[88a - 49 lines; 88b - 48 lines]
1)[line 2]טירינא דתמריTIRINA D'TAMREI- a basket of dates
2)[line 4]מלא צנא דדובשאMELO TZANA D'DUVSHA- a basketful of date-honey
3)[line 23]על ידי בנו ובתוAL YEDEI BENO U'VITO- for his son and daughter
4)[line 44]פתיא אוכמא!PASYA UCHMA!- black earthenware vessel! (this expression is used to describe a Talmid Chacham who has no time to wash his clothes on account of his total devotion to learning Torah; RASHI Avodah Zarah 16b)
5)[line 44]מיני ומינך תסתיים שמעתתאMINI U'MINACH TISTAYEM SHEMATATA- between the two of us, we will clarify the matter
6)[line 25]דדעתן קלה עליהןD'DA'ATAN KALAH ALEIHEN- that they are not particular about what they eat
7)[line 27]הלטאהHA'LETA'AH- a lizard
8)[line 31]וריחשהV'RICHESHAH- and it writhed
9)[line 39]יבלתYABELES- a wart