[50a - 44 lines; 50b - 54 lines]

1)[line 3]"והיה ביום ההוא לא יהיה אור יקרות וקפאון""V'HAYAH BA'YOM HA'HU LO YIHEYEH OR YEKAROS V'KIPA'ON..."- "And it shall come to pass on that day that there shall neither be bright light nor thick darkness..." (Zecharya 14:6)

2a)[line 5]שיקר בעולם הזהSHE'YAKAR BA'OLAM HA'ZEH- that is important (and bright) in this world

b)[line 5]וקפוי לעולם הבאV'KAFUY LA'OLAM HA'BA- [will be] unsubstantial in the world to come

3)[line 10]חלש ואיתנגידCHALASH V'ISNEGID- he fell sick and underwent clinical death

4)[line 17]"ביום ההוא יהיה על מצלות הסוס קדש לה' והיה הסירות בבית ה' כמזרקות לפני המזבח""BA'YOM HA'HU YIHEYEH AL METZILOS HA'SUS KODESH LA'SH-M V'HAYAH HA'SIROS B'VEIS HASH-M KA'MIZRAKIM LIFNEI HA'MIZBE'ACH"- "On that day shall there be inscribed on the ornaments of the horses, Kodesh la'Sh-m; and the pots in the house of HaSh-m shall be like the basins before the Mizbe'ach." (Zecharya 14:20)

5)[line 18]עד שהסוס רץ ומצילAD SHEHA'SUS RATZ U'MATZIL- the distance that a horse can run from morning until noon (lit. while a running horse still casts a shadow)

6)[line 19]מצילות שתולין לסוסMETZILOS SHE'TOLIN L'SUS- the bells or ornaments that are hung on the forehead of a horse

7)[line 21]"והיה כל סיר בירושלים וביהודה קודש לה' צבקות ובאו כל הזבחים ולקחו מהם ובשלו בהם ולא יהיה כנעני עוד בבית ה' צבקות ביום ההוא""V'HAYAH KOL SIR B'YERUSHALAYIM UV'YEHUDAH KODESH LA'SH-M TZEVAKOS, U'VA'U KOL HA'ZOVCHIM V'LAKECHU MEHEM U'VISHLU VAHEM, V'LO YIHEYEH KENA'ANI OD B'VEIS HASH-M TZEVAKOS BA'YOM HA'HU"- "And every pot in Yerushalayim and Yehudah shall be sacred to HaSh-m; and all of those people who sacrifice Korbanos shall come and use them to cook in them. And on that day there shall be no more merchants in the house of the Lord of Hosts." (Zecharya 14:21)

8)[line 23]דמתעתריD'DMIS'ATREI- they will become rich

9)[line 37]למדרשה בפירקאL'MIDRESHAH B'FIRKA- to teach the pronunciation and interpretation of the Holy Name in a public lecture


10)[line 41]מקום שנהגו לעשותMAKOM SHE'NAHAGU SHE'LO LA'ASOS- There were those who were accustomed not to engage in any work on Erev Pesach, so as not to forget any of the many Pesach-related activities necessary then. These include destroying any leftover Chametz, slaughtering the Korban Pesach, and baking Matzos for the Seder. Although it is technically possible to perform some of these activities at night, it is a Mitzvah to prepare everything for the Seder while it is still daytime in order to start the Seder immediately so the children remain awake.


11)[line 2]פירות שביעיתPEROS SHEVI'IS

(a)The Torah requires farmers to desist from working the land every seventh year, as described in Vayikra 25:1-7. Produce which grows during the seventh (Shevi'is) year is holy, which in this context means that: 1. It is considered ownerless; anyone may enter any field and pick that which he wishes to eat. 2. The fruits may not be bought and sold in a normal fashion (see Insights to Sukah 39:2). 3. Shevi'is produce may be consumed only in the manner considered normal for that type of food, or burned to provide light in the case of oil. It may not be wasted, used for medicinal purposes, fed to animals, etc.

(b)Shemitah produce may be stored only so long as that produce is available in the fields to wild animals (derived from Vayikra 25:7). When it is no longer available in the wild, Bi'ur must be done. This includes removing all of the produce from storage, placing it in a public domain and declaring it Hefker (Halachically ownerless) in front of three Jewish men. These men may be friends of the owner, who will allow him to reclaim his produce from Hefker immediately following his declaration without attempting to claim the produce for themselves.

