NIDAH 11 - dedicated by Mrs. Rita Grunberger of Queens, N.Y., in loving memory of her husband, Reb Yitzchok Yakov ben Eliyahu Grunberger. Irving Grunberger helped many people quietly in an unassuming manner and he is dearly missed by all who knew him. His Yahrzeit is 10 Sivan.


TOSFOS DH Ela li'Kefitzos veha'Tanya v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ì÷ôéöåú åäúðéà ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this means for days with jumping.)

ôøù''é ì÷ôéöåú ìçåãééäå


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [She fixed a Veses] for jumping alone.

å÷ùä ãàí ëï ìéùðé áñîåê ìà ÷áòä åñú ìéîéí àìà ì÷ôéöåú ìçåãééäå åìîä çåæø îñáøúå


Question #1: If so, we should answer below "she did not fix a Veses for days, rather, for jumping alone." Why does he retract from his reasoning?

åáñîåê ðîé ãôøé ìéîéí ôùéèà ìéùðé ãìà ÷áòä åñú ì÷ôéöåú ìçåãéä ëã÷ñ''ã îòé÷øà


Question #2: Also below, we ask "obviously she does not fix a Veses of days by themselves!" We should answer that she did not fix a Veses for jumping alone, like we thought initially!

åðøàä ìôøù àìà ì÷ôéöåú àó ì÷ôéöåú ãäééðå ìéîéí òí ÷ôéöåú


Explanation #2: "Rather, for jumping" means [that she fixed a Veses] even for jumping, i.e. for days with jumping;

àáì ÷ôéöåú ìçåãééäå ôùéèà ìäù''ñ ãìà ÷áòä:


However, for jumping alone, it is obvious to the Gemara that she did not fix a Veses.


TOSFOS DH Kaftzah v'Ra'asah

úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ôöä åøàúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this happened three times.)

â' æéîðé âøñé' ëãàîøéðï [áäáà òì éáîúå] (éáîåú ãó ñã:) ãáåñúåú ñúí ìï úðà ëøùá''â ì÷îï ôø÷ äàùä (ãó ñâ.) ãúðï àéï äàùä ÷åáòú åñú òã ùú÷áòðå â' ôòîéí


Explanation: [This happened] three times, like we say (Yevamos 64b) that regarding Vestos, the Stam Tana is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel below (63a). The Mishnah says that a woman does not fix a Veses until three times.


TOSFOS DH mi'Mayan Sasum

úåñôåú ã"ä îîòéï ñúåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives possible Perushim of open and closed Mayanos.)

ôéøù øù''é ëâåï ãçæàé øéù éøçà åøéù éøçà åë''ä áéøçà åøéù éøçà


Explanation #1 (Rashi): [A closed Mayan is] e.g. she saw on Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh, the 25th of the month and Rosh Chodesh;

åîòéï ôúåç ëâåï ùäøàéåú äøàùåðåú ùì åñú äéå áúåê éîé ðãä ëâåï (âéøñú îäø"í) øéù éøçà åä' áéøçà åëï áùðéä åáùìéùéú çæàé çîù áéøçà åìà çæàé øéù éøçà


An open Mayan is e.g. when the first sightings of the Veses were in the days of Nidah, e.g. Rosh Chodesh and the fifth of the month, and similarly in the second and third she saw on the fifth of the month and she did not see on Rosh Chodesh.

åà''ú åìøá ôôà ãîôøù ùéìäé áðåú ëåúéí (ì÷îï ãó ìè:) øéù éøçà åçîù áéøçà úøé æéîðé åáùìéùé çîù áéøçà åìà çæàé øéù éøçà ã÷áòä ìä åñú áä' áéøçà áøáéòéú ÷ùä àìéáéä îúðéúéï ìøáé éåçðï


Question: According to Rav Papa, who explains below (39b, that if she saw on) Rosh Chodesh and the fifth of the month, twice, and in the third she saw on the fifth of the month and she did not see on Rosh Chodesh, she fixed a Veses on the fifth of the month in the fourth [month], according to him the Mishnah is difficult for R. Yochanan!

