TOSFOS DH ka'Chazya b'Onos Mai
úåñôåú ã"ä ÷çæéà áòåðåú îàé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains unlike Rashi.)
ôøù''é ãîáòéà ìéä àé çæéà ìñåó ì' ùìàçø äôñ÷ú â' òåðåú øàùåðåú àí îèîàä îòú ìòú
Explanation #1 (Rashi): He asks about one who saw at the end of 30 days after a break of three Onos [without seeing], whether she is Metamei me'Es la'Es;
ãëéåï ãäåçæ÷ä ìøåàä ÷åãí äôñ÷ú â' òåðåú øàùåðåú äøé äéà ëäâéò æîðä ìøàåú åëëì àùä ùòáøå òìéä â' òåðåú ãàéï ãéä ùòúä àìà áøàùåðä
Since she was huz to see before the break of the first three Onos, it is as if her time to see arrived, like any [regular] woman who passed three Onos. She is Dayah Shaitah only on the first [sighting];
åãå÷à áçæøå åòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ùðéåú ãéä ùòúä ëø''à
Limitation: Only when a second set of three Onos passed, she is Dayah Shaitah, like R. Eliezer.
åàò''â ãìà çæéðï ãîééøé ø''à áòåðåú ùðéåú àìà áòåðåú øàùåðåú
Implied question: We do not find that R. Eliezer discusses a second set of Onos, only the first set!
îéäå îåãä ããéä ùòúä áùðéåú [òã ùúúçæ÷] àå ëøáé àå ëøùá''â
Answer: Even so, he agrees that Dayah Shaitah during the second set until she makes a Chazakah, like Rebbi or R. Shimon ben Gamliel.
åàò''â ãøéùà øáé äéà ñéôà øùá''â
Implied question: The Reisha is like Rebbi, and the Seifa is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel!
ãìøáé ëé çæéà ìñåó òåðåú ùàçø äôñ÷ú ùìù òåðåú øàùåðåú îèîàä îòú ìòú åãîéà ìäâéò æîðä ìøàåú
According to Rebbi, when she sees at the end of the Onos after the first break, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es. She is like one whose time to see arrived;
åëé çæøå åòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ùðéåú ðîé îèîàä îòú ìòú ãëéåï ãúøúé æéîðé çæéà áäôñ÷ä àéâìàé îéìúà ìøáé ãùéðåé åñú äåà åìà ñéìå÷ ãîéí ùàéï æå öøéëä ìäúçæ÷ áãîéí
Also after the second set of Onos passed, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es. Since twice she saw after a break (of three Onos), according to Rebbi this reveals that her Veses changed, and her blood was not removed. She need not become Muchzak for [seeing] blood.
åìôé' æä äà ãúðéà (ìòéì ãó æ:) æ÷ðä ùòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ùðéåú ããéä ùòúä àúéà ãìà ëøáé ãìøáé îèîàä îòú ìòú ëàéìå çæéà ìñåó òåðä
Consequence: According to this Perush, the Beraisa above (7b) which says that a Zekenah who passed three Onos is Dayah Shaitah is unlike Rebbi, for according to Rebbi, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es as if she saw at the end of an Onah.
åëï ôé' øùá''í áôø÷ àçøåï (ãó ñç.)
Support: Also the Rashbam explained like this below (68a).
åàéï ðøàä ãìà äéä ìäù''ñ ìäñúô÷ áæä åäéä ìå ìôñå÷ îãøéùà øáé ñéôà ðîé øáé åáçæéà ìñåó òåðä ðîé ãéä ùòúä ëîå áçæøå åòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú
Rebuttal: This is wrong. The Gemara should not have been unsure about this! It should have ruled that since the Reisha is Rebbi, also the Seifa is Rebbi, and also when she saw at the end of an Onah Dayah Shaitah, just like when three more Onos passed!
ìëê ðøàä ãàôéìå îèîàä îòú ìòú ëé çæéà ìñåó òåðä ùìàçø äôñ÷ú ùìù òåðåú øàùåðåú áäôñ÷ú (äâäú îäøù"ì) ùìù òåðåú ùðéåú ãäåéà îñåì÷ú áãîéí ãéä ùòúä àôéìå ìøáé ëéåï ùìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú
Explanation #2: Even if she is Metamei me'Es la'Es when she saw at the end of an Onah after the break of the first three Onos, through the second three Onos she becomes Mesulekes Damim, so Dayah Shaitah even according to Rebbi, since her time to see did not arrive;
[åàéï çéìå÷ áéï ìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú ìæ÷ðä]
We do not distinguish between one whose time to see did not arrive and a Zekenah.
åääéà áøééúà ãæ÷ðä ðîé øáé äéà
Also the Beraisa of a Zekenah is Rebbi.
åö''ò áäâéò æîðä ìøàåú åòáøå òìéä ùìù òåðåú ùðéåú ìø''à îé àîøéðï ãéä ùòúä ëîå áæ÷ðä ìøáðï
Question: This requires investigation, if when her time to see arrived, the second three Onos, according to R. Eliezer. Do we say that Dayah Shaitah, like a Zekenah according to Rabanan?
åîãìà àùîòéðï áäâéò æîðä ìøàåú ãäåé ãéä ùòúä òã äôñ÷ú ùìù òåðåú ùìéùéåú ãäåéà øáåúà èôé îáìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú
Suggestion: Since it did not teach that when her time arrived, she is Dayah Shaitah until the third break of three Onos, which would be a bigger Chidush than when her time to see did not arrive [we may infer that even after the second break, she is not Dayah Shaitah]!
àéï ìäåëéç ãàôéìå øàúä ñåó ùìù òåðåú ùðéåú îèîàä îòú ìòú ãîöéðå ìîéîø ãîùåí äëé àùîòéðï áìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú ãàôéìå äëé îèîàä áùìéùéú îòú ìòú:
Rejection: We cannot prove that even if she saw after the second three Onos, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es, for we can say that the reason it taught before her time came to see, [to teach that] even so she is Metamei the third time me'Es la'Es.
úåñôåú ã"ä áøåá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos rejects the text of most Seforim.)
áøåá ñôøéí âøñéðï åëùäâéò æîðä ìøàåú ôòí øàùåðä ãéä ùòúä ùðéä îèîàä îòú ìòú îðé øáé äéà
Version #1: In most Seforim, the text says "when her time came to see, the first time Dayah Shaitah. The second time, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es. Who taught this? It is Rebbi."
åùáåù äåà åìà âøñéðï ìéä àìà ä''â îðé øáé äéà åîåëç îøéùà îúéðå÷ú ùìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú ã÷úðé ùìéùéú äøé äéà ëëì äðùéí åäééðå îùåí ãáúøé æéîðé äåé çæ÷ä åáääéà ãîéúçæ÷à ìà îèîàä îòú ìòú
Rejection: This text is wrong. