NIDAH 14 (14 Sivan ) - Dedicated by Doug Rabin in memory of his mother, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel (Lucy) Rabin, in honor of her Yahrzeit.


TOSFOS DH Rochvei Gemalim Asurin Le'echol bi'Terumah

úåñôåú ã"ä øåëáé âîìéí àñåøéï ìàëåì áúøåîä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with Shmuel's teaching below.)

åàò''â ãàîø ùîåàì áô' éåöà ãåôï (ì÷îï ãó îâ.) ëì ùëáú æøò ùàéï ëì âåôå îøâéù àéðå îèîà


Implied question: Shmuel taught below (43a) that any semen that his entire body does not feel is not Metamei! (They should be permitted if they did not feel!)

äëà ãìîà äøâéù ëì âåôå åìàå àãòúéä:


Answer: Here, perhaps his entire body felt, and he did not put to his mind [that he is Tamei].


TOSFOS DH Rochvei Gemalim Kulam Resha'im...

úåñôåú ã"ä øåëáé âîìéí ëåìí øùòéí...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Kidushin.)

åà''ú ãàîøéðï áôø÷ òùøä éåçñéï (÷ãåùéï ãó ôá.) âîìéí øåáï ëùøéí çîøéí øåáï ìéñèéï


Question: We say in Kidushin (82a) that most camel-drivers and Kosher, and most donkey-drivers are bandits!

åé''ì ãäëà îééøé áøåëáéí åîùåí äøäåø åäúí ìà îééøé áøåëáéí àìà áðåúðéï ñçåøä òì äâîìéí åäí äåìëéí áøâì øçå÷ áî÷åí ñëðä


Answer: Here we discuss riders, and due to Hirhur. There, we do not discuss riders, rather, people who put merchandise on camels and they walk by foot, far (from settled areas), in dangerous areas (so they humble their hearts to Hash-m);

åçîøéï [ùäí ìéñèéí îùåí ãáùòä ù÷åðéí] òåùéï øîàåú áîùà åáîúï


Donkey-drivers are bandits, for when they buy, they do deception in business.



úåñôåú ã"ä àôø÷éã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos favors Rashi's Perush, that the face is on top.)

ôé' ä÷åðèøñ ôðéå ìîòìä


Explanation #1 (Rashi): The face is on top.

åëï îùîò áäîåëø àú äñôéðä (á''á ãó òã.) âáé îúé îãáø ãâðå àôø÷éã åçìéó èééòà úåúé áøëééäå åøåîçà áéãéä åìùåï àôø÷éã àôåøééàä ÷ãì


Support: Bava Basra 74a connotes like this. It says those who died in the Midbar were sleeping Aparkid, and a Yishmaeli merchant passed under their knees with a spear in his hand. The word "Aparkid" is from "a'Poryei Kadal (the back of his neck is on his bed)."

åìà ëôéøåù äòøåê ãôé' ôðéå îèä åìùåï àôø÷éã àôåé ÷éã


Explanation #2: This is unlike the Aruch, who explained that the face is below. The word "Aparkid" is from "Apuy Kid."


Note: I.e. his face is to the ground. It seems that "Kid" is like Kidah, which is prostrating one's face to the ground (Brachos 34b).

åòåã ÷ùä øé''ù ãàôø÷éã ìîä ìé. [åò''ò úåñôåú ôñçéí ÷ç. ã''ä ôø÷ãï]


Question: Also (another support for Explanation #1) is that according to Explanation #2, why there is a "Reish" in Aparkid?!


TOSFOS DH Layit a'Man d'Gani Aparkid

úåñôåú ã"ä ìééè àîàï ãâðé àôø÷éã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings reasons for this.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ùéãéå îåðçåú òì îéìúå åîúçîí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [When one sleeps Aparkid,] his hands rest on his Ever, and it is warmed.

åøùá''í ôéøù ùáâãéå ðåôìéï òì àîúå åîúçîí


Explanation #2 (Rashbam): His garments fall on his Ever, and it is warmed.

åîä ùôé' òåã ùôòîéí [îú÷ùä åîúâìä]


Explanation #3 (Rashi): Sometimes he has an erection, and it is revealed [and this is disgraceful].

ìà ðøàä ãááéú ñâåø àå àôì îàé à''ì


Rejection: In a closed or dark house, how can we answer [why it is forbidden]?


