תוספות ד"ה נכנס יין יצא סוד
היינו דאמר בפ' הדר (עירובין דף סה.) 'המתיישב ביינו, הרי יש בו מדעת שבעים זקנים' - שהסוד מתגבר על היין ואין כח ביין להוציא.
Clarification: That is what the Gemara states in Perek ha'Dar (Eruvin, 65a) 'Someone who drinks with moderation has the wisdom of the seventy elders' - since the secrets are more powerful than the wine, in which case the wine does not have the power to extract them.
תוספות ד"ה חצבה עמודיה שבעה
(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles this with the tradition that the world was created in six days, and not seven).
דבשבעה ימים נברא העולם.
Clarification: Since the world was created in seven days.
שאע"פ שבששה ימים נברא העולם
Implied Question: Because, even though it was really created in six days ...
מ"מ היה חסר מנוחה עד שבא שבת בא מנוחה! והיינו דכתיב (בראשית ב) "ויכל אלהים ביום השביעי".
Answer: ... nevertheless, Menuchah (repose) was missing, until 'Shabbos arrived, and Menuchah came together with it'. And that is why the Pasuk writes "and He finished His work on the day of Shabbos".
תוספות ד"ה בתחלה על גפי
(SUMMARY: Tosfos query Rashi, who interprets 'at first' as 'before Adam sinned', and 'afterwards' as 'after he sinned'. They therefore explain 'at first' and 'afterwards' to mean before he married Chavah and after he married her).
פ"ה, מקום גבוה; ולבסוף כשסרח נטרד על כסא.
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that initially Hash-m placed Adam on a high place, and after he sinned, He lowered him on to a chair.
וקשה, דבספ"ק דמס' ע"ז (דף יט.) משמע דכסא עדיף מגפי, דדריש גבי תלמיד שבתחילה על גפי גולה ממקום למקום, ולבסוף כשנעשה ראש ישיבה על כסא?
Question: However, from the first Perek in Avodah-Zarah (Daf 19a) it appears that 'Kisei' is superior to 'Gapei', as it Darshens there that at first, a Talmid sits on a Gapei (he moves from place to place like a wing), and that when he becomes Rosh Yeshivah, he sits on a chair.
וכאן נמי יש לדרוש כן - קודם שנזדווגה לו חוה על גפי, כמו (שמות כא) "אם בגפו יבא", ולבסוף על כסא.
Explanation 2#: Our Gemara too, it is possible to explain in that vein - that before Adam married Chavah, he sat on a Gapei (unsettled, moving from place to place [like the Pasuk in Mishpatim (Sh'mos, 21:3), in connection with an Eved Ivri - "If he came in alone [be'Gapo], he goes out alone"; whereas after he married her, he sat on a chair.
תוספות ד"ה וירדו ארבעה
אדם וחוה וקין ותיומתו. אבל הבל לא נולד באותו פעם, כדכתיב (בראשית ד) "ותוסף ללדת", ושני תיומות נולדו עמו דדריש בבראשית רבה מדכתיב (שם) את אחיו את הבל
Clarification: The four people who descended were Adam and Chava, Kayin and a twin sister. Because Hevel was not born then, only later, as the Torah writes "'Vatosef Laledes", which Chazal interpret as a Lashon of 'adding', with reference to the two twins that were born together with Hevel, and which the Bereishis Rabah Darshens from the two 'esin' in the words "es Achiv es Hevel".