


(Tana d'vei Menasheh - Beraisa): If one carved a hole in the horn of a goat, it may go out with a halter on Shabbos [inserted through the hole - otherwise it is forbidden, for the goat slips its head out of it].


Question (Rav Yosef): If one [tied its beard and] inserted the halter through a hole in the beard, what is the law?


The goat would not pull itself away, for this would be painful (it is proper Shemirah, it is permitted);


Or, we are concerned lest the beard get untied and the halter will fall off, and the owner will carry it four Amos in Reshus ha'Rabim, so it is forbidden!


This question is not resolved.


(Mishnah): A cow may not go out with a strap between its horns.


(R. Yirmiyah bar Aba): Rav and Shmuel argue about this - one forbids whether it is for Noy (decoration) or for Shemirah (to hold it by the strap - this is excessive, for one can lead a cow without holding it);


The other forbids if it is for Noy, but permits if it is for Shemirah.


(Rav Yosef): Surely, Shmuel permits for Shemirah, for Rav Huna said in Shmuel's name that the Halachah follows Chananyah (excessive Shemirah is not a load)!


Objection (Abaye): Just the contrary, Shmuel forbids even for Shemirah!


(Rav Yehudah citing Shmuel): People asked Rebbi whether or not an animal may go out with Shemirah which is permitted for a different animal.


R. Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi: My father taught that four animals go out with a halter - a horse, mule, camel and donkey.


Inference: A camel may go out with a halter, but not with a nose-ring!


Answer (Rav Yosef): We reject that teaching (it must be mistaken) on account of Rav Huna's teaching.


Question: Why do we reject Rav Yehudah's teaching and accept Rav Huna's - perhaps we should reject Rav Huna's and accept Rav Yehudah's!


Answer: We do so on account of what other Amora'im said in the name of Rav and Shmuel:


(R. Chiya bar Aba citing Rav): It is forbidden whether it is for Noy or for Shemirah.


(R. Chiya bar Avin citing Shmuel): It is forbidden if it is for Noy, it is permitted if it is for Shemirah.


Question (Beraisa): If Reuven had a Parah Adumah and tied a halter on it, it is Kosher;


If it was considered a load, this would disqualify it - "Asher Lo Alah Aleha Ol!" (any Melachah disqualifies it)!


Answer #1 (Abaye): The case is, Reuven was leading it from one city to another (in this case, a halter is needed for Shemirah).


Answer #2 (Rava): Parah Adumah is different, for it is very valuable (its proper Shemirah is better than that of regular cows).


Answer #3 (Ravina): The case is, it was rebellious.




(Mishnah): A horse may go out with a chain [and all Ba'alei Shir go out with a chain and are pulled by it].


Question: What does it mean 'Go out with a chain and are pulled by it?


Answer #1 (Rav Huna): The chain may be Karuch (wrapped around the neck), or used to pull the animal. (Tosfos - he holds that Karuch is also for Shemirah, it can be used to grab the animal; Rashi - Karuch is only for Noy.)


Answer #2 (Shmuel): It may be Karuch only if the animal is pulled by it.


(Beraisa): Animals may go out Keruchim to be pulled by it. (Tosfos - Rav Huna explains, they may go out Keruchim if they could be pulled by it, i.e. there is room to insert one's hand.)


(Rav Yosef): I saw calves of Rav Huna's house go out Keruchim with halters.


(Rav Dimi): The mules of Rebbi's house went out with halters on Shabbos.


Question: Did they go out Keruchim, or pulled?


Answer (Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah): His mules went out Keruchim with halters on Shabbos.


Question (Rabanan): We already know this from Rav Dimi's teaching!


Surely, Rav Dimi did not teach that they were pulled on halters - Rav Yehudah already taught that Rebbi permits this!


(Rav Yehudah): People asked Rebbi whether or not an animal may go out with Shemirah which is permitted for a different animal.


R. Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi: My father taught that four animals go out with a halter - a horse, mule, camel and donkey.


Answer (Rav Asi): [Perhaps Rav Dimi taught that they were pulled on halters,] nevertheless we could not have learned from Rav Yehudah;


Rav Yehudah taught that Rebbi heard that R. Yosi permitted a mule to go out with a halter; he did not say whether or not Rebbi accepted this!