Note: Seemingly, one could say that Rashi gives an additional reason that applies only sometimes. However, if so Rashi should have brought his other Perush first!


TOSFOS DH Kri'as Shma Ki Matzlei Asur

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷''ù ëé îöìé àñåø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is when he leans only partially.)

äééðå ëùäåà ÷öú àôø÷éã àáì òì öãå ìâîøé ùøé


Explanation: This is when he is slightly Aparkid. However, totally on his side is permitted;

ëãàîø áô' îé ùîúå (áøëåú ãó ëã.) ùðéí ùäï éùðéí áîèä æä äåôê ôðéå ìëàï åæä äåôê ôðéå ìëàï å÷åøéï ÷''ù


Source: It says in Brachos (24a) that if two were sleeping [without clothes, under one blanket], each turns his face away from the other and reads Kri'as Shma.


TOSFOS DH v'Leichush Dilma Dam Ma'acholes Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä åìéçåù ãìîà ãí îàëåìú äåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of the question.)

àáì òì áãé÷åú ãîèîàéðï ìä àí îöà ãí ìà ôøéê ããìîà çåîøà äéà


Explanation #1: We do not ask about Bedikos, that we say that she is Temei'ah if she found blood, for perhaps this is a stringency;

àáì äëà ôøéê àîàé çééáéï á÷øáï ãìîà îééúé çåìéï áòæøä


However, here we ask why they are obligated to bring a Korban. Perhaps they bring Chulin b'Azarah!

åòåã ðøàä åëï ôø''ç ãôøéê àðîöà òì ùìå ëé ìà ðîöà òì ùìä àîàé îèîàéï ëéåï ãàéëà äåëçä ãìà àúé îâåôä


Explanation #2 (R. Chananel): We ask about the case when blood was found on his [Ed]. When blood was found on hers, why do we say that they are Temei'im, since there is a proof that it is not from her?


TOSFOS DH Dachuk Hu Etzel Ma'acholes

úåñôåú ã"ä ãçå÷ äåà àöì îàëåìú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the difference between Baduk and Dachuk.)

àéï ìôøù ùàéðä éëåìä ìéëðñ àìà áãåç÷ åìôòîéí ðëðñú


Suggestion: [Dachuk] means that [a louse] can enter only with difficulty, and sometimes it enters.

ãà''ë äåä ìéä ìîéîø áñîåê ììéùðà ããçå÷ äåà àéîø àéúøîåéé àéúøîé åìîä öøéê ìäæëéø ãùîù øöôä


Rejection: If so, it should have said below, in the version that it is because it is Dachuk, "I can say that it happened [to enter]"! Why must we mention that the Ever crushed it?

ìëê é''ì áãå÷ äåà ùàéðä áàä ëìì ñîåê ìøçí îôðé äæåäîà ùéåëì äùîù ìäëðéñ


Explanation: "Checked" means that it does not come close to the womb at all, due to the filth, so that the Ever could bring it in [to the womb. I.e. a louse stays far away, therefore the Ever cannot bring it in];

åãçå÷ äåà àöì îàëåìú äééðå ãàéðä ðëðñú áùåí ôðéí îàìéä àìà ùôòîéí ùîú÷øáú ìøçí ë''ë òã ùäùîù îëðéñä åîøöôä


"It is Dachuk for a louse" means that it never enters by itself, only sometimes it comes so close to the womb that the Ever brings it in and crushes it.


TOSFOS DH v'Tachto b'Yerechah

úåñôåú ã"ä åèçúå áéøëä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we do not discuss anywhere on her thigh.)

ôéøåù áî÷åí ùàéï ãí äî÷åø éëåì ìéôåì ùí


Explanation: [She slapped it on her thigh] in a place where blood from the Makor cannot fall.


TOSFOS DH ul'Machar Matz'ah Aleha Dam

úåñôåú ã"ä åìîçø îöàä òìéä ãí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two Perushim of where blood was found.)

ä''â øù''é ôé' òì éøëä å÷àîø ãèîàä ðãä ãàéëà ìîéîø ãîï äòã ðúìëìê éøëä åìà îòìîà


Version #1 (Rashi's text): [She found] on her thigh. It says that she is Temei'ah Nidah, for we can say that her thigh became dirty [with blood] from the Ed, and not from elsewhere.

