

תיבות אלו צריכים להיות מוקפים בנקודותיים (:) מכאן ומכאן

[3] תקלין חדתין יז. ד"ה את מוצא

אגדתא דאמרי במקדש

צ"ל אגדתא דאיירי במקדש


1)[line 1]ניסוך המיםNISUCH HA'MAYIM

A Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai teaches us that on Sukos in the Beis ha'Mikdash, there is a Mitzvah of Nisuch ha'Mayim (lit. pouring of the water). Three Lugim (approx. 1.5 liter) of water are drawn from the Shilo'ach spring, which is located to the south of the Temple Mount. This water is then brought to the Azarah amidst a joyous procession, in fulfillment of the verse, "u'She'avtem Mayim b'Sason..." - "and you shall draw water with rejoicing..." (Yeshayah 12:3). The Kohen who is chosen to pour the water ascends the Mizbe'ach and pours the water from a golden flask into one of the Sefalim (silver libation pipes located in the southwest corner of the Mizbe'ach). The Nisuch ha'Mayim takes place each day of Sukos at the time of the morning Tamid sacrifice amidst much rejoicing.

2)[line 2]המים מְפַכִּיםMAYIM MEFAKIM- the water [will be] flowing as from the opening of a pitcher

3)[line 2]מִפְתַּן הביתMIFTAN HA'BAYIS- the threshold of the Ulam

4)[line 6]פשפשיןPISHPESHIN- small doors or gates

5)[line 13]"והיה ביום ההוא, יצאו מים חיים מירושלם, [חצים אל הים הקדמוני, וחצים אל הים האחרון בקיץ ובחרף, יהיה]""V'HAYAH BA'YOM HA'HU, YEITZE'U MAYIM CHAYIM MI'YERUSHALAYIM, [CHETZYAM EL HA'YAM HA'KADMONI, V'CHETZYAM EL HA'YAM HA'ACHARON; BA'KAYITZ UVA'CHOREF YIHYEH]"- "And it shall be that on that day that fresh water will go forth from Yerushalayim, [half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea; it will be [flowing] during the summer and the winter]" (Zecharyah 14:8) - The Gemara now proceeds to discuss the second reason given in the Mishnah for the name of Sha'ar ha'Mayim.

6)[line 15]כקרני סִילֵי וכִילְיֵיK'KARNEI SILEI V'CHILYEI- like the horns of (types of) snails

7)[line 16](מן העזרות עד מפתן הבית) [ממפתן הבית לעזרה]MI'MIFTAN HA'BAYIS LA'AZARAH- from the threshold of the Ulam until the gate of the Azarah.(This is the Girsa of the GR"A, based on Yechezkel 47:1). The water exited the Azarah from Sha'ar ha'Mayim; this gate was located near the Ezras Kohanim which extended eleven Amos between the Ezras Yisrael and the Mizbe'ach; it was located opposite the Mizbe'ach to the south, as described in the Mishnah.

8a)[line 16]כחוט של שתיK'CHUT SHEL SHESI- like the thread of the loom that runs lengthwise; the warp

b)[line 17]כחוט של ערבK'CHUT SHEL EIREV- like the thread that runs crosswise across the loom; the woof, which is thicker than the thread of the warp

9)[line 18]כְּמִפִּי הַפַּךְK'MIPI HA'PACH- as from the opening of a pitcher

10)[line 18]"[ויוצאני, דרך שער צפונה, ויסבני דרך חוץ, אל שער החוץ דרך הפונה קדים] והנה מים מפכים, מן הכתף הימנית""... V'HINEI MAYIM MEFAKIM MIN HA'KASEIF HA'YEMANIS"- "[And he brought me out by the way of the gate northward, and led me around the way outside of the outer gate by the way that looks eastward;] and behold! Water ran out on the south side!" (Yechezkel 47:2).