åé''ì ãàéäå éôøù îòéï ôúåç ãçæàé ùìùä æéîðé øéù éøçà åçîù áéøçà


Answer #1: He explains that an open Mayan is when she saw three times on Rosh Chodesh and the fifth of the month.

åìîàé ãôøéùéú (äâäú äá"ç) ì÷îï ãø''ô àééøé ãçæàé â' æéîðéï øéù éøçà åçîù áéøçà ãäàé ðîé î÷øé îòéï ñúåí


Answer #2: According to what I explained below that Rav Papa, who explains below (39b) Rosh Chodesh and the fifth of the month, also this is called a closed Mayan...

éôøù îúðé' îòéï ôúåç ëôéøåù àçø ãøù''é ãôéøù ùøàúä à' á' â' ã' øöåôéí áâ' çãùéí øàùåðéí:


He will explain our Mishnah to discuss an open Mayan according to the other Perush in Rashi that explained that she saw [days] one, two, three and four consecutively in the first three months.



TOSFOS DH Ela l'Rav d'Amar Mayan Echad Hu Tivdok

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ìøá ãàîø îòéï àçã äåà úáãå÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we needed to answer for Rav.)

äåä îöé ìùðåéé ãøá îå÷é áîá÷ùú ìéùá


Implied question: We could have answered that Rav establishes [our Mishnah] to discuss one about to begin [Yemei Tohar]!

àìà ãðéçà ìéä ìùðåéé àìéáà ãúøåééäå îúðé' áòðéï àçã:


Answer: We prefer to resolve our Mishnah in one way according to both of them.


TOSFOS DH Afilu Hachi mi'Yemei Tahor li'Yemei Tum'ah Lo Kav'ah

úåñôåú ã"ä àôéìå äëé îéîé èäøä ìéîé èåîàä ìà ÷áòä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is even according to R. Eliezer.)

åàéï ìä÷ùåú ìø''à ãàîø ëì àùä ùòáøå òìéä â' òåðåú ëå' úáãå÷ áéîé èåäø ùîà úôñå÷ â' òåðåú


Question: According to R. Eliezer, who says that any woman who passed three Onos [is Dayah Shaitah], she should check during Yemei Tahor, lest she have an interruption of three Onos!

ãäëé ðîé îéîé èäøä ìéîé èåîàä ìà î÷øé äôñ÷ä


Answer: Just like [she does not fix a Veses] from days of Taharah to days of Tum'ah, [days of Taharah] are not called an interruption.


TOSFOS DH u'Meshameshes b'Edim (pertains to Mishnah on Amud A)

úåñôåú ã"ä åîùîùú áòãéí (ùééê ìîùðä áòîåã à)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to women who are Dayan Shaitan.)

ààøáò ðùéí åààùä ùéù ìä åñú ÷àé


Explanation: This refers to the four women, and a woman who has a Veses.


TOSFOS DH she'Lo Paskah Machmas Tashmish

úåñôåú ã"ä ùìà ôñ÷ä îçîú úùîéù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when we stop attributing to Dam Besulim.)

ãëì ôòí ùîùîùú øåàä àôéìå úùîéù îåôìâ îçáéøå çãù àå ùìùä çãùéí äåé ãí úùîéù åèäåø


Explanation: Every time she has Bi'ah, she sees, even if one Bi'ah is distanced from another one or three months, this is blood of Bi'ah, and it is Tahor;

ëãàîø áô' áúøà (ì÷îï ñä:) îòùä åðúï ìä øáé ã' ìéìåú îúåê ùðéí òùø çãù


Source: It says below (65b) that a case occurred in which Rebbi gave to her four nights amidst 12 months.

åëé ùîùä áìéìä åøàúä ìîçøúå àå áìéìä ùìàçø ëê áìà úùîéù èäåøä


Explanation (cont.): When she had Bi'ah at night and saw the next day or the next night without Bi'ah, she is Tehorah;

àáì àí øàúä éåí ùðé ìùîåùä èîàä ëã÷àîø òáø òìéä ìéìä àçú áìà úùîéù ëå'


However, if she saw on the second day after Bi'ah, she is Temei'ah, like it says "if a night passed without Bi'ah..."

