[52a - 38 lines; 52b - 44 lines]
1)[line 1]ביישוב לא עבידנאB'YISHUV LO AVDINAN- in the city we will not do [Melachah on the second of Yom Tov, even though we know for a certainty that it is not truly Yom Tov]
2)[line 5]שמתיהSHAMTEI- excommunicated him (put him in Niduy)
3)[line 5]ולנגדיה מר נגידיVEL'NAGDEI MAR NEGIDEI- should you not whip him?
4)[line 6]מימנו אנגידאMIMNU A'NEGIDA- (a) the scholars of a Yeshiva gather to vote on whether or not a member deserves to receive Makos Mardus (RASHI); (b) the scholars of a Yeshiva must gather in the presence of their most respected leader and agree unanimously before administering Makos Mardus (RIF)
5)[line 7]ולא מימנו אשמתאV'LO MIMNU A'SHAMTA- (a) but no vote is held should a scholar sin to the extent that he may be worthy of Niduy (excommunication). Since this is a graver situation, the resulting degradation of Torah due to the publicizing of the event would be worse than a possible miscarriage of justice. (RASHI); (b) but if a scholar should sin to the extent that he may be worthy of Niduy, "Ein Cholkin Kavod la'Rav," i.e. no gathering is held in the presence of the spiritual leader. Rather, Niduy is administered immediately. (RIF)
6)[line 9]מנדיןMENADIN- one should be excommunicated
7)[line 11]דטבא ליה עבדיD'TAVA LEI AVDI- (lit. what is better for him I did) I gave him a better punishment
8a)[line 20]צא והבא לך אף אתה מהיכא דאייתינהוTZEI VA'HAVEI LECHA AF ATAH ME'HEICHA D'AISINHU- [he may say to the residents of the city from where he came,] "Go and bring for yourselves as well from the place where I have brought them (the produce)"
b)[line 24]צא והבא לך אף אתה מהיכא דאייתינהוTZEI VA'HAVEI LECHA AF ATAH ME'HEICHA D'AISINHU- [the residents of the city from where he came may say to him,] "Go and bring for yourself as well from the place where you have brought them (the produce) [back to his original city]"
9)[line 30]אגבא דחמרא קלטינהוA'GABA D'CHAMRA KALTINHU- [did] it obtain [a new status while it was riding] on the back of the donkey?
10)[line 32]הכובש שלשה כבשיןHA'KOVESH SHELOSHAH KEVASHIN- one who pickles three vegetables [which have Kedushas Shevi'is during Shemitah]
11)[line 33]אוכלין על הראשון...OCHLIN AL HA'RISHON...- he [must] eat [all of the vegetables based] upon [the date when] the earliest [of the three will no longer be available to animals in the field (Zman ha'Bi'ur; see Background to Pesachim 50:11)]. Rav Ashi suggests that this is the case under discussion in our Mishnah. The Tana Kama is lenient according to the opinion of Rebbi Yehoshua, and requires Bi'ur only when all of the types of vegetables are no longer available in the field. Rebbi Yehudah, however, agrees with Raban Gamliel and requires Bi'ur to be done for each type as it becomes unavailable.
12)[last line]שבצוערTZO'AR- a city located in Yehudah (see below, entry #14a) on the Jordan Plain, probably on the southern bank of what is now the Dead Sea (mentioned in Bereishis 13:10, 19:22, and Devarim 34:3)
13a)[line 1]של בין הכיפיןSHEL BEIN HA'KEIFIN- [dates which fell and are currently lodged] among the branches of a palm tree
b)[line 2]שבין השיציןBEIN HA'SHITZIN- [dates which fell and are currently lodged] among the low thorns of a palm tree. Since wild animals are unable to extricate these dates. Rebbi Shimon Ben Gamliel maintains that the Zman ha'Bi'ur has arrived. This is also the opinion of Rebbi Yehudah in our Mishnah, suggests Ravina. This is what he meant by "Tzei va'Havei Lecha Af Atah" - "Go and bring for yourself as well from where an animal is able to reach them"; if you are unable to, then the Zman ha'Bi'ur has arrived. The Tana Kama of our Mishnah agrees with the leniency of the Tana Kama of this Beraisa according to Ravina.
