[134a - 42 lines; 134b - 40 lines]

1)[line 1]חספניתאCHASPENISA- (a) the skin of a person's face cracks; (b) (O.F. aubeidre) a type of skin eruption that is called Cheres in the Torah (Devarim 28:27) (RASHI); (c) scaly skin that begins to peel off (ARUCH)

2)[line 1]לימשי טובאLIMSHI TUVA- he should wash many times

3)[line 1]מיא דסילקאMAYA D'SILKA- with beet soup

4)[line 8]לא הנחנוLO HINCHENU- he did not let us

5)[line 11]ליכאLIKA- beating (into a mixture)

6)[line 12]מסנניןMESANENIN- to strain

7)[line 13]החרדלHA'CHARDAL- mustard

8)[line 13]ממתקיןMEMASKIN- sweeten

9)[line 17]בישרא אגומריBISRA A'GUMREI- meat on coals

10)[line 18]לגבןL'GABEN- to make cheese

11)[line 21]לפניה לסיטרא לעילאיL'PANYEI L'SITRA L'ILA'EI- one must fold up the edge of the bandage that is placed over the Milah

12)[line 21]דילמא מידביק גרדא מיניהDILMA MIDBIK GARDA MINEI- lest a strand of cloth stick to the open wound

13)[line 22]כרות שפכהKRUS SHAFCHAH- a person who cannot have children because part of his Ever has been severed

14)[line 22]כיסתתא לפלגאKISTESA L'FALGA- a pocket [sewn inside of the bandage that encloses the Ever] for half [of the length of the bandage] (to prevent strands of cloth from sticking to the open wound)

15a)[line 23]בליתאBALISA- a worn, soft piece of fabric

b)[line 23]שיפתאSIFSA- a border

16)[line 24]עייף ליה לעילאיAYIF LEI L'ILA'EI- one should fold it upward

17)[line 25]לא ידיע מפקתיהLO YEDI'A MIFKESEI- his anus is not discernible

18)[line 25]לשייפיה מישחאL'SHAIFEI MISHCHA- one should rub him with oil

19)[line 25]להדי יומאL'HADEI YOMA- in the [direction of the] sun

20)[line 25]היכא דזיגHEICHA D'ZIG- where his body appears clear (because it has a hollow)

21)[line 26]שערתאSE'ARTA- with a grain of barley

22)[line 26]שתי וערבSHESI VA'EREV- crosswise

23)[line 26]זריףZARIF- (O.F. enfler) it causes infection or swelling

24)[line 27]לא מייץLO MAYITZ- he does not suck

25)[line 28]גומריGUMREI- coals

26)[line 28]חיים פומיהCHAYIM PUMEI- his mouth will get warm

27)[line 29]לא מנשתיהLO MINASHTEI- (a) he does not breathe in a noticeable manner, i.e. whose heartbeat is not felt (RASHI); (b) he cannot urinate (ARUCH)

28)[line 29]לינפפיה בנפוותאLINAPFEI B'NIFVASA- they should fan him with a fan

29)[line 29]מנשתיהMENASHTEI- (a) he will start breathing in a noticeable manner (RASHI); (b) he will be able to urinate

30)[line 30]לא מעויLO ME'AVEI- (a) (O.F. alener) he is having trouble breathing (RASHI); (b) he cannot exhale from his nose (ARUCH)

31)[line 30]סליתא דאימיהSILYESA D'IMEI- the placenta/fetal sac of his mother (with which he was born)

32)[line 30]לישרקיה עילויהLISHREKEI ILAVEI- (O.F. eslorjier) rub his entire body with it (lit. slide it over him)

33)[line 32]מקוטנא לאולמאMI'KUTNA L'ULMA- from the narrow end of it to the thicker end of it

34)[line 33]דסומקD'SUMAK- whose entire skin is red

35)[line 33]לא איבלע ביה דמאLO IVLA BEI DAMA- his blood has not been absorbed in his flesh

36)[line 33]ליתרחו ליהLI'TARCHU LEI- they should wait before performing his circumcision

37)[line 34]דירוקD'YAROK- that is pale or yellow (probably infantile jaundice)

38)[line 34]לא נפל ביה דמיהLO NAFAL BEI DAMA- his body has not produced enough blood (he is anemic)

39)[line 35]כרכי היםKERAKEI HA'YAM- fortified port cities

40)[line 39]קפוטקיאKAPUTKIYA- a district in Asia Minor


41)[line 2]מזלפין עליוMEZALFIN ALAV- it is permissible to sprinkle [hot water] upon him

42)[line 6]ספקSAFEK- a baby about whom we have a doubt; e.g. if we have a doubt as to whether he was a born in the ninth month and can live or in the eighth month and definitely cannot live

43)[line 6]אנדרוגינוסANDROGINUS- a hermaphrodite, a baby with both male and female reproductive organs

44)[line 23]אתאן לתנא קמאASAN L'TANA KAMA- this last part of the Beraisa actually is the opinion of Tana Kama (even though Rebbi Elazar ben Azarya's opinion was interposed)

45)[line 24]לא סליק בישרא הייאLO SALIK BISRA HAYA- his flesh does not heal quickly

46)[line 25]בהדי תרגימנא דסבי למה ליBAHADEI TARGIMNA D'SAVEI, LAMAH LI?- why did I get involved and argue with the explanations of the Elders (i.e. Rav Yehudah and Rabah bar Avuha)?

47)[line 32]הוו בה במערבאHAVU BAH B'MA'ARAVA- in Eretz Yisrael they asked the following question about our Mishnah in order to clarify it

48)[line 38]אנא בעאי דאישני ליהANA BA'I D'ISHNI LEI- I wanted to answer it

49)[line 43]שותת ויורדSHOSES V'YORED- it flows down into the wound

50)[line 44]מוךMOCH- a soft substance such as combed wool or a rag

51)[line 48]ספוגSEFOG- a sponge

52)[line 48]גמיGEMI- a reed

53)[line 48]כתיתיןKETITIN- thin rags

54)[last line]כתיתין מסוKETITIN MASU- rags heal a wound