Shabbos 140 (3 Av) - dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Reb Aharon Dovid ben Elimelech Shmuel Kornfeld (Muncasz/Israel/New York), who passed away on 3 Av 5761, by his daughter Diane Koenigsberg and her husband Dr. Andy Koenigsberg. May his love for Torah and for Eretz Yisrael continue in all of his descendants.

[140a - 50 lines; 140b - 46 lines]

1)[line 1]לגווןGAVAN- color

2)[line 2]ממחוMEMACHO- (O.F. destenprer) to mix with a liquid

3)[line 3]מאכל חמורים הואMA'ACHAL CHAMORIM HU- that is, mustard (Chardal) is only donkey fodder, and people are normally not particular to crush it by hand, so that it is fully crushed. (Therefore, crushing it by hand on Shabbos is considered a Shinuy.) (RABEINU CHANANEL)

4)[line 13]בחשיBACHASHEI- they stirred

5)[line 14]שופתא דתומאSHUFTA D'SUMA- the smooth, inner stalk of a garlic

6)[line 17]לא יטרוף אלא מערבLO YITROF, ELA ME'AREV- he should not beat, rather he should stir it

7)[line 18]שחלייםSHACHALAYIM- (O.F. cresson) a type of cress

8)[line 19]אמיתאAMITA- (O.F. mente) mint

9)[line 20]שוםSHUM- garlic

10)[line 21]פולPOL- beans

11)[line 21]גריסיןGERISIN- pounded beans

12)[line 22]נינייאNINYA- mint

13)[line 25]אלונטיתALONTIS- vintage wine mixed with clear, cold water and balsam oil

14)[line 26]פלפליןPILPELIN- peppers

15)[line 27]אפרסמוןAFARSEMON- balsam oil

16)[line 27]לבי מסותאL'VEI MESUSA- for [cooling oneself off after] the bathhouse

17)[line 28]כי נפקי, אתאי אשקיין חמראKI NAFKI, ASA'I ASHKEYAN CHAMRA- when I came out, they gave us wine to drink

18)[line 28]חשיCHASHI- I felt cold from it

19a)[line 29]מבינתא דראשיMI'BINISA D'ROSHI- from the hair on my head

b)[line 29]עד טופרא דכרעיV'AD TUFRA D'CHAR'I- to the toenails on my feet

20)[line 29]הואי מסתפינאHAVA'I MISTEFINA- I would be afraid

21a)[line 29]מנכו ליMENAKU LI- they (the Heavenly court) would deduct from me

b)[line 29]מזכותא דעלמא דאתיMI'ZACHVASA D'ALMA D'ASI- from my merits in the World to Come (in lieu of saving my life)

22)[line 30]דש ביהDASH BEI- he was used to [drinking] it

23)[line 31]החילתיתHA'CHILTIS- (O.F. lazre) assa foetida, an umbelliferous plant used as a resin, or whose leaves are used as a spice and for medicinal purposes; laserwort

24)[line 31]בפושריןB'POSHRIN- in warm water. (That is, if one soaks Chiltis in warm water, it is clear that he is preparing it as a curative (RAN) or that he is involved in preparing food in a weekday manner (RASHI DH She'lo Ya'aseh), which is prohibited. If he dips it into vinegar, though, it looks as though he is simply eating it.)

25)[line 31]אין שוליןEIN SHOLIN- it is forbidden to immerse in water in order to float the waste on top

26)[line 31]הכרשיניןHA'KARSHININ- the beans of a species of vine, probably the horse bean (which is rarely used as human food)

27)[line 31]לא שפיןLO SHAFIN- it is forbidden to rub off the shell

28)[line 32]הכברהHA'KEVARAH- a sieve for sifting grain (TIFERES YISRAEL)

29)[line 32]הכלכלהHA"KALKALAH- a basket

30)[line 32]אין כובריןEIN KOVRIN- it is forbidden to sift

31)[line 33]המוץHA'MOTZ- chaff

32)[line 33]האיבוסHA'EIVUS- a feeding stall or trough

33)[line 34]חייב חטאתCHAYAV CHATAS- That is, according to Rav Ada Narsha'ah, soaking Chiltis is considered cooking since the Chiltis becomes soft and edible, even though this is not accomplished through heat.

34)[line 37]אם כן, מה בין לי ולך?IM KEN, MAH BEIN LI VA'LACH?- Why do I get more respect than you, if not because I know the meaning of the Mishnah better than you?

35)[line 38]יוקרא דליבאYUKRA D'LIBA- heartburn(?)