14)[line 2]שלש ארצות לביעורSHALOSH ARATZOS L'BI'UR- there are three [distinct] lands as far as Bi'ur (see Background to 50:11) is concerned. This means that if a certain type of produce is no longer available in one of the following areas, the Zman ha'Bi'ur has arrived there even if it is still available to animals in a different area.
15a)[line 3]יהודהYEHUDAH- the district of Yehudah, encompassing the southern half of Eretz Yisrael proper. This area is approximately equivalent to the area south of the current roads connecting Beis Shemesh and the Jerusalem-Tel-Aviv highway and that which runs from the Sha'ar ha'Gai intersection to Jerusalem.
b)[line 3]ועבר הירדןEVER HA'YARDEN- the district of Ever ha'Yarden, encompassing modern-day Jordan. (According to the opinion of the Rambam (Hilchos Shemitah v'Yovel 7:9), Ever ha'Yarden is comprised of the lowlands and hills around Lod and Beis Choron, on the west bank of the Jordan River.)
c)[line 3]וגלילGALIL- the district of the Galilee, encompassing the northern half of Eretz Yisrael proper. This includes both the upper and lower Galilee, as well as the area around Teveryah.
16)[line 3]ושלש ארצות בכל אחת ואחתV'SHALOSH ARATZOS B'CHOL ACHAS V'ACHAS- and there are three regions within each one [within which food items become unavailable at different times]
17a)[line 10]כלה לחיה אשר בשדהKALAH LA'CHAYAH ASHER BA'SADEH- if a certain produce is no longer available to the wild animals in the field
b)[line 10]כלה לבהמתך מן הביתKALEH LI'VEHEMTECHA MIN HA'BAYIS- make it no longer available to your domesticated animals [by removing it] from your house
18)[line 11]וגמיריGEMIRI- we learned (we have a tradition)
19)[line 16]הא אפיקתיהHA AFIKTEI- this word has already been used for a Derashah (in line 8 of the Gemara)!
20)[line 19]גרבא דחמראGARBA D'CHAMRA- a keg of wine
21)[line 19]לוו בהדיהLAVU BA'HADEI- accompanied him
22)[line 25]נקוטNEKOT- hold
23a)[line 26]דדייק וגמר שמעתתא מפומיה דרביהD'DAYIK V'GAMAR SHEMA'ATESA MI'PUMEI D'RABEI- for he carefully listened when learning from his teacher. RASHI explains that he would ask his Rebbi to repeat a teaching for a second time in order to insure that he had mastered it.
b)[line 27]כרחבה דפומבדיתאK'RACHBAH D'FUMDEDISA- like Rachbah of Pumbedisa (who clarified that the following statement in the Gemara was made by Rav Yehudah as opposed to Rebbi Yehudah the Nasi)
24)[line 28]סטיו כפול היהSTAV KAFUL HAYAH- was a double colonnade of benches
25)[line 30]"עמי בעצו ישאל ומקלו יגיד לו""AMI B'ETZO YISH'AL, U'MAKLO YAGID LO"- "My people ask counsel of a piece of wood, and their staff tells them!" (Hoshea 4:12) - This verse refers to the practice of witchcraft. Rav Yosef quotes it in our Gemara as a play on words, to allege that the ruling of Rav Huna appealed to Rav Safra due to its leniency.
26)[line 31]קץ כפנייתאKATZ KAFNEYASA- cut down [a date palm which had] small unripe dates [growing on it, in order to use its wood]
27)[line 33]היכא דנחית לפיראHEICHAH D'NACHIS L'FEIRA- when [the tree] is bearing fully ripened fruit
28)[line 35]מתחליMASCHELEI- calyxes (the petals of a flower which surround and support the developing fruit)
29)[line 37]בכופריKUFREI- dates (synonymous with Kafneyasa; see above, #26)
30)[line 39]סמדרSEMADAR- an early stage of unripe grape
31)[line 43]משיוציאוMISHE'YOTZI'U- from when leaves first begin to appear on the tree
32)[last line]משישרשרוMISHE'YASHRISHU- from when the carobs upon the tree begin to appear as if they are growing in the form of chains