Rav Dimi teaches that Rebbi accepted this, but he did not specify if he permits Keruchim only if they can be pulled by them (there is room to insert one's hand), or even if not;


Therefore, Rav Shmuel's teaching is necessary.




(Mishnah): One may sprinkle on it [a chain] and immerse it while it is in place.


Inference: This implies that it is Mekabel Tum'ah.


Contradiction (Mishnah): Rings of (worn by) people are Teme'im (Mekabel Tum'ah);


Rings of animals (e.g. in a chain) or of vessels (e.g. handles) and all other rings are Tehorim.



Answer #1 (R. Yitzchak): Our Mishnah discusses a person's ring that became Tamei, then was designated for an animal.


Answer #2 (Rav Yosef): It is Tamei because people use it to pull the animal:


(Beraisa): A metal rod used for animals is Tamei.


This is because the person hits the animal with it [to make it go, the rod serves man] - likewise, since a person uses the chain to pull the animal, it is Tamei.


(Mishnah): One may immerse it while it is in place.


Question: There is a Chatzitzah! (Rashi - the ring is snug in the chain; R. Pores - it is tight against the animal's neck.)


Answer #1 (R. Ami): The case is, it was beaten, it is loose.


Suggestion: R. Ami holds like Rav Yosef - if he held like R. Yitzchak, since an action was done to it, the Tum'ah would have vanished!


(Mishnah): [If one is making a Kli,] intent (to use it like it is now) causes it to Mekabel Tum'ah, a physical change is needed to Metaher (intent to fix it for a different use does not suffice).


Rejection: He can hold even like R. Yitzchak - he holds like R. Yehudah, who says that a constructive change does not Metaher (beating it makes it useful for an animal).


(Beraisa - R. Yehudah): A physical change is Metaher only if it is destructive, not if it improves.


Answer #2 (Beraisa): The hole was big from the beginning.


Question (a Talmid): I heard that there is a difference between different kinds of rings!


Answer (R. Eliezer): There is a difference regarding Shabbos, but all are the same regarding Tum'ah.


Question (Mishnah): Rings of people are Tamei, rings of animals, of vessels and all other rings are Tehorim.


Answer: R. Eliezer discusses only rings of people.


Question: Not all rings of people are the same regarding Tum'ah!


(Beraisa): If a ring was fixed [for a buckle through which a strap passes] for girding oneself at the loins, or between the shoulders [to hold rolled up sleeves], it is Tahor;


Only a ring worn on the finger is Tamei.


Answer: R. Eliezer discusses only rings worn on the finger.


Question: Not all rings worn on the finger are Teme'im!


(Beraisa): If a metal ring has a stamp of coral wood, it is Tamei; if the ring is coral and the stamp is metal, it is Tahor.


Answer: R. Eliezer discusses metal rings.




Question (the Talmid): I heard that there is a difference between different kinds of needles!


Answer (R. Eliezer): There is a difference regarding Shabbos, but all are the same regarding Tum'ah.


Question (Mishnah): If the hole or point of a needle is missing, it is Tahor.


Answer: R. Eliezer discusses intact needles.


Question (Mishnah): If a needle became rusty - if the rust prevents sewing, it is Tahor; if not, it is Tamei;


(R. Yanai): It is Tamei only if the end can be used for writing (alternatively - it is Tahor if the rust leaves a mark on the item sewn).


Answer: R. Eliezer discusses needles that were filed down (they have no rust).


Question: Even such needles are not always Tamei!


(Beraisa): A needle may be moved on Shabbos whether or not it has a hole - only Tum'ah depends on having a hole.


Answer (Abaye): The Beraisa discusses unfinished needles.




(Mishnah): A donkey may go out with a Marda'as tied to it. (This is a pack saddle for loads. It gives warmth. Donkeys are always cold.)


Rams may go out Levuvim. Female sheep may go out Shechuzos, Kevulos and Kevunos (all of these will be defined);


Goats may go out [with their udders] wrapped;


R. Yosi forbids all of these, except for sheep Kevunos.


R. Yehudah permits goats to go wrapped to be dry (not to produce milk), but not for milk (wrapped loosely, so it will not inhibit milk, or in order to catch drops; alternatively - to prevent dripping).