
TOSFOS DH Lemeimra d'Heset v'Negi'a k'Yadav

úåñôåú ã"ä ìîéîøà ãäéñè åðâéòä ëéãéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the source that touching must be exposed.)

ôøù"é ãîäëà éìôéðï ìëì ðâéòåú ëâåï ùøõ åðáìä ùðâòå áñúøå ùì èäåø


Explanation #1 (Rashi): We learn from here to every touching, e.g. a Sheretz or Neveilah that touched a covered part of a Tahor person.

å÷ùä ãàé îæá éìôéðï ãëé (äâäú áàøåú äîéí) äéëé ãáòéðï âìåé äæá


Question #1: If we learn from a Zav, that just like we require an exposed part of the Zav, we require an exposed part of the Tahor...

ä"ð áòéðï ùéâò áâìåé ùì èäåø ìòðéï äéñè ðîé ðéìó ãðáòé ùéñéè äèäåø áâéìåé ëãáòéðï áâéìåé äæá


Also regarding Heset (moving) we should learn, and require that he move the Tahor in an exposed [place], just like we require an exposed part of the Zav.

åäëà àîøéðï ã÷ðä á÷åîèå ùì èäåø åäñéè áå àú äæá èîà


Here we say that if the stick is in a fold of the Tahor, and the Zav moved him through it, he is Tamei!

åàîø ðîé ãáéú äñúøéí îèîà áîùà


Question #2: We say also that Beis ha'Setarim is Metamei through carrying.

àìà ðøàä ìôøù ãæá åùøõ åðáìä ùðâòå áñúøå ùì èäåø ãèäåø ìàå îæá éìôéðï àìà éìôéðï îìùåï ðâéòä ãëúéá áëåìäå


Explanation #2: Rather, if a Zav, Sheretz or Neveilah touched a covered part of a Tahor, he is Tahor - we do not learn this from a Zav. Rather, we learn from the expression of "touching" written regarding all of these;

åèäåø äðåâò áæá ðîé ëúéá äðåâò ááùø äæá åìùåï ðâéòä îùîò îàáøàé ùéâò äèäåø áâìåé áèåîàä


Also regarding a Tahor who touches a Zav, it is written "ha'Noge'a bi'Vesar ha'Zav", and the expression of touching connotes externally, that the Tahor touches the Tum'ah in an exposed place.

åëï îùîò ô"÷ ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ëä.) ãàîø òåìà äëì îåãéí ãìùåï âìåé äåà àöì ùøõ åëé éâò àîø øçîðà åäàé áø ðâéòä äåà


Support: It connotes like this in Kidushin (25a). Ula said "all agree that the tongue is considered exposed regarding a Sheretz. The Torah said "v'Chi Yiga", and [the tongue" can touch things.

îùîò ãîìùåï ðâéòä ãëúéá áùøõ äåà ãøéù ãìà îééúé ÷øà ãéãéå ãëúéá áæá


Inference: He expounds the expression of touching written regarding a Sheretz. He does not bring the verse of "Yadav" written regarding a Zav.

åîéäå øù"é âøéñ äúí àùø éâò áå åäééðå ÷øà ãëúéá âáé æá


Disclaimer: However, Rashi's text there says "Asher Yiga Bo", which is the verse written regarding a Zav.

åäà ãàöèøéê äëà ìîãøù îéãéå åìà ðô÷à ìéä îðâéòä ãëúéá áæá


Implied question: Why do we need to expound here from Yadav, and we do not learn from "Negi'a" written regarding a Zav?

îùåí ãääéà ðâéòä áäéñè îééøé åìà îùîò âéìåé ëîå ðâéòä îîù ìëê ãøéù ìä îéãéå ãáòéðï âéìåé äæá áéï áäéñè áéï áîâò îãàô÷éä áìùåï ðâéòä


Answer #1: That "Negi'a" refers to Heset. It does not connote exposure, like actual touching. Therefore, he expounds from Yadav that we require exposure of the Zav, both regarding Heset and touching, since it taught with an expression of touching;

à"ð îðâéòä ãäëà ãëúéá âáé éãéå îéðä éìôéðï ìëì ðâéòåú ãäåå îàáøàé.


Answer #2: We learn from "Negi'a" written here regarding Yadav to every touching, that it is external.


TOSFOS DH b'Re'uyah Lehazri'a

úåñôåú ã"ä áøàåéä ìäæøéò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Sugyos in Nedarim and Yevamos.)

åàôé' éöàä áìà äøâùä àééøé ëãîåëç áñîåê


Explanation: He discusses even if it left without Hargashah (sensation), like is proven from below.

åúéîä ãà"ë îùîò ãøàåé ìäæøéò àò"ô ùàéðå éåøä ëçõ


Question: If so, this connotes that if it is proper to be Mazri'a (fertilize), even though it does not shoot like an arrow;

åáùéìäé ðãøéí (ãó öà.) åëï áéáîåú (ãó ñä.) àîø àéäé ÷éí ìä áéåøä ëçõ îùîò ãàé àéï éåøä ëçõ àéðå øàåé ìäæøéò


In Nedarim (91a) and Yevamos (65a), it says that she knows whether or not his semen shoots like an arrow, but he does not. (If it does not, he is sterile.) This connotes that if it does not shoot like an arrow, it is not proper to be Mazri'a!

åé"ì ãìäà ìéùðà ãäëà ìà îöøéê ø÷ ùáúçìú ò÷éøú ùëáú æøò úäà øàåéä ìäæøéò àò"â ãìñåó éöéàúä äéà áòðéï ùàéðå øàåé ìäæøéò


Answer #1: According to this version here, we require only that when the semen is initially uprooted, it is proper to be Mazri'a, even if at the end of its exit it is in a way that cannot be Mazri'a.

à"ð øàåé ìäæøéò äåà àìà ùàéðä øàåééä ìäúòáø ìôé ùàéðå éåøä ëçõ åàéðå ðëðñ ìúåê âåôä àìà ùåúú åéåöà ìçåõ.


Answer #2: It is proper to be Mazri'a, but it is not proper to impregnate, since it does not shoot like an arrow and does not enter her body. Rather, it drips and goes outside.


TOSFOS DH Ha Temuyei Metamya

úåñôåú ã"ä äà èîåéé îèîéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this is unlike Version #1.)

ôéøåù åàôéìå ðò÷øä áìà äøâùä ãàí ìà ëï äééðå ìéùðà ÷îà.


Explanation: This is even if it was uprooted without Hargashah. If not, this is just like Version #1!


TOSFOS DH Zavah she'Ne'ekru Meimei Ragleha

úåñôåú ã"ä æáä ùðò÷øå îéîé øâìéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whom else we can ask about.)

åëï áòé îòåáãú ëåëáéí


Explanation: He asked similarly [right after this] about a Nochris [who converted after the urine started to flow].

ùàì øéá"à îøù"é àîàé ìà áòé îæëø æá åòåáã ëåëáéí


Question (Riva, to Rashi): Why don't we ask about a male Zav and Nochri [whose urine started to flow]?

åäùéá ãðøàä ìå ìôé ùáàùä îúòâìéï ëì [îéîé] øâìéä ááú àçú ìôúçä îä ùàéï ëï áàéù.


Answer (Rashi): It seems that in a woman, all the urine gathers at once to the opening, but not in a man.



TOSFOS DH Es Zovo Telas

úåñôåú ã"ä àú æåáå úìú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he learns only one from these words.)

ìà ãøéù àúéï


Explanation #1: He does not expound the word "Es".

àé ðîé àúé ìãøùà àçøéúé.


Explanation #2: Alternatively, [he expounds "Es";] it comes for a different Drashah.


TOSFOS DH Ad she'Yetzei mi'Besaro

úåñôåú ã"ä òã ùéöà îáùøå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we need a verse to teach this.)

åáôø÷ áðåú ëåúéí (ìòéì ãó ìä.) ããøéù îáùøå åìà îçîú àåðñå


Implied question: Above (35a), we expound "mi'Besaro", and not due to Ones!

úøúé ùîòú îéðä


Answer: We learn both [Drashos] from this [word].

åà"ú åì"ì ÷øà òã ùéöà îáùøå îäéëà úéúé ùéèîà áôðéí ëáçåõ


Question: Why do we need the verse to teach "until it leaves his flesh"? What would be the source to be Metamei internally like externally?

ãàé îðãä åæáä


Suggestion: We learn from Nidah and Zavah.

äà áøéù áðåú ëåúéí (ùí ãó ìá:) îöøéê ÷øà ìøáåú ÷èï ìæá åìðãä åìæáä åìà éìôéðï îäããé


Rejection: Above (32b), we require a verse to include a minor to become a Zav, and [another verse] for Nidah and Zavah, and we do not learn them from each other!

åé"ì ãäåä éìôéðï îðãä åæáä åôåìèú áîä äöã


Answer: We would have learned from Nidah, Zavah and Poletes (a woman who emits semen), from a Tzad ha'Shavah;

ìø"ù ðîé


Implied question: How can we answer according to R. Shimon [who says that Poletes is not Teme'ah her until it leaves her? He cannot make the Tzad ha'Shavah!]

é"ì ëéåï ãâìé ìï ÷øà ùùåéï äï æá åæáä ìòðéï ÷èðéí âí ìòðéï ôðéí ëáçåõ äééðå îùåéï àåúí àé ìàå îáùøå.


Answer: We can say that since the verse revealed that Zav and Zavah are the same regarding minors, also [to be Metamei] internally like externally we would equate them, if not for "Besaro."


TOSFOS DH veha'Tanan ha'Evarim Ein Lahem Shi'ur

úåñôåú ã"ä åäúðï äàáøéí àéï ìäí ùòåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the Hava Amina.)