åà''ú åúáãå÷ äòã


Question: She should check the Ed!

åé''ì ùðàáã äòã


Answer #1: The Ed was lost.

à''ð ùîà ãí äòã òöîå áà îãí éøëä ëéåï ùðîöà òì äòã ø÷ áî÷åí ùðâò áéøëä


Answer #2: Perhaps the blood on the Ed itself came from her thigh, since it was found on the Ed only in a place where it touched her thigh.

åëâåï ùéù ëâøéñ åòåã ãìéëà çùùà ãîàëåìú


Explanation: The case is, there is more than a Gris, so there is no concern lest it is from a louse.

åãå÷à áòã äáãå÷ ìä àáì áùàéðå áãå÷ ìä äåé ñô÷ ñô÷à ëãôé' øù''é


Limitation: This is only regarding a checked Ed. If it was not checked, it is a Sefek-Sefeka (perhaps the blood was on it beforehand, and even if it came now, perhaps it is from elsewhere), like Rashi explained.

åãå÷à èçúå áéøëä àáì äðéçúå á÷åôñà ôùéèà ãèîàä


Limitation: This is only if she slapped it on her thigh. If she put it in a box, obviously she is Temei'ah!

åø''ç âøñ åîöàä òìéå ôéøåù òì äòã åèçúå áéøëä äééðå áâìåé ùìà äðéçúå á÷åôñà ãáäðéçúå á÷åôñà ôùéèà ãèîàä


Version #2: R. Chananel's text says "she found on it", i.e. on the Ed. She slapped it on her thigh, i.e. in an exposed place. She did not put it in a box, for if she put it in a box, obviously she is Temei'ah!

åôøéê åäà çåùùéï àîøú ìï ãàéîø îòìîà àúé


He asks "you said to us 'we are concerned', for I can say that it came from elsewhere!"


TOSFOS DH Amar Shmuel Temei'ah Nidah

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ùîåàì èîàä ðãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Chiya agrees.)

àôé' ø' çééà ãîèäø áñîåê îåãä äëà


Explanation: Even R. Chiya, who is Metaher below, agrees here.

ãäà ø' çééà ëø' éåñé ñ''ì åùîåàì âåôéä ôñé÷ áäàùä (ì÷îï ðè:) ëøáé éåñé åäëà ÷àîø ãèîàä ðãä:


Source: R. Chiya holds like R. Yosi, and Shmuel himself rules like R. Yosi below (59b), and here he says that she is Temei'ah Nidah.



TOSFOS DH b'Ed she'Eino Baduk Lah

úåñôåú ã"ä áòã ùàéðå áãå÷ ìä.

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it was checked previously.)

ðøàä ìôøù ãéãòä ùäéä ð÷é ìôðé éåí àå éåîéí åòúä áùòú áãé÷ä ðèìúå îî÷åí äîåöðò åìà áã÷ä äòã


Explanation: She knew that it was clean a day or two ago, and now, at the time of Bedikah, she took it from a hidden place, and she did not check the Ed.

àáì àéï ðøàä ìôøù ùìà äéä áãå÷ îòåìí


Suggestion: Perhaps it was never checked!

ãáäà ìà äéä øáé îçæé÷ èåîàä åãàé


Rejection: In such a case, Rebbi would not consider her Vadai Tamei.


TOSFOS DH Mai Lav b'Ziknuso

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ìàå áæ÷ðåúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the basis for this suggestion.)

ôøù''é îãôìéâ òì øáé


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [Presumably, R. Chiya said this when he was old,] since he argues with Rebbi.

åàéï ðøàä ãîöéðå äøáä úìîéãéí ùçåì÷éí òì øáí áéìãåúí


Rebuttal: We find many Talmidim who argued with their Rebbeyim when they were young!

åøùá''í ôéøù ãøáé çééà úçéìä ìîã áááì åìòú æ÷ðúå òìä åìîã ìôðé øáé


Explanation #2 (Rashbam): R. Chiya initially learned in Bavel, and when he was old, he ascended [to Eretz Yisrael] and learned in front of Rebbi;

ëãàîøéðï (ñåëä ãó ë.) çæøä åðùúëçä òìå øáé çééà åáðéå åéñãåä


Source (Sukah 20a): [Torah] was forgotten again. R. Chiya and his sons ascended and established it.

