
TOSFOS DH Ela b'Chatichah Shel Dalet Minei Damim

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà áçúéëä ùì ã' îéðé ãîéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that they argue about what the piece is.)

ã÷ñáø ø' éäåãä ãí ðãåú äåà åð÷øù åðòùä çúéëä ëãàîø ì÷îï âáé îôìú îéï ãâéí


Explanation: R. Yehudah holds that it is Dam Nidah, and it congealed and became a piece, like it says below regarding one who is Mapil (fell from her Ervah) a form of fish;

åøáðï ñáøé î÷åø îâãì çúéëä åìà ãí ðãåú äåà.


Rabanan hold that the Makor produces a piece. It is not Dam Nidah.


TOSFOS DH v'Rabanan Savrei Lo Amrinan Rov Chatichos

úåñôåú ã"ä åøáðï ñáøé ìà àîøéðï øåá çúéëåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rabanan do not consider this like Safek Tum'ah.)

úéîä åðéîà ãäåä ôìâà åôìâà åéäà åãàé èîà áøä"é àò"â ãàéëà çæ÷ú èäøä


Question: [Rabanan] should say that half (are blood), and it should be Vadai Tamei in Reshus ha'Yachid, even though there is Chezkas Taharah [against it]!

åé"ì ãàîøé' ìòéì (ãó éç:) ãàôéìå ìøáé éäåãä ìà äåé øåá âîåø åàéï ùåøôéï òìéå àú äúøåîä


Answer: We say above (18b) that even R. Yehudah holds that it is not an absolute majority, and we do not burn Terumah due to it;

åìøáðï àôéìå ôìâà ìà äåé åàãøáä øåá äçúéëåú ìàå ùì ã' îéðé ãîéí äí.


Rabanan hold that it is not even half. Just the contrary, most pieces are not from the four kinds of blood!


TOSFOS DH l'R. Yochanan Adumah u'Shechorah l'Man ka'Tani Lah Iy l'R. Yehudah

úåñôåú ã"ä ìøáé éåçðï àãåîä åùçåøä ìîàï ÷úðé ìä àé ìøáé éäåãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is difficult for R. Yochanan.)

åä"ô äîôìú àãåîä åùçåøä ãéðå ëãîôøù ø' éäåãä áñéôà


Explanation: [The Beraisa means that] one who is Mapil red or black, its law is like R. Yehudah explains in the Seifa;

äùúà éøå÷ä ëå'


[The Gemara rejects this. It could have taught only yellow and white, and we would say that R. Yehudah is Metamei] even yellow [and white are Tamei. All the more he is Metamei red and black!]

åîúåê ôé' ø"ç îùîò ãì"â åë"ú ëé ôìéâé øáðï àéøå÷ä åìáðä


Observation: R. Chananel's Perush connotes that his text did not say "perhaps you will say that Rabanan argue only about yellow and white!"

åëï ðøàä ãäà áäãéà ÷úðé áîéìúééäå ùçåøä åàãåîä åàéï æå ñåâééú äù"ñ.


Support: It seems that this is correct. They explicitly taught black and red. The Gemara does not do so (suggest that the law taught is not correct).


TOSFOS DH v'Eino Ne'echal

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéðå ðàëì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why she brings only one Korban.)

ãàéîà ìà øàúä åìà éìãä


Explanation: Perhaps she did not see [blood] and did not give birth.

åá' ÷øáðåú àéï öøéëä ìäáéà îùåí ãàéîà øàúä åéìãä


Implied question: She should bring two Korbanos. Perhaps she saw [blood] and gave birth!

ãà"ë ÷åùé ñîåê ììéãä äåà åèäåøä ëéåï ãìà ùôúä îòú ìòú ãéù ÷åùé ìðôìéí


Answer: If she did, this is Koshi (blood due to birth) adjacent to birth, and it is Tahor, since she did not cease 24 hours [between the blood and the birth. The law of] Koshi applies to Nefalim.

åëï ö"ì ìøáé éäåùò ãñáø éù ÷åùé ìðôìéí ãàé àéï ÷åùé äéä ìä ìäáéà ùðé ÷øáðåú


Support: We must say that R. Yehoshua (who says that surely there was blood) holds that Koshi applies to Nefalim. If Koshi did not apply, she should bring two Korbanos;

ùì æéáä ãäåé åãàé ðàëì åùì ìéãä ãäåé ñô÷ àéðå ðàëì


She should bring a Korban for Zivah, which is Vadai, and it is eaten, and a Korban for birth, which is Safek, and it is not eaten!

ãìæéáä åììéãä ìà ñâé á÷øáï çã îéãé ãäåé àçìá åãí ëãàîøéðï áô"á ãëøéúåú (ãó è:) åì÷îï áô' éåöà ãåôï (ãó î.).


One Korban does not suffice for Zivah and birth, just like we find regarding [one who ate b'Shogeg] Chelev and blood (Kerisus 9b, below 40a).



TOSFOS DH b'Efshar li'Pesichas ha'Kever b'Lo Dam ka'Mipalgei

úåñôåú ã"ä áàôùø ìôúéçú ä÷áø áìà ãí ÷îéôìâé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this from a previous teaching of R. Yochanan.)

ìäê ìéùðà úéîä ãâ' î÷åîåú ã÷àîø ø' éåçðï ìòéì (ãó éç.) ãäìëå çëîéí àçø äøåá ìîòåèé îàé.


Question: According to this version, how can we understand R. Yochanan's words above (18a), that in three places Chachamim followed the majority. What does [three] exclude?!


Note: The Ramban (Sof 18b) says that R. Yochanan's words above are according to Version #1 here, in which we say that the Tana'im argue about when we do not know the color of what she miscarried. Aruch l'Ner (18b) - whenever the womb opens, there is blood. Most blood from the Makor is Tamei. R. Yehoshua considers this like Vadai, and burns Terumah due to it; R. Yehudah disagrees. R. Yochanan holds like Yehoshua, therefore he did not say "three" to exclude this case.


TOSFOS DH b'Sochah Ma'adim

úåñôåú ã"ä áúåëä îàãéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the same applies if it is red only outside.)

åàò"â ãìà äàãéí îáçåõ


Explanation: This is even if it is not red outside.

åðøàä ãàí äàãéí îáçåõ òãéó èôé àôéìå ìà äàãéí îáôðéí ëîå ãí


Assertion: It seems that if it is red outside, this is better (more reason to be Metamei), even if it is not red inside, just like blood [is better outside than inside];

ãáôðéí (äâäú äøù"ù, îäø"á øðùáåøâ) àéðå îåòéì àìà ìñåîëåñ åîáçåõ àôéìå ìøáðï.


Inside, [blood] helps only according to Sumchus. Outside, it helps even according to Rabanan.



úåñôåú ã"ä æåæà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is the name of a Chacham.)

ôéøù áòøåê ùí çëí.


Explanation: The Aruch explained that this is the name of a Chacham.


TOSFOS DH Im Yesh Bah Etzem Teme'ah Leidah

úåñôåú ã"ä àí éù áä òöí èîàä ìéãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this interrupts between teachings about Nidah.)

åäà ãúðï äê ÷åãí äà ããí àâåø ãîééøé ðîé áðãä åìà áìéãä


Implied question: Why was this taught before the case of much blood, which also discusses Nidah (like the laws before this), and not birth? (We should teach all the teachings about Nidah together!)

îùåí ãúðé ëì ãáøééúà áøéùà.


Answer: We taught all the Beraisos first [before R. Yochanan's teaching in the name of R. Shimon].


TOSFOS DH veha'Amar R. Shimon ben Yochai

úåñôåú ã"ä åäàîø øáé ùîòåï áï éåçé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we challenge R. Zeira, rather than support him from the Mishnah.)

åà"ú åìéñééòéä îîúðé' ãáòé òîä ãí


Question: He should support him from [the first Tana of] our Mishnah, who requires that there is blood with it!

åé"ì äééðå îùåí ã÷ñáø ãàéðå ãí ðãåú.


Answer: [The first Tana says so] because he holds that it (the blood in the piece) is not Dam Nidah.


TOSFOS DH Ha Dam Nidah Teme'ah Afilu bi'Shfoferes

úåñôåú ã"ä äà ãí ðãä èîàä àôéìå áùôåôøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies this inference.)

åà"ú îðìéä äà àéîà äà ããí ðãä èîàä îùåí ãôìé ôìåéé å÷øéðï áéä ááùøä ëãîùðé àáéé ìôéøù"é


Question: What is his source to say so? I could say that [if it were] Dam Nidah, she would be Teme'ah because it is convoluted (and there is blood in the folds, and it touches the wall of the womb), and "bi'Vsarah" applies, like Abaye answers, according to Rashi!

åé"ì ãðøàä ìå ìî÷ùä ãøáðï ôìéâé àîàé ã÷àîø ø' àìéòæø áäãéà ááùøä åìà áùôéø åìà áçúéëä


Answer: The Makshan holds that Rabanan argue with what R. Eliezer explicitly said, that "bi'Vsarah" excludes [blood] in a Shefir (the outer skin of a fetus before bones form) or piece of flesh;

åàúå øáðï ìîéîø ãìà îèòí ááùøä èäåø àìà îùåí ãàéðå ãí ðãåú


Rabanan come to teach that she is Tehorah not due to "bi'Vsarah", rather, because it is not Dam Nidah;

äà àí äéä ãí ðãåú èîàä àôéìå áùôåôøú


Inference: If it were Dam Nidah, she would be Teme'ah, even [if it left] in a tube!

ãàé ãí ðãåú èäåø áùôåôøú àí ëï ìà äåå ôìéâé øáðï àîàé ã÷àîø øáé àìéòæø áäãéà.


Source: If Dam Nidah [that left] in a tube were Tahor (is not Metamei her), Rabanan would not argue with what R. Eliezer explicitly said.