


(Mishnah): When they are wet [Hatmanah is forbidden].


Question: Are they forbidden (Rashi - only; Rambam - even) when they are naturally wet, or (Rashi - even; Rambam - only) if they are wet on account of outside moisture?


Answer #1 (Mishnah): ...Not in straw, grape skins or pits, tufts, and grass [when they are wet].


We understand that these can be wet on account of outside moisture - but tufts cannot be naturally wet!


Rejection: Wool from between the thighs can be naturally wet [from sweat or urine].


Answer #2 (R. Oshaya's Beraisa): One may Matmin in dry clothing or produce, but not in wet clothing or produce.


Clothing cannot be naturally wet!


Rejection: It is made from wool from between the thighs.




(Mishnah): One may Matmin in clothing, produce, dove's wings (Rashash - feathers), sawdust and fine chaff of flax;


R. Yehudah forbids if it is fine, and permits if it is coarse.


(Gemara - R. Yanai): One must [be able to] guard his body to wear Tefilin, like 'Elisha of the wings'.


Question: What does this mean?


Answer #1 (Abaye): He must be able to guard himself from passing gas [while wearing Tefilin].


Version #1 (Rashi) Answer #2 (Rava): He need [only] be able to guard himself from sleeping [while wearing Tefilin, lest he pass gas - when awake, anyone can guard himself.


Version #2 (Tosfos) Answer #2 (Rava): He must [also] be able to guard himself from sleeping (one must be conscious of Tefilin the entire time he wears them; also, lest he pass gas.


Question: Why is he called 'Elisha of the wings'.


Answer: Romi decreed to puncture the skull of anyone who will wear Tefilin; Elisha wore Tefilin in the market. An officer appointed to enforce the decree saw him and chased him; when he caught him, Elisha took the Tefilin from his head and put it in his hand.


The officer asked what he is holding; Elisha said that it is dove's wings - a miracle was done, he opened his hand and revealed dove's wings.


Question: What is special about dove's wings more than those of other birds?


Answer: Keneses Yisrael is compared to a dove - "Kanfei Yonah Nechpah va'Kesef";


Just like a dove's wings protect it [from cold, and it uses them to fight off attackers], Yisrael's Mitzvos protect them.


(Mishnah): Sawdust [and fine chaff of flax; R. Yehudah forbids if it is fine].


Question: Does R. Yehudah [Maharsha - also] argue about sawdust, or [only] about chaff of flax?


Answer (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): Fine chaff of flax is like manure (it adds heat, one may not Matmin in it. Presumably, if he also argued about sawdust, the Beraisa would teach this.)




(Mishnah): Hatmanah is permitted in skins, one may move them;


Hatmanah is permitted in wool shearings, one may not move them.


Question: How may one take the food [since it is forbidden to move the wool]?


Answer: One lifts the cover [of the pot with the wool on it], the wool falls [to the side].


R. Elazar ben Azaryah says, one tilts the box [in which Hatmanah was done] and takes from the pot, lest he remove the pot, the pit (in which it was Tamun) will cave in and it will be forbidden to return the pot;


Chachamim say, he takes [the pot] and returns it (this will be explained).


(Gemara - R. Yonason, R. Yonason and R. Chanina) Question: Does the Mishnah discuss skins of a Ba'al ha'Bayis (they may be moved, for they can be used to lie on), but those of a tanner are forbidden (he would not lie on them, lest they get dirty);


Or, perhaps it permits skins of a tanner, all the more so those of a Ba'al ha'Bayis!


Answer #1 (R. Yonason ben Elazar): It discusses skins of a Ba'al ha'Bayis.


Answer #2 (R. Chanina bar Chama): R. Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi said that his father was a tanner, yet he would lie on skins [on Shabbos; Rashi - on a weekday].



Question (against R. Chanina - Beraisa): One may move boards of a Ba'al ha'Bayis, but not of a craftsman;


If one intended to use them to serve bread to guests, it is permitted in either case.


Answer: Boards are different, people are particular that they not get ruined.


Question (against R. Chanina - Beraisa): One may move skins whether or not they were tanned - we distinguish them only regarding Tum'ah.


Suggestion: This applies both to skins of a Ba'al ha'Bayis and of a tanner!


Answer: No, it applies only to skins of a Ba'al ha'Bayis.


Question: If so (one may not move a tanner's tanned skins), the Beraisa should have distinguished between skins of a tanner!


Answer: The Beraisa discusses only skins of a Ba'al ha'Bayis.


Tana'im argue about this [moving a tanner's tanned skins]:


(Beraisa): One may move skins of a Ba'al ha'Bayis, but not of a tanner;


R. Yosi permits moving both of them.




Question (R. Yonason, R. Yonason and R. Chanina) A Mishnah (73A) teaches that there are 39 Melachos - how did the Tana know this?


Answer #1 (R. Chanina bar Chama): He learns from the labors used to build the Mishkan (39 primary labors were done);


Answer #2 (R. Yonason ben Elazar): He learns from 39 occurrences of the word 'Melachah' [or Meleches or Melachto] in the Torah.


Question (Rav Yosef): Is "Va'Yavo ha'Baysah La'asos Melachto" [regarding Yosef] among the 39?


Abaye: Let us bring a Sefer Torah and count them! Rabah bar bar Chanah said that a case occurred, they took out a Sefer Torah and counted!


(Rav Yosef): I know how many times it says Melachah (R. Chananel - there are 61 in all - 38 of them are surely counted; 21 of them are surely excluded, e.g. those commanding to do Melachah or those forbidding Meleches Avodah)! The question is whether the 39th is this verse or another verse:


If we count "Veha'Melachah Haysah Dayam" (it means, they finished the work), we exclude "Va'Yavo ha'Baysah...", like the opinion that Yosef wanted to be with Potifar's wife (until the image of Yakov deterred him - 'Melachto' is a euphemism);


If we exclude "Veha'Melachah Haysah Dayam" (it means, enough donations were given for the Mishkan), we include "Va'Yavo ha'Baysah...", like the opinion that Yosef went to do his work.


This question is not resolved.


Support (for R. Chanina - Beraisa): One is liable only for Melachos resembling those done for the Mishkan;


They planted and harvested - you may not;


They passed boards from the ground to the wagons, and returned them to the ground - you may not transfer from Reshus ha'Rabim to Reshus ha'Yachid or vice-versa.


They passed boards from wagon to wagon - you may not transfer from one Reshus ha'Yachid to another.


Question: This is not a Melachah!


Answer (Abaye and Rava): You may not transfer from one Reshus ha'Yachid to another if Reshus ha'Rabim is in the middle.