[3a - 21 lines; 3b - 36 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Rashi 3a DH Peturei ד"ה פטורי:
"Pashat he'Ani Yado ... v'Chen b'Idach" פשט העני ידו ... וכן באידך
(It would appear that these words belong at the end of the Dibur, after the words "v'Tartei b'Va'al ha'Bayis" - M. KORNFELD)
[2] Ibid:
"Peshitus Yad li'Fnim" פשיטות יד לפנים
The word "li'Fnim" should be deleted (RASHASH)
1a)[line 5]צידת צביTZEIDAS TZVI- If a deer entered a house by itself and a person sits down at the entrance, which prevents the deer from escaping, this person has done the Melachah of Tzeidah (trapping). When a second person sits next to the first, he transgresses no prohibition. Even if the first person were to get up, and the deer now cannot escape due to the second person only, he has still done no prohibition. The second person's actions can be compared to locking the closed door of a room that contains a deer in it; he adds nothing to the Tzeidah.
b)[line 5]צידת נחשTZEIDAS NACHASH- and it is permissible to trap a snake on Shabbos so that it will not bite. See, however, Gilyon ha'Shas DH v'Tzeidas Nachash
c)[line 5]מפיס מורסאMEFIS MURSA- and it is permissible to squeeze an infected wound in order to extract the pus (but not blood), if the pressure of the pus causes pain
2)[line 15]נזרקה מפי חבורהNIZREKAH MI'PI CHABURAH- it came out of our group learning; it is not clear who said it
3)[line 1]בר פחתיBAR PACHASEI- the son of great people
4)[line 3]לאו אדעתיהDILMA LAV A'DAITEI- lest he not be able to answer (lit. lest it not be on his mind)
5)[line 4]כספתיהKASAFTEI- you would have embarrassed him
6)[line 11]כרמליתKARMELIS- see Introduction to Maseches Shabbos, #2c
7)[line 27]הדביק פת בתנורHIDBIK PAS B'TANUR- if a person stuck a pita dough on the wall of an oven
8)[line 27]לרדותהLIRDOSAH- to take it off. Rediyas ha'Pas is considered a skill and not a Melachah. It is prohibited only mid'Rabanan.