

תוספות ד"ה האי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between the Gemara's previous question and its current question.)

תימה הא דכי פריך לעיל האי כל שאיני רשאי באמירתו איני רשאי בחשיכתו מיבעי ליה מכלל דאי הוה תנן הכי הוה אתי שפיר אף על גב דתלי חשיכה באמירה


Question: This is difficult. When the Gemara asks earlier that it should have said, "Whatever I cannot say I cannot wait for by the Techum," it implies that if it would have said this there would be no question, even though it is saying that waiting by the Techum is dependent on what one can say!

וי"ל התם שאני דלא הוה תלי תניא בדלא תניא דאמירה נמי תנינא לעיל לא יאמר אדם לחבירו שכור לי פועלים אבל השתא תלי תניא בדלא תניא דהיתר אמירה לא תניא אבל היתר החשכה תניא


Answer: This (saying that waiting by the Techum is dependent on what one can say) would not be difficult, as the difference is that it would not make a stated law dependent on a law that is not explicitly stated. The prohibition against saying this was stated earlier, as the Mishnah said that a person cannot tell his friend to hire workers. However, our Gemara's current question is that (if Aba Shaul is referring to the Seifa) it is making a stated law depend on a law that is not stated, as the leniency regarding what one can say is not explicitly stated while the leniency of waiting is explicitly stated!



תוספות ד"ה לעולם אסיפא קאי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Aba Shaul's position according to the Gemara's answer.)

אף על פי שהוא אינו יכול לילך לשומרן יכול לומר לחבירו לשמרן ומתניתין הכי קאמר כל שאני זכאי באמירתו כגון לפקח על עסקי כלה ועל עסקי מת ויכול לומר לחבירו לעשות למחר רשאי אני להחשיך עליו


Explanation: Even though he cannot go watch them, he can tell his friend to watch them. Our Mishnah means as follows: Whatever I am allowed to say, for example to deal with the needs of a bride or a dead person, and I can say to my friend to do these things tomorrow, I am allowed to wait by the Techum for these things as well.

וכ"ש מה שאני זכאי לומר לעשות היום כמו שמור לי פירות שבתחומך אף על פי שאיני רשאי לילך שם היום דמותר להחשיך עליו


Explanation (cont.): Certainly, if a person is allowed to say to someone that he should do something today, for example that it is permitted to ask someone to guard fruit that is in that person's Techum even though the person who is asking cannot go there as it is not in his Techum, he is allowed to wait for this by the Techum.



תוספות ד"ה אין מחשיכין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the correct text is that of the Tosefta that "one cannot wait.")

יש ספרים דגרסי מחשיכים לפי שאם יש שם בורגנים הולך ומביאה


Text #1: Some Sefarim have the text "one can wait until dark," as if there would be small huts extending the Techum, he could walk and bring it.

ובתוספתא גרס אין מחשיכין


Text #2: However, the text of the Tosefta is indeed that one cannot wait until dark. (Why is this prohibited?)

וי"ל דאיירי בבהמה שאינה יכולה לבא ברגליה כגון טלה קטן אא"כ ישאוהו בכתף שאפילו יש מחיצות אינו רשאי להביא דאסור לטלטל בעלי חיים שהם מוקצים


Proof: It is referring to an animal that cannot walk on its own feet, such as a small lamb, and it must be carried. Even if there would be walls he would not be allowed to bring it within these walls, as it is forbidden to carry live animals as they are Muktzah.



תוספות ד"ה נכרי

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding whether a Jew can ever use these flutes.)

לא כפי' הקונטרס שפירש עולמית


Opinion #1: The correct explanation is not that of Rashi who says that they can never be used.

מדפריך בגמרא גבי עשה נכרי ארון וחפר לו קבר יקבר בו ישראל אמאי הכא נמי נימא ימתין בכדי שיעשו ואמאי קאמר נמי אי לאו דקאי אחלילים


Question: Since the Gemara asks regarding the statement that a Jew can buried in a coffin or in a grave that was made on Shabbos, "Why don't we say here as well that he has to wait after Shabbos for the amount of time that it would take to make these things after Shabbos?" Why would it say "also" if it wouldn't be referring to the case of the flutes (and that they are eventually permitted)?

על כן נראה דלא יספוד בהן ישראל היינו עד כדי שיבואו דסתם חלילים אין מביאין אותן לשם אדם אחד אלא לשם כמה בני אדם


Opinion #2: It therefore appears that when the Mishnah says that a Jew should not use them for eulogizing it means for the time after Shabbos that it would take to bring them from wherever they had been brought. This is because most flutes are not brought for one person but rather for the use of many people.



תוספות ד"ה אא"כ

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Mishnah stresses the flutes were brought from a place that was close by.)

תימה לרבי מה מהני שבאו ממקום קרוב הלא הביאם דרך רה"ר ומה לי ארון וקבר שנעשו בשבת ומה לי חלילים שהובאו דרך רה"ר


Question: Rebbi asks, why does it help that they came from a place close by? He brought them through a public domain! Why is there a difference between a coffin and grave that were made on Shabbos and flutes that were brought through the public domain?

וי"ל דהביא ממקום קרוב לא מהני כל כך הבאתו


Answer: If they brought them from a place that was close by, they did not help very much by bringing them.



תוספות ד"ה דיקא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos changes a significant amount of the text of our Gemara.)

תימה היכי מוכיחנא מינה דמספיקא שרי והא מוקמ' לה בעומד באיסרטיא דודאי לצורך נכרי נעשה


Question: This is difficult. How is it apparent from our Mishnah that if there is a doubt it is permitted? We established that the case of the Mishnah is where the grave is in a public place, which clearly indicates it was dug for a Nochri!

מיהו אומר רבי דל"ג ליה להא דקתני עשו לו ארון כו' ול"ג נמי בסמוך ת"כ )תניא כוותיה( גם בפי' הקונט' ל"ג אלא ה"ג דיקא נמי ממתני' עיר שישראל ונכרים דרים בה כו' ומשנה היא במסכת מכשירין (פ"ב משנה ה) ר' יהודה אומר אם יש בה רשות רוחץ בה מיד אלמא תלינן להתיר כמו כן גבי חלילין יש לתלות בהיתר ולומר חוץ לחומה לנו


Answer: Rebbi answers that we do not have the text, "If they made him a coffin etc." and we do not have the text that the Beraisa is like Rav. Rashi also does not have this text. Rather, the text should read as follows. "There is also an inference from the Mishnah that says that in a city where Jews and Nochrim live etc." This is a Mishnah in Machshirin (2:5) where Rebbi Yehudah says that if there is (Nochri) ruler, one can wash right away. This implies that we assume it is for the Nochri. Similarly, regarding flutes, we should presume leniently that they were within the Techum.