11)[line 20]עד קרסולהAD KARSULEI- until his ankles

12)[line 21]עד ברכייהAD BIRKEYEI- until his knees

13)[line 22]עד מתנייאAD MASNAYA- until the hips

14)[line 23]לבירנין גדולהBIRNIN GEDOLAH- a large ship

15)[line 24]"[כי אם שם אדיר ה' לנו, מקום נהרים יארים, רחבי ידים בל תלך בו אני שיט] וצי אדיר לא יעברנו""[KI IM SHAM ADIR HASH-M LANU, MEKOM NEHARIM YE'ORIM RACHAVEI YADAYIM; BAL TELECH BO ONI SHAYIT,] V'TZI ADIR LO YA'AVRENU"- "[But there HaSh-m in His majesty will be for us a place of broad rivers and streams; where no galley with oars can go,] neither shall large ships be able to pass by it" (Yeshayah 33:21).

16)[line 25]"[וימד אלף נחל, אשר לא אוכל לעבר] כי גאו המים מי שחו, [נחל אשר לא יעבר""[VA'YAMOD ELEF, NACHAL ASHER LO UCHAL LA'AVOR;] KI GA'U HA'MAYIM MEI SACHU, [NACHAL ASHEL LO YE'AVER]"- "[And he measured [another] thousand, [and it became] a stream that I was unable to cross;] for the water grew deep enough for swimming, [a stream that could not be crossed]" (Yechezkel 47:5).

17)[line 26]מלשוטMI'LASHUT- from swimming; alt. sailing

18a)[line 26]בְּאַתְרִיןB'ASRIN- in our place

b)[line 26]קרו לשַׁיָּיטָא שַׂחְוָנָאKARU L'SHAYATA, SACHVANA- they call a swimmer, "Sachvana"

19)[line 29]מיין דמתמללין בעלמאMAYIN D'MISMALELIN B'ALMA- (a) water that is talked about throughout the world; (b) water that gives the power of speech in the world; (c) water that brings about praising of HaSh-m in the world

20)[line 29]"ביום ההוא, יהיה מקור נפתח, לבית דויד, ולישבי ירושלם לחטאת, ולנדה""BA'YOM HA'HU YIHYEH MAKOR NIFTACH L'VEIS DAVID UL'YOSHEVEI YERUSHALAYIM, L'CHATAS UL'NIDAH"- "On that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Yerushalayim, for cleansing and for sprinkling" (Zecharyah 13:1). The word for "sprinkling" is the same as the word for the Tum'ah of Nidah.

21)[line 33]מי תערובותMEI TA'AROVOS- water which is a mixture of spring water and rainwater

22)[line 34]למי חטאתMEI CHATAS (PARAH ADUMAH)

If a person or utensil becomes Tamei by touching a Mes or being in the same room as a Mes (or a part of a Mes which is Metamei b'Ohel), he/it must wait seven days before he/it is able to go to the Mikvah in order to become Tahor. On the third and seventh days, Mei Chatas is sprinkled on the person or utensil. Mei Chatas is a mixture of ashes of a Parah Adumah (see Background to 10:31) and spring water. A person who is Tahor dips three Ezov (hyssop) branches which have been bound together into the mixture, and sprinkles them on the person or utensil which is Tamei. After this process is complete, the person or utensil is immersed in a Mikvah. Once night falls, the purification process is complete (Bamidbar 19:17-19).

23)[line 36]קטפריסותKATAFRISOS - slopes (MIKVA'OS: KATAFRAS)

(a)The Torah informs us that a "Mikveh Mayim" (an accumulation of water) causes a person or object who is Tamei to become Tahor (Vayikra 11:36). Chazal teach that this Mikveh Mayim is only Metaher if collected in a cavity, or "b'Ashboren."

(b)Water running down a slope (Katafras) cannot be Metaher since this is not considered an accumulation of water. This is because the droplets of water running down the slope are not gathered as one; they are simply going in the same direction.