åòé''ì îã÷àîø øáé çééà àó àúä òùéúå ëúí åìà ÷àîø àó àúä øáé ù''î ãáæ÷ðåúå äéä ãäåä úìîéã çáø


Explanation #3: Since R. Chiya said "even you treat it like a Kesem", and he did not say "even you, Rebbi", this teaches that in his old age he was a Talmid Chaver;

ëãàîø áùéìäé îé ùîú (á''á ãó ÷ðç:) áï òæàé úìîéã çáø ùì øáé ò÷éáà ãàîø ìéä ùáàú åìà ÷àîø ùáà îø (äâää áâìéåï)


Source: It says in Bava Basra (158b) that Ben Azai was a Talmid Chaver of R. Akiva, for he said to him "you come", and he did not say "Mar (a title of respect) comes."


TOSFOS DH Hei'ach Manichin Divrei ha'Rav

úåñôåú ã"ä äàéê îðéçéï ãáøé äøá

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether Rebbi or R. Yosi was greater.)

îùîò ãø' éåñé äéä øáå ùì øáé


Inference: R. Yosi was the Rebbi of Rebbi.

å÷ùä ãàîø áô' æä áåøø (ñðäãøéï ëã.) ëîä îçááéí æä àú æä ãàéìå ø' éåñé ÷ééí äåä ëôåó åéåùá ìôðé øáé åàîø ëáø äåøä æ÷ï


Question: It says in Sanhedrin (24a) "how much [Chachamim] endear each other! If R. Yosi was alive, he would have been submissive and learned in front of Rebbi, and [when Rebbi heard that R. Yosi held unlike him,] he said "the elder already ruled!"

åøù''é ôé' äúí ùäéä ëôåó îçîú ëáåã ðùéàåúå ùì øáé


Explanation (Rashi): He would have been submissive due to the honor of Rebbi being the Nasi.

åàéï ðøàä ãà''ë äéëé îåëéç ãîçááéï æä àú æä åëé áùáéì ðùéàåú ìà äéä ìå ìôñå÷ ëøáå


Rejection (of inference): If so (R. Yosi was his Rebbi), how is it proven that they endear each other? (Surely Rebbi needed to rule like R. Yosi.) Because [Rebbi] was the Nasi, should he not rule like his Rebbi?!

åàåø''ú ãááçøåúå ùì øáé äéä ø' éåñé âãåì éåúø åáæ÷ðåúå [îçîú äúìîéãéí] ðúçëí øáé éåúø


Explanation (R. Tam): In Rebbi's youth, R. Yosi was greater. In Rebbi's old age, due to the Talmidim, Rebbi became a greater Chacham.

ëãàîø ðîé äëà äåàéì åùëéçé øáðï ÷îéä îçããéï ùîòúúéä


Support: It says here that since Rabanan were frequent in front of Rebbi, his teachings are sharp.


TOSFOS DH v'R. Yosi Metaher

úåñôåú ã"ä åøáé éåñé îèäø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two opinions about whether or not he is totally Metaher.)

ðøàä ãìâîøé îèäø îã÷àîø ìòöîå èéäø ëîå âáé àùä ùòùúä öøëéä ãäúí ðøàä ãìâîøé îèäø


Explanation #1: It seems that he is totally Metaher, for it says "he was Metaher for himself (like he taught elsewhere)", like regarding a woman who urinated. There, it seems that he is totally Metaher;

ãàéï ðøàä ìôøù ìòöîå èéäø ãîãîèäø âáé àùä ùòùúä öøëéä ìâîøé äëà áòã ùàéðå áãå÷ éèäø ìëì äôçåú îðãä åéòùðä ëîå ëúí


Suggestion: Perhaps "he was Metaher for himself" means that since regarding a woman who urinated, he is totally Metaher, here regarding an unchecked Ed, at least he is Metaher from Nidah, and makes her like one who saw a Kesem.

ãà''ë îàé ôøéê áñîåê äàîø ø' éåñé áø' çðéðà ìà èéîà ø''î ëå' îàé ÷åùéà åäìà éù ìäçîéø áòã ùàéðå áãå÷ ìä èôé îáàùä ùòåùä öøëéä


Rejection: If so, what was the question below "R. Yosi b'Ribi Chanina said that R. Meir was Metamei only [like for a Kesem]?" This is not difficult. It is proper to be more stringent about an unchecked Ed than about a woman who urinates!

îéäå ø''ç ôéøù ãø' éåñé ìàå ìâîøé îèäø áàùä ùòåùä öøëéä åëîñ÷ðà ãø''î îùåí ðãä àéúîø


Explanation #2 (R. Chananel): R. Yosi is not Metaher totally regarding a woman who urinates, and like the conclusion, that R. Meir [is Metamei] due to Nidah.

åìôé' æä äà ãúðï áô' äàùä (ì÷îï ãó ðè:) àéù åàùä ùòùå öøëéäï áñôì åðîöà ãí ãø' éåñé îèäø


Consequence: According to this, the Mishnah (below, 59b), which says that if a man and a woman both urinated into a basin, and blood was found, R. Yosi is Metaher...

åôøéê áâîøà ìîä ìé äê ááà åîùðé àé îøéùà ä''à ãéòáã ÷î''ì ñéôà ãàó ìëúçìä


The Gemara asks why we need this clause, and answers that if from the Reisha, one might have thought [that he is Metaher] b'Di'eved (if she already touched Taharos). The Seifa teaches that even l'Chatchilah [she may touch];

ìôé' ø''ç ìà ÷àé àó ìëúçìä àøéùà àìà àñéôà ãå÷à


According to R. Chananel, "even l'Chatchilah" does not apply to the Reisha (she may not touch Taharos, for she is Safek Tamei). Rather, it applies only to the Seifa.


TOSFOS DH Ba'inan Chatichah mi'Beis Chatichos

úåñôåú ã"ä áòéðï çúéëä îá' çúéëåú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Kerisus.)

åà''ú áøéù ô' ñô÷ àëì (ëøéúåú ãó éæ:) ãôøéê ìø' çééà áø øá ãáòé çúéëä îá' çúéëåú îáøééúà ãäëà


Question: In Kerisus (17b), it asks against R. Chiya bar Rav, who requires a piece among two pieces (one brings Asham Taluy only if we know that there was as Isur Kares here, and the Safek is whether he ate [or had relations with] it or the Heter) from the Beraisa here;

åîùðé øáé àìéòæø äéà ãàîø ëåé çééáéï òì çìáå àùí úìåé


It answers that the Beraisa is R. Eliezer, who obligates Asham Taluy for Chelev [of a Kvi, i.e. a Safek Behemah, even though there is only one piece].

àãî÷ùä îáøééúà ìñééòéä îîúðé' ãäëà ãôèøä î÷øáï


Rather than asking from a Beraisa, we should have supported him from our Mishnah, which exempts from a Korban!

åé''ì ãùîà îúðéúéï ìà ôèøéä àìà îçèàú åìà ôìéâ àáøééúà


Answer: Perhaps our Mishnah exempts only from a Chatas, and it does not argue with the Beraisa.

åäà ã÷àîø åúðà ãéãï


Implied question: Why does it say that our Tana [does not require a piece among two pieces? Perhaps he exempts only from a Chatas!]

ä''÷ àú''ì ãîúðéúéï ôåèø àó îàùí úìåé äééðå èòîà ãñáø áòéðï çúéëä îá' çúéëåú


Answer: It means that if you will say our Mishnah exempts even from Asham Taluy, this is because [our Tana] requires a piece among two pieces.


TOSFOS DH Mai Acher Acher Acher

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé àçø àçø àçø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions why this needed to be taught.)

åúéîä ëéåï ãúðà ëãé ùúåùéè éãä åúèåì òã úçú äëø ãäåé èîà áåòìä ùáòä åçééá àùí úìåé


Question: Since he taught in order to stretch her hand and take an Ed [from] under the pillow, that [in such a case, if she found blood,] her husband is Tamei seven days (Bo'el Nidah), and he is obligated Asham Taluy...

îîéìà éãòéðï ãàí úùää éåúø òã ùúøã îï äîèä ãàçø àçø äåà åàéðä îèîàä áåòìä èåîàú ùáòä [òééï áøùá''à]:


Automatically, we know that if she delayed longer until she descends from the bed, this is after after, and she is not Metamei her husband seven days [according to Rabanan! See the Rashba, who says that Rav Chisda does not mean that our Mishnah is missing words. Rather, it taught only the delay after which Rabanan argue, and are Metaher him. If she checked before this, Rabanan agree that he is Tamei.]