36)[line 39]תלתא תיקליTELASA TIKLEI- the weight of the three golden coins

37)[line 45]מיסתמיך ואזיל רב אחא בר יוסףMISTAMICH V'AZIL RAV ACHA BAR YOSEF- Rav Acha bar Yosef was leaning as he walked

38)[line 46]לכסכוסי כיתניתאL'KASKUSEI KITNISA- to rub a linen Chaluk, an undershirt (MISHNAH BERURAH OC 102:25)

39)[line 47]לרכוכי כיתניתאL'RAKUCHEI KITNISA- to soften the undershirt

40)[line 47]לאולודי חיוראL'OLODEI CHIVRA- to whiten (the undershirt)

41)[line 49]סודראSUDRA- a scarf worn on the head, which is revealed more than an undershirt (SHITAH L'HA'RAN)


42)[line 1]משלפו לדידה מקניא שריMESHALFEI L'DIDAH MI'KANYA SHARI- to remove it from the pole (on which it was hung to dry) is permitted

43)[line 2]כלי קיואיKLI KIVA'EI- one of the utensils used in weaving

44)[line 3]כישתא דירקאKISHTA D'YARKA- a bunch of vegetables

45)[line 6]תליא דבשראTALYA D'VISRA- (a) pieces of salted meat hung on a certain length of rope (RASHI); (b) a hook used to hang salted meat (ARUCH)

46)[line 6]דכווריD'CHAVREI- of fish

47)[line 7]העומד באמצע המטהHA'OMED B'EMTZA HA'MITAH- It is not clear why this statement is interjected at this point (RASHASH). It is possible that it is related to the subject discussed at the end of the Sugya (before the Mishnah), which discusses modesty. The Gemara rejects Rav Ketina's statement because people are usually modest in these matters, and therefore standing on a bed does not give rise to improper thoughts. It is still a mystery why the statement of Rav Ketina is quoted here, and not at the end of the Sugya. (Perhaps it was done in order to be modest.) (M. KORNFELD)

48)[line 8]ליזבין אריכאLIZBIN ARICHA- he should buy a long bunch

49)[line 9]כישא כי כישא ואורכא ממילאKISHA KI KISHA V'URKA MEMEILA- each bunch has the same circumference, and as such the longer bunches contain more of the vegetable (lit. a bunch is a bunch and the [extra] length comes gratis)

50)[line 9]קניאKANYA- reeds, branches (for firewood)

51)[line 10]טונאTUNA- a bundle

52)[line 11]גרירGARIR- it whets the appetite

53a)[line 12]בעניותיB'ANYUSI- when I was poor

b)[line 12]בעתירותיB'ASIRUSI- when I became wealthy

54)[line 14]לא ליבצע בצועיLO LIVTZA BETZUEI- (O.F. morsilant) he should not eat small amounts (many times a day), [rather, he should wait until he has enough food for a normal-sized meal and eat then]

55)[line 17]בכולי מנאB'CHULEI MANA- in the entire bread basket

56)[line 21]נימשי במיא דחריציNIMSHEI B'MAYA D'CHARITZEI- he should wash his hands with the stagnant water of puddles, on which algae grows

57)[line 22]אומצאUMTZA- a piece of meat

58)[line 22]אונקאUNKA- the neck

59)[line 23]כיתוניתאKITUNISA- a linen undershirt

60)[line 23]ניחוורהNICHAVRA- he should wash it

61)[line 24]מפטיא ליהMEFATYA LEI- it will last for him (ARUCH, Erech Pat)

62)[line 24]אנא ערבאANA AREIVA- I am a guarantor [that it will last for a year]

63)[line 24]כיתא נאהKITA NA'AH- fine beating (of flax)

64)[line 25]אציפתאA'TZIFTA- on a mat

65)[line 25]מכליא מאניהMECHALYA MANEI- it destroys his clothes

66)[line 26]אושפיזיהUSHPIZEI- his innkeeper

67)[line 27]ואתי למגניאV'ASI L'MIGANYA- lest he become despised in her eyes

68)[line 30]תיפנוןTIFNUN- defecate

69a)[line 30]מנוMANO- who (masculine gender) is it?

b)[line 31]מניMANI- who (feminine gender) is it?

70)[line 31]מרגניתאMARGENISA- (lit. jewel) euphemism for breast

71)[line 31]כוראKURA- (lit. crucible) euphemism for the vaginal canal

72)[line 32]עד דמיצטערן והדר אחוי להוAD D'MITZTA'ARAN V'HADAR ACHVI LEHU- The CHIDUSHEI HA'RAN and RITVA interpret this as follows: Rav Chisda once decided to teach his daughters the value of Tzeniyus. He walked in the house with his hands clenched. He opened one of them to reveal a jewel, but held the other clenched. The attention of his daughters was diverted from the beautiful jewel, as they pleaded with him to show them what he had hidden in the other hand. He opened the other hand to reveal a coal. In this manner he taught them that what is hidden is more highly valued. (This complements Rashi's explanation; RITVA.)

73)[line 34]גורפיןGORFIN- it is permissible to clear aside dirt

74)[line 34]הפטםHA'PATAM- an ox which is being fattened

75)[line 35]מסלקין לצדדין מפני הרעיMESALKIN LI'TZEDADIN MIPNEI HA'RE'I- (a) one may move the grain that overflows from the trough to the side so that the cow will not [trample it and] soil it with excrement (RASHI); (b) one may move aside dirt in a trough (but not remove it completely) for a grazing cow (as opposed to a cow which is being fattened for beef, and is more particular about what it eats).

76)[line 38]איבוסEIVUS- a feeding stall or trough

77)[last line]ריריRIREI- dripping saliva