12)[line 2]ממקום שכלוMI'MAKOM SHE'KALU- from an area where [a certain food item] is finished (i.e. unavailable to wild animals)

13)[line 5]מאי איריא ערבי פסחיםMAI IRYA ARVEI PESACHIM- The Mishnah teaches that there are different customs when it comes to performing Melachah before Chatzos. The implication is that after Chatzos, no one anywhere may perform Melachah. The Gemara here inquires why it was necessary for the Mishnah to add the words "Ad Chatzos" in order to imply this; such a custom is in effect every Erev Shabbos and Yom Tov!

14)[line 8]מן המנחה ולמעלהMIN HA'MINCHAH UL'MA'ALEH- from Minchah [Ketanah — nine and a half hours into the day, or three and a half hours after Chatzos (RASHI); Gedolah — six and a half hours into the day, or half an hour after Chatzos)] and beyond

15)[line 12]שמותי לא משמתינן ליהSHEMUTEI LO MESHAMTINAN LEI- he is not excommunicated

16)[line 17]נידנוד עבירהNIDNUD AVEIRAH- a hint of a sin

17)[line 18]זריז ונשכרZARIZ V'NISKAR- a diligent individual who is rewarded

18)[line 19]שפלSHAFEL- a lazy individual

19)[line 20]שבתאSHABATA- week

20)[line 27]מפנקותאMEFANKUSA- pampering

21)[line 36]שכר אשתוSECHAR ISHTO- the wages of his wife

22)[line 36]וריחיםRECHAYIM- a flour mill

23)[line 37]מתקולתאMASKULTA- (a) a balance scale [rented out by his wife in the marketplace, which is immodest and brings in very little profit] (RASHI); (b) spun thread [sold by weight. It is immodest for a women to spin thread in public since her forearms become uncovered during the process.] (TOSFOS, RABEINU CHANANEL)

24)[line 37]אגרתאAGARTA- rent money [for the mill, which is very little compared to the tremendous amount of physical toil necessary to work it]

25)[line 37]עבדה ומזבנהAVDAH U'MEZABNAH- if his wife produces handiwork from her home then sells it

26a)[line 38]בקניםKANIM- sticks

b)[line 38]ובקנקניםKANKANIM- jugs

27)[line 39]אפחזייהוAPACHZAIHU- their volume

28)[line 39]שלטא בהו עינאSHALTA BEHU EINA- others will look jealously upon his wares, affecting them with an Ayin ha'Ra (evil eye)

29)[line 40]תגרי סימטאTAGAREI SIMTA- merchants who sell their wares in the marketplace

30)[line 41]ונותנין עיניהן בחלק יפהNOSNIN EINEIHEM B'CHELEK YAFEH- those who always demand the finest portion

31)[line 42]דתהו ביה אינשיD'TAHU BEI INSHEI- people wonder (i.e. take note) about it (which will result in an Ayin ha'Ra)

32a)[line 42]כותביןKOSVIN- those who write Sifrei Torah, Tefilin, and Mezuzos (Sofrim)

b)[line 43]מתורגמניןMETURGEMANIN- those who repeat the discourse given by the Rav on Shabbos in a loud voice for all to hear

c)[line 43]ושכר יתומיםSECHAR YESOMIM- profit made from a business deal struck in partnership with orphans

d)[line 43]ומעות הבאות ממדינת היםMA'OS HA'BA'OS MI'MEDINAS HA'YAM- money made from sending ships to dangerous foreign locales

33)[line 48]תגריהןTAGAREIHEN- their merchants (middle men)

34)[line 50]בני ביישןBNEI BAISHAN- the people of Baishan

35)[line 50]מצור לצידון במעלי שבתאMI'TZOR L'TZIDON B'MA'ALEI SHABATA- from Tyre to [the marketplace in] Sidon [which was open only] on Erev Shabbos

36)[line 51]אבהתין אפשר להוAVHASIN EFSHAR LEHU- our fathers were able [to refrain from going to the market when it was close to Shabbos, since they were wealthy]

37)[line 53]בני חוזאיBNEI CHOZA'EI- the people of Mechoza

38)[line 53]מארוזאME'AROZA- from rice (RASHI) or millet (TOSFOS)

39)[last line]ניכלה זר באפייהוNICHLEH ZAR B'APAIHU- one who is not from that family should eat it in front of them