åà"ú åëé ìà éãò ãàáø ùìí ãå÷à ÷àîø


Question: Did he not know that he said only that a complete Ever [is Metamei]?!

åé"ì ãôøéê àîàé ãîùðé ãùåí ùëáú æøò ÷úðé ãùåí ùøõ ðîé àùëçï ëâåï àáøéí


Answer: He challenges the answer that any amount of semen was taught. We also find that any amount of Sheretz is Metamei, e.g. limbs!

åîùðé ãìàå äééðå ëì ùäåà ãàé çñø ìéä èäåø.


He answers that this is not any amount, for if [the limb] is lacking, it is Tahor.


TOSFOS DH Minayin Lerabos Noge'a b'Shichvas Zera Talmud Lomar Oh Ish

úåñôåú ã"ä îðéï ìøáåú ðåâò áùëáú æøò ú"ì àå àéù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he learns from this verse.)

îåäáâã àùø éäéä òìéå ùëáú æøò ìà îöé ìîéìó


Implied question: Why can't we learn from "veha'Beged Asher Yihyeh Alav Shichvas Zera"? (Just like semen is Metamei garments through touching, it is Metamei people!)

ãáâã çîåø îàãí ãðåùà äðáìä îèîà áâãéí áçáåøå åìà àãí ëãàîø áô"÷ ãááà áúøà (ãó è:)


Answer: A garment is more stringent than a person, like it says in Bava Basra (9a).

åà"ú î"è ãøéù îàå àéù ãùøõ åùáé÷ àå àéù ãëúéá áù"æ âåôéä


Question: Why do we expound [this from] "Oh Ish" written regarding a Sheretz, and we abandoned Oh Ish written regarding Shichvas Zera itself?

åé"ì ãîñúáø ìéä èôé ìøáåú ðåâò î÷øà ãðåâò åìà îääéà ãù"æ ãîééøé áøåàä


Answer: He holds that it is more reasonable to include touching from a verse about touching, and not from the verse about Shichvas Zera, which discusses Ro'eh (one who had an emission).

åà"ú åì"ì éúåøà ãàå àéù úéôå÷ ìéä îãàéú÷ù ù"æ ìùøõ


Question: Why do we need the extra words "Oh Ish"? We should know from the Hekesh of Shichvas Zera to a Sheretz!

ãîäàé èòîà éìôéðï áùøõ áâã åòåø îùëáú æøò áô' áîä àùä (ùáú ãó ñã.) åáôø÷ ëéöã äøâì (á"÷ ãó ëä:)


For this reason (the Hekesh) we learn that fabric and hide [receive Tum'as] Sheretz, from Shichvas Zera, in Shabbos (64a) and Bava Kama (25b)!

åé"ì ãàé ìàå àå àéù äåä àîéðà ãìà äå÷ùä àìà î"ù áôéøåù ëâåï ðåâò ãùøõ ìøåàä ãù"æ


Answer: If not for "Oh Ish", one might have thought that only the matters explicitly written are equated, e.g. touching a Sheretz and Ro'eh Shichvas Zera;

åîöé ìîéîø ãøá ôôà ãîøáä ðåâò îàå àéù ãùøõ äà ãàîø äúí ãàéú÷ù àäããé


Implied question: [If so, according to] Rav Papa, who includes touching [semen] from Oh Ish of Sheretz, why does it say there that they are equated to each other?

äééðå îùåí ã÷øà ãùøõ àééøé áù"æ åîàå àéù ãùøõ ðîé ìà äåä îå÷îéðï ìðåâò áù"æ àé ìàå ãàñîëéðäå áäãéà.


Answer: This is because the verse of Sheretz [teaches about] Shichvas Zera, and we would not have established "Oh Ish" of Sheretz to discuss touching Shichvas Zera, if not that they were explicitly written adjacent to each other. (It is right after "Oh Ish" of Shichvas Zera.)


TOSFOS DH u'Metamei bi'Nega'im

úåñôåú ã"ä åîèîà áðâòéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes when the verse includes a minor, and when it excludes a fetus.)

îùåí ãáðâòéí ëúéá (åé÷øà éâ) àéù àå àùä åáèåîàú îú ðîé ëúéá (áîãáø éè ë) åàéù àùø éèîà åìà éúçèà àéöèøéê ÷øà áäå ìøáåéé


Explanation: Because it says regarding Nega'im "Ish Oh Ishah", and also regarding Tum'as Mes it says "v'Ish Asher Yitma v'Lo Yischata", we need a verse for them to include [minors].

àáì ìòðéï æå÷÷ ìéáåí åôåèø îï äéáåí åîàëéì úøåîä ìà ëúéá àéù åìà àéöèøéê ÷øà àìà ìîòåèé òåáø.


Distinction: However, to obligate [his brother's widow] to do [Chalitzah or] Yibum, to exempt [his mother] from Yibum and to feed [his mother] Terumah, it is not written "Ish." We need a verse only to exclude a fetus.