[156a - 53 lines; 156b - 47 lines]
1)[line 1]משניMESHANEI- he does it in a unusual manner
2)[line 3]בוחשיןBOCHASHIN- one may stir with a spoon
3)[line 3]השתיתHA'SHATIS- (a) a food made from flour that was ground from oven-dried unripe grain (RASHI Berachos 38a); (b) boiled flour mixed with water or other liquids (RAMBAM Hilchos Berachos 3:3)
4)[line 3]זיתום המצריZEISUM HA'MITZRI- Egyptian beer. It is composed of one part wheat or barley, one part safflower and one part salt (see Shabbos 110a)
5)[line 9]דבי נשיהD'VEI NASHEI- of the house of his father (TOSFOS 23b DH d'Vei)
6)[line 10]בטש ביהBATASH BEI- he kicked him
7)[line 15]שתי וערבSHESI V'EREV- one time lengthwise and one time widthwise
8)[line 24]גבר ולא חדא ביהGEVER V'LO CHADA BEI- a person who has only good or bad attributes
9)[line 25]לבישוL'VISHU- [not one] bad [quality]
10)[line 28]רגזןRAGZAN- angry
11)[line 29]עתירATIR- wealthy
12)[line 29]זנאי יהאZANA'I YEHEI- he will be a adulterer
13)[line 30]נהירNAHIR- (a) with a bright countenance (RASHI); (b) with a good memory (ARUCH)
14)[line 32]חזרןCHAZRAN- that searches for Mitzvos to do
15a)[line 33]בשבתא יהיB'SHABATA YEHEI- who was born on Shabbos
b)[line 34]דאחילו עלוהי יומא רבא דשבתאD'ACHILU ALOHI YOMA RABA D'SHABATA- since people were force to profane the great day of Shabbos because of him (when he was born)
16)[line 34]קדישא רבא יתקריKADISHA RABA YISKEREI- he will be called "The Great Holy Person"
17)[line 36]מזל שעהMAZAL SHA'AH- see Graphic #7 and Insights to Shabbos 129:1-3
18)[line 36]זיותןZIVTAN- with a bright countenance
19)[line 37]רזוהי גלייןRAZOHI GALYAN- his secrets will be revealed
20a)[line 37]ב(כוכב) נוגהB'(KOCHAV) NOGAH- during the hour when the planet Venus "rules" the heavenly hosts
b)[line 38]בכוכבB'KOCHAV- during the hour of Mercury
21)[line 39]ספרא דחמה הואSAFRA D'CHAMA HU- it is the scribe of the Sun. Mercury always trails the sun, just as the scribe follows the nobleman who employs him
22a)[line 40]יהי גבר סביל מרעיןYEHEI GEVER SAVIL MAR'IN- will be a person who suffers from diseases
b)[line 40]בנאי וסתירBANAI V'SATIR- he will build and tear down
23)[line 41]רזוהי כסייןRAZOHI KASYAN- his secrets are hidden
24)[line 41]שבתאיSHABTAI- Saturn
25)[line 42]צדקTZEDEK- Jupiter
26)[line 43]אשיד דמאASHID DAMA- a murderer
27)[line 44]אומנאUMANA- a blood-letter
28)[line 47]"כה אמר...""KO AMAR..."- "Thus says HaSh-m, learn not the way of the nations, and be not alarmed by the signs of heaven; for the nations are alarmed by them." (Yirmeyahu 10:2)
29)[line 52]איצטגנינותITZTAGNINUS- with astrological predictions; horoscope
30)[line 2]"מי העיר...""MI HE'IR..."- "Who raised up one from the east whom righteousness met wherever he set his foot?" (Yeshayah 41:2) - The Gemara reads this verse as, "Who caused Tzedek (Avraham's Mazal) to rise in the east at the time that (astronomically) it should have been in the west?" According to Rabeinu ha'Levi, the east symbolizes warmth and fruitfulness while the west symbolizes cold and barrenness.
