[62a - 42 lines; 62b - 46 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 62b [line 32]:

The words "Haloch v'Tafof, she'Hayu Mehalchos" הלוך וטפוף שהיו מהלכות

should be "Haloch v'Tafof Telachnah, she'Hayu Mehalchos" הלוך וטפוף תלכנה שהיו מהלכות (Dikdukei Sofrim #200)


1)[line 3]מחופה עורMECHUPAH OR- [a Kamei'a which is] covered with leather

2)[line 6]משום שי''ןMISHUM SHIN- [it is forbidden] because of the "Shin" [that projects from the Tefilin Shel Rosh]

3)[line 11]זרדאZARDA- (O.F. bronie) armor; suit of mail

4)[line 11]סנוארתאSANVARTA- a leather cap worn under a metal helmet

5)[line 12]פזמקיPAZMAKEI- boots of armor

6)[line 14]כוליארKOLI'AR- a brooch

7)[line 14]כובלתKOVELES- balsam that is tied up in a knot and worn around the neck

8)[line 15]צלוחית של פלייטוןTZELOCHIS SHEL PALIYATON- a flask of balsam oil (O.F. balsme)

9)[line 21]שקיןSAKIN- sackcloth

10)[line 23]מכניסן זוג זוגMACHNISAN ZUG ZUG- he brings them into the city wearing them one set at a time

11)[line 25]לילה זמן תפילין הוא/ ושבת זמן תפיליןהואL AILAH ZEMAN TEFILIN HU / SHABBOS ZEMAN TEFILIN HU

(a)Mitzvos which must be performed at a specific time of the day are called Mitzvos Aseh sheha'Zeman Geraman. Some examples are Sukah, Lulav, Shofar, and Tzitzis. Women are exempt from these Mitzvos, with the exception of Kidush on Friday night, Matzah on Pesach night, the Korban Pesach, Hakhel, and Simchah on Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukos.

(b)Since Rebbi Meir rules that Tefilin also should be worn on Shabbos and at night, they do not have the status of a Mitzvas Aseh sheha'Zeman Gerama. In that case, women are obligated to wear Tefilin. The Halachah follows the opinion that they are not worn on Shabbos or at night. Women, therefore, are exempt, as in all cases of Mitzvos Aseh sheha'Zeman Geraman.

12)[line 27]כלאחר ידKEL'ACHAR YAD

Whenever a Melachah of Shabbos is done in an abnormal fashion, the transgressor is not liable to the Torah-prescribed punishment. He is said to have done the Melachah kel'Achar Yad (lit. using the back of the hand).

13)[line 28]גזבריתGIZBARIS- a treasurer

14a)[line 30]לקופסאL'KUFSA- (O.F. escrin) in a chest

b)[line 32]אומןUMAN- craftsman, jeweler

15)[line 33]מכבנתאMACHBANTA- (O.F. nosche) brooch

16)[line 33]חומרתא דפילוןCHUMARTA D'FILON- balsam that is tied up in a knot and worn around the neck


17)[line 1]מפתחMAFTE'ACH- a key

18)[line 3]מאן דכר שמה?MAN DACHAR SHMAH?- who mentioned it?

19)[line 8]דליתיה לממשא כללD'LEISEI L'MAMASHA KLAL- that there is no substance to it at all

20)[line 9]"וראשית שמנים ימשחו""V'REISHIS SHEMANIM YIMSHACHU"- "and anoint themselves with the best oils" (Amos 6:6) - "The best oil" refers to balsam oil.

21)[line 12]"השותים במזרקי יין""HA'SHOSIM B'MIZREKEI YAYIN"- "that drink wine in bowls" (ibid.) - The connotation of the word for bowls, "Mizrakim," is the subject of debate.

22)[line 12]קנישקניןKANISHKENIN- drinking tubes, a cup with tubes for many people to drink from

23)[line 12]שמזרקין כוסותיהןSHE'MEZARKIN KOSOSOHEN- they performed the art of throwing full cups back and forth

24)[line 13]ריש גלותאREISH GALUSA- the Exilarch, the temporal leader of the Jews in Babylon

25a)[line 15]תענוגTA'ANUG- pleasure

b)[line 15]שמחהSIMCHAH- joy, frivolity (see Insights)

26)[line 16]"השוכבים על מטות שן, וסרוחים על ערשותם""HA'SHOCHVIM AL MITOS SHEN, U'SERUCHIM AL ARSOSAM"- "that lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches" (Amos 6:4) - The word that means to stretch themselves, "u'Seruchim," has a double meaning. The Sages take it to mean "and they cause to stink."