åáéåí úùîéù ðîé àí ðùúðå îøàä ãîéí ùìä îùì àîù èîàä


Also on the day of Bi'ah, if the appearance of her blood changed from the night before, she is Temei'ah.

åàí ôñ÷ä îçîú úùîéù åøàúä àçøé ëï àôéìå áàåúå éåí áéï áúùîéù áéï áìà úùîéù èîàä ãåãàé çéúä äîëä åëìå ááéàä øàùåðä ëì ãîé áúåìéí


If she ceased to see due to Bi'ah, and she saw afterwards, even on the same day, whether with Bi'ah or without Bi'ah, she is Temei'ah, for surely the wound healed, and all her Dam Besulim was finished through the first Bi'ah.

åàôéìå ìøá àùé ãàîø áôø÷ áúøà (ùí ñã:) áòì åìà îöà ãí åçæø åáòì åîöà ãí èäåøä äééðå îùåí ãàéîà ááéàä øàùåðä áòì áäèééä ëùîåàì


Even according to Rav Ashi, who says below (64b) that if one had Bi'ah and did not find blood, and had Bi'ah again and found blood, she is Tehorah. This is because I can say that the first Bi'ah was through Hatiyah (the Ever was on an angle, and did not break the Besulim), like Shmuel (was able to do);

àáì äëà ãááéàä øàùåðä îöà ãí åáùðéä ìà îöà ãí åãàé çéúä äîëä:


However, here he found blood during the first Bi'ah, and did not find during the second Bi'ah. Surely the wound healed.


TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Nashim b'Chezkas Taharah l'Ba'aleihen

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì äðùéí áçæ÷ú èäøä ìáòìéäï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explained this below.)

ôéøùúé ì÷îï ô''á (ãó èå.)


Reference: I explained this below (15a) (DH Hachi).


TOSFOS DH Chada mi'Chlal Chavertah Itmar

úåñôåú ã"ä çãà îëìì çáøúä àéúîø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that below was inferred from here.)

ôé' øùá''í ãäê ãäëà àéúîø îëìì ääéà ãì÷îï


Explanation #1 (Rashbam): This here was said amidst (inferred from) the teaching below.

åàéï ðøàä ãáääéà ìà ôéøù ùîåàì ãàééøé áòñå÷ä áèäøåú àìà øáà ãéé÷ áôéø÷éï


Rebuttal: There, Shmuel did not specify that we discuss one who engages with Taharos. Rather, Rava inferred it in our Perek;

îãìà îôìéâ ìéä øáé éøîéä áø àáà ìøáé æéøà áéù ìä åñú ìèäøåú áòéà áãé÷ä ìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä àéï ìä åñú ìáòìä ðîé áòéà áãé÷ä


This is because R. Yirmeyah bar Aba did not distinguish [in his answer] to R. Zeira regarding one who has a Veses, that for Taharos she must check, but she need not check for her husband. If she has no Veses, she must check also for her husband;

ù''î ÷ñáø ùîåàì ëì ìáòìä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä


Inference: Shmuel holds that in every case, she need not check for her husband.

ìëê ðøàä ìôøù ãääéà àéúîø îëìì äê ãäëà


Explanation #2: That teaching was said amidst (inferred from) the teaching here.

åîùåí ãøáé éøîéä áø àáà äåä éãò îäê ãäëà ãàó àéï ìä åñú ìà áòéà áãé÷ä ìáòìä ìà îôìéâ ìøáé æéøà äëé


Support: Because R. Yirmeyah bar Aba knew this teaching here, that even if she has a Veses, she need not check for her husband, he did not distinguish [in his answer] to R. Zeira based on this.


TOSFOS DH Tanya Nami Hachi Aval l'Ba'alah Muteres

úåñôåú ã"ä úðéà ðîé äëé ëå' àáì ìáòìä îåúøú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that this is even for a woman without a Veses.)

åà''ú åãéìîà ãå÷à áéù ìä åñú àééøé


Question: Perhaps this is only when she has a Veses!