31)[line 6]טריק ליה חיויאTARIK LEI CHIVYA- he will be bitten by a snake
32)[line 9]שדיה לטוניהSHADYEI L'TUNEI- he (Avlat) threw down the [Jewish worker's] load [of cut reeds]
33)[line 10]דפסיק ושדי בתרתי גוביD'PASIK V'SHADI B'TARTEI GUVEI- that was cut in two pieces (he chopped the snake in half while cutting down the reeds)
34)[line 11]מרמינן ריפתאMERAMINAN RIFTA- [each person] puts bread into a communal basket
35)[line 13]מיכסףMICHSIF- he was embarrassed
36)[line 14]אנא קאימנא וארמינאANA KA'IMNA V'ARMINA- I will collect the bread today
37a)[line 20]כלדאיKALDA'EI- stargazers; astrologers
b)[line 20]בי גננאBEI GENANA- the Chupah (wedding canopy)
38)[line 21]דאיגאDE'IGA- he was anxiety-ridden
39)[line 23]מכבנתאMACHBANTA- hair-pin; brooch
40)[line 23]דצתא בגודאDATZTA B'GUDA- she stuck it into [a hole in] the wall
41)[line 25]קא סריך ואתיKA SARICH V'ASI- [the dead snake] trailed after it (as she pulled out the hair-pin)
42)[line 27]קרא אבבאKARA A'BAVA- he called at the gate
43)[line 29]ריסתנאיRISTENAI- (O.F. amenestraison) my portion (of cooked meat)
44)[line 33]בריך גנבא הוהBREICH GANVA HAVAH- your son will be a thief
45)[line 34]כסי רישיךKASI REISHEICH- cover your head
46)[line 36]אלמיה יצריהALMEI YITZREI- his evil inclination got the better of him
47)[line 37]פסקיה לקיבורא בשיניהPASKEI L'KIVURA B'SHINEI- he gnawed off a whole cluster of dates with his teeth, from a date palm that did not belong to him
48)[line 37]הדלועיןHA'DELU'IN- gourds
49)[line 39]שאינה מן המוכןSHE'EINAH MIN HA'MUCHAN (MUKTZAH: MUCHAN L'ADAM)
(a)MUKTZAH - The word Muktzah literally means "set aside at the brink [of one's intentions for use]." The term is used to describe items that are set aside not to be used right now, such as wood stacked in a barn. In a broader sense, the word Muktzah includes anything that a person did not intend to use during Bein ha'Shemashos at the start of Shabbos (or Yom Tov), for whatever reason it may be.
(b)THE ARGUMENT OF THE TANA'IM - Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue as to whether one may move or use on Shabbos items that fit into certain categories of Muktzah. There are at least six different categories of Muktzah over which Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon disagree (1. Hiktzehu mi'Da'ato; 2. Nolad; 3. Muktzah Machmas Isur (also known as Migo d'Iskatza'i); 4. Muktzah Machmas Mi'us; 5. Keli she'Melachto Eino Ela l'Isur; 6. Muchan l'Adam Eino Muchan li'Kelavim.) On Shabbos, objects that fit into one of these categories may not be moved according to Rebbi Yehudah. There are other categories of Muktzah that may not be moved according to both Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon (such as 1. Muktzah Machmas Gufo; 2. Huktzah l'Mitzvaso; 3. Davar she'Eino Ra'uy she'Decha'o b'Yadayim; 4. Davar he'Asur Bein ha'Shemashos she'Lo Chashav she'Yavo l'Yedei Heter b'Shabbos; 5. Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis.)
(c)MUCHAN L'ADAM EINO MUCHAN LI'KELAVIM is the type of Muktzah that our Sugya is discussing. It is important to note that there are two distinct types of Muktzah which may be included in this expression: 1. If the laws of Shabbos or Yom Tov prevent man from using an object. For example, on Shabbos, a live animal is not fit for human use since it is forbidden to slaughter an animal on Shabbos. Even though live animals are sometimes fed to dogs, since this animal is not fit for humans at present it is Muktzah according to Rebbi Yehudah, and may not be fed to dogs. 2. If something happens to an object on Shabbos that makes it unfit for man, it may not even be fed to dogs, according to Rebbi Yehudah. (This is a form of Nolad.) For example, if an animal was alive before Yom Tov (and was fit for man, since he could slaughter and eat it on Yom Tov) and then died on Yom Tov, becoming unfit for man, Rebbi Yehudah prohibits feeding it to dogs. Rebbi Shimon permits feeding it to dogs, and he is the Tana Kama of our Mishnah.
50)[line 39]ער"ל (שח"ז) [שז"ח] סימןAReL (SHaCHaZ) [SHaZaCH] SIMAN- a mnemonic device to remember the names of the Amora'im that follow. The first three rule like Rebbi Yehudah and the last three rule like Rebbi Shimon. It stands for:
6.Rebbi Yochanan.
51)[line 41]מדכרכי דזוזיMID'KARCHEI D'ZUZEI- from the case of Karchei d'Zuzei, a pair of mats used to cover merchandise on a boat (see also TOSFOS 19b DH Hani)
52)[line 42]טריפתאTEREIFTA- an animal that is a possible Tereifah. A Tereifah is an animal with one of the 18 signs described in Chulin 42a. There is a Machlokes Tana'im whether an animal like this can live for twelve months or not.
53)[line 43]אקילקליתאA'KILKALITA- on a garbage heap