27)[line 17]מגדף בהMEGADEF BAH- scoffed at it

28)[line 23]שאשתו מקללתו בפניוISHTO MEKALALTO B'FANAV- his wife curses him in his presence

29a)[line 24]מהדר אפיה לפורייהMEHADER APEI L'PURYEI- he faces his bed

b)[line 25]לבראיL'VARAI- away from his bed

30)[line 27]משא ידיהMASHA YADEI- he washes his hands

31)[line 28]מלא חפניMELO CHAFNAI- a lot (lit. handfuls)

32)[line 28]טיבותאTIVUSA- goodness, blessing

33)[line 29]אית ליה ולא עבידIS LEI V'LO AVID- he has the capability to supply them but does not

34a)[line 30]דרש רבא בריה דרבי עילאיDARASH RAVA BREI D'REBBI ILA'I- Apparently, the Gemara is citing these teachings here because (a) they involve the sins of Israel, as did the previous Gemara, and (b) they involve balsam oil, as did the previous Gemara.

b)[line 30]"ויאמר...""VA'YOMER..."- "And HaSh-m says, 'Because the daughters of Zion are haughty...'" (Yeshayah 3:16) - The verses describe the "women [who] rule over them (My people)," from verse 12.

35)[line 31]קומה זקופהKOMAH ZEKUFAH- an erect stature

36)[line 32]עקב בצד גודלEKEV B'TZAD GUDAL- the back of the foot progressing no further than the big toe of the foot behind (a haughty way to walk)

37)[line 32]מלאן כוחלא לעינייהו ומרמזןMAL'AN KUCHLA L'EINAIHU U'MERAMZAN- they tint their eyes with blue dye and wink

38)[line 33]שהיו מהלכות ארוכה בצד קצרהSHE'HAYU MEHALCHOS ARUKAH B'TZAD KETZARAH- that a tall woman would walk next to a short woman. In this way, the tall woman looked as if she were floating ("Tzafah," from the words "Haloch v'Tafof," interchanging a "Tz" for a "T") over the short woman, making her beauty stand out even more.

39)[line 34]מורMOR- myrrh

40)[line 34]אפרסמוןAFARSEMON- balsam

41)[line 35]בועטות בקרקעBO'ATOS BA'KARKA- they would stamp on the ground

42)[line 35]מתיזות עליהםMETIZOS ALEIHEN- spray on them

43)[line 36]ארס בכעוסERES B'CHA'US- the venom of an excited serpent

44)[line 37]"והיה תחת בושם...""V'HAYAH TACHAS BOSEM..."- "And it shall come to pass, that instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stench" (Yeshayah 3:24) - The Sages interpret the punishments that will befall these women.

45)[line 37]נמקים נמקיםNEMAKIM NEMAKIN- full of decaying sores

46)[line 38]חגורות בצלצולCHAGUROS B'TZALTZUL- girded with a nice belt (O.F. bendel)

47)[line 38]נקפים נקפיםNEKAFIM NEKAFIM- full of bruises

48)[line 39]מקום שהיו מתקשטות בוMAKOM SHE'HAYU MISKASHTOS BO- the place where they would adorn themselves (their hair)

49)[line 39]קרחים קרחיםKARACHIM KARACHIM- full of patches of baldness

50)[line 41]חלופי שופרא כיבאCHILUFEI SHUFRA KEIVA- instead of beauty, blisters

51)[line 44]נשפכו כקיתוןNISHPECHU K'KITON- their blood of Zivah poured out of them as if out of a flask

52)[line 44]יערYA'AR- a forest

53)[line 45]שחץSHACHATZ- arrogant, haughty

54)[last line]פת עמילהPAS AMEILAH- a well-kneaded dough, i.e. not a virgin

55)[last line]יין גורדליYAYIN GURDALI- (a) a white wine, i.e. a woman with a light complexion (RASHI); (b) a good-looking woman (ARUCH)