24)[line 37]"וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלַי, הַמַּיִם הָאֵלֶּה יוֹצְאִים אֶל הַגְּלִילָה הַקַּדְמוֹנָה וְיָרְדוּ עַל הָעֲרָבָה; וּבָאוּ הַיָּמָּה, אֶל הַיָּמָּה הַמּוּצָאִים [(ונרפאו כ') [וְנִרְפּוּ] הַמָּיִם]""VA'YOMER EILAI, 'HA'MAYIM HA'ELEH YOTZE'IM EL HA'GELILAH HA'KADMONAH, V'YARDU EL HA'ARAVAH; U'VA'U HA'YAMAH, EL HA'YAMAH HA'MUTZA'IM, [V'NIRPU HA'MAYIM]'"- "Then he said to me, 'These waters flow out toward the eastern region, and go down into the Aravah. And upon their entering the sea — the sea where the waters originate from [--the waters shall be healed]'" (Yechezkel 47:8) - The Gemara gives a specific geographical location for each of the seas mentioned in this verse.

25)[line 38]ים של (סמכו) [סבכי]YAM SHEL SIVCHAI- the Lake of Sivchai [Girsa of TIKIN CHADTIN], the Chula Lake, which is currently drained swampland

26)[line 39]ים של טבריאYAM SHEL TEVERYA- the Sea of Tiberias; Lake Kineret

27)[line 40]הים הגדולHA'YAM HA'GADOL- the Mediterranean Sea

28)[line 41]שתי פעמים שיצאSHTEI PE'AMIM SHE'YATZA- the two times that it exceeded its boundaries and flooded the land

29)[line 43]קְלַבְרִיאָהKELAVRI'AH- Calabria, the peninsula in the southeast of Italy

30)[line 44]כֵּיפֵי בַּרְבָּרִיאָהKEIFEI BARBARI'AH- the rocks of Azania, the east African coast

31)[line 45]יצא עד עכו ועד יפוYATZA AD AKO V'AD YAFO- it flooded the land until Ako and Yafo, which became the coastal cities of Eretz Yisrael

32)[line 46]"[וָאֹמַר] עַד פֹּה תָבוֹא וְלֹא תֹסִיף; וּפֹא יָשִׁית בִּגְאוֹן גַּלֶּיךָ""[VA'OMAR,] 'AD POH SAVO V'LO SOSIF; U'FO YASHIS BI'GE'ON GALECHA'"- "[And I said,] 'Until here shall you go, and no further; and only here shall your waves flaunt their majesty'" (Iyov 38:11).

33)[line 48]ניחא (הניחא)NICHA- it is understandable

34)[line 48]בשביל למיתקןBISHVIL L'MITEKAN- in order to sweeten them

35)[line 49]לרבות דגתםL'RABOS DEGASAM- to increase [the number of species of] their fish

36a)[line 53]"... (ונרפאו כ') [וְנִרְפּוּ] הַמָּיִם""... V'NIRPU HAMAYIM"- "... the waters shall be healed]'" (Yechezkel 47:8)- See above entry #24. The Gemara quotes the last two words of this verse in order to show that they contradict the words of verse 11; see nest entry.

b)[line 53]"בִּצֹּאתָיו וּגְבָאָיו וְלֹא יֵרָפְאוּ, לְמֶלַח נִתָּנוּ""BITZOSAV U'GEVE'AV V'LO YERAFE'U, L'MELACH NITANU"- "But its swamps and pools will not become sweetened; they will always be salty" (Yechezkel 47:11) - The Gemara then answers that there is a place called "Lo Yeraf'u," in which the waters will never become sweetened. This, however, will also be a blessing, since they will be set aside to provide salt. (The name of this place is quoted as "Velo Yeraf'u" in almost all of the editions of Maseches Shekalim other than the printed edition printed before the author of the Hagahos Dikdukei Sofrim. Rav Chayim Kanievsky, however, calls the place "Lo Yeraf'u.")

37)[line 63]"ובני ציון, גילו ושמחו בה' אלֹקיכם, כי נתן לכם את המורה, לצדקה ויורד לכם, גשם מורה ומלקוש בראשון""U'VENEI TZIYON, GILU V'SIMCHU BA'SH-M E-LOKEICHEM, KI NASAN LACHEM ES HA'MOREH LI'TZEDAKAH; VA'YORED LACHEM GESHEM MOREH U'MALKOSH, BA'RISHON"- "Children of Tziyon, exult and be glad with HaSh-m, your G-d, for He has given you a teacher for righteousness, and He has brought down the rain for you - the early rain and the late rain - in the first [month]" (Yoel 2:23) - All of the rain necessary for the barley that was needed for the Korban ha'Omer to grow that year fell on Rosh Chodesh Nisan - 15 days prior to the offering of the Korban ha'Omer.

38)[line 65]"[... וְהָיָה פִרְיוֹ לְמַאֲכָל] וְעָלֵהוּ לִתְרוּפָה""...V'ALEIHU LI'TERUFAH"- "[... so its fruit will be for food] and its leaves for healing" (Yechezkel 47:12).

39)[line 65]תרפיהTARFEI- it is a laxative

40)[line 65]מציץ עֲלַיָהּ ותרף מזונהMATZITZ ALEI V'TARAF MEZONEI- one need only suck its leaves for his food to be digested

41)[line 68]בדופני של אנטוכיאDOFNI SHEL ANTOCHYA- Daphne near Antioch, the ancient capital of Syria, which is situated on the Orontes

42)[line 69]הגיע זמן הבית הזה ליחרב?HIGI'A ZEMAN HA'BAYIS HA'ZEH LEI'CHAREV?- has the time come for the Beis ha'Mikdash to be destroyed?


43)[line 1]חורי יהודהCHOREI YEHUDAH- the officers of Malchus Yehudah

44)[line 2]"מַשָּׂא גֵּיא חִזָּיוֹן; מַה לָּךְ אֵפוֹא כִּי עָלִית כֻּלָּךְ לַגַּגּוֹת""MASA GEI CHIZAYON; MAH LACH EIFO, KI ALIS KULACH LA'GAGOS"- "A prophecy concerning the Valley of Vision: What happened to you now, that you have all gone up to the roofs?" (Yeshayah 22:1).

45)[line 5]בבית המטבחייםBEIS HA'MITBACHAYIM- the slaughter-area of the Azarah

46)[line 6]הכבשׁKEVESH- the ramp of the Mizbe'ach

47a)[line 13]תני על של כסףTENI AL SHEL KESEF- the Beraisa states [that the Lechem ha'Panim, when it was brought into the Heichal, was placed] on a silver table (and not one of marble).

b)[line 16]מרתיחMARTIACH- it warms the bread placed upon it, causing it to become moldy - See TIKLIN CHADTIN for alternate Girsa.

48)[line 20]אין מזכירין מעשה נסיםEIN MAZKIRIN MA'ASEH NISIM- one may not rely on a miracle, even when performing a Mitzvah

49)[line 21]לא היה שם לחם, מהו להניחו לשבת הבאהLO HAYAH SHAM LECHEM, MAHU L'HANICHO L'SHABBOS HA'BA'AH?- (a) If new Lechem ha'Panim (see background to Shekalim 9:68) is not available on Shabbos, can the previous week's Lechem be left on the Shulchan for an additional week, [or will it become Pasul due to Linah]? (see Girsa of TIKLIN CHADTIN); (b) If no Lechem was on the Shulchan at all, and it becomes available mid-week, should it be left aside to be placed the coming Shabbos, [or should it be placed on the Shulchan immediately, despite its becoming Pasul due to lack of a full week]? (KORBAN HA'EDAH)