åé''ì îãúðé ñéôà àáì äðéçä áçæ÷ú èîàä îëìì ãîééøé áàéï ìä åñú


Answer: Since the Seifa teaches "but if he left her in Chezkas Temei'ah", this implies that we discuss when she has no Veses;

ãàé áéù ìä åñú ãå÷à ä''ì ìôìåâé áãéãä àôéìå àí äðéçä áçæ÷ú èäåøä àí àéï ìä åñú ëå'


If it were only when she has a Veses, it should have distinguished within this case (when he left her in Chezkas Tehorah)! If she has no Veses...

àìà îùåí ãàó áàéï ìä åñú ìà îùëçú èîàä ìáòìä àìà áäðéçä áçæ÷ú èîàä


Rather, [we did not distinguish] because even when she has no Veses, the only time she is forbidden to her husband is when he left her in Chezkas Temei'ah.

åáñîåê ááøééúà ãçîøéï åôåòìéï ëå' ã÷úðé ðîé àáì äðéçä áçæ÷ú èîàä àò''â ãáéù ìä åñú îééøé


Implied question: Below, in the Beraisa of donkey-drivers and workers, it teaches also "but if he left her in Chezkas Temei'ah", even though it discusses when she has a Veses!

äééðå îùåí ãáäðéçä áçæ÷ú èîàä àùîåòéðï àôéìå òøä èîàä òã ùúàîø èäåøä àðé


Answer: That is to teach that when he left her in Chezkas Temei'ah, even if she is awake, she is Temei'ah until she says "I am Tehorah";

àáì äðéçä áçæ÷ú èäåøä áàéï ìä åñú äéëà ãòøä ìà áòéà áãé÷ä ãëéåï ãáà îï äãøê îñúîà úåáòä åàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó éá.) ëéåï ùúáòä àéï ìê áãé÷ä âãåìä îæå


However, when he left her in Chezkas Tehorah, when she has no Veses, when she is awake, no Bedikah is needed (he need not ask her). Since he came from a journey, presumably, he requests [to have Bi'ah with her], and we say below that request is the greatest Bedikah.

åä''ø éäåãä áï äø''ø é''è ëúá ãøéùà ãáøééúà æå äëé ùðåéä áúåñôúà îòåáøú åîðé÷ä áåòìä èäåø


Support (R. Yehudah ben R. Yom Tov): The Reisha of this Beraisa is taught in the Tosefta (3:8). If a woman is a pregnant or nursing, one who had Bi'ah with her is Tahor (even if she saw blood afterwards);

ôéøåù àôéìå ìøáé ò÷éáà ãàîø ìòéì áøåàä ãí ãîèîàä áåòìä ìîôøò


I.e. even according to R. Akiva, who says above (6a) that one who sees blood is Metamei retroactively one who had Bi'ah with her.

åëì àùä ùéù ìä åñú åëï ùàø ëì äðùéí ôé' ãàéï ìäï åñú ãàéï ñáøà ìôøù áúåìä åæ÷ðä ãàí ëï äåä úðé ìäå áäãé îòåáøú åîðé÷ä ãøéùà îòáøú åîéðé÷ä áåòìä èäåø åëì àùä ùéù ìä åñú åùàø ëì äðùéí îèîàåú áîâò åèäåøåú ìáòìä áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áæîï ùäðéçä èäåøä àáì äðéçä èîàä äøé äéà áçæ÷ú èîàä òã ùúàîø èäåøä àðé ìê:


[The Tosefta continues] "and any woman who has a Veses, and similarly all other women [are Metamei b'Maga, and are Tehorim to their husbands]", i.e. women who do not have a Veses. It is unreasonable to explain [that "all other women" refers only to] a Besulah or Zekenah, for if so he would have taught them with a pregnant or nursing woman of the Reisha!

îèîàåú áîâò ôéøåù ìèäøåú åèäåøåú ìáòìéäï


They are Metamei through touching, i.e. for Taharos, and they are Tehorim to their husbands;

àìîà áøééúà îééøé ãàéï ìä åñú:


Inference: The Beraisa discusses when she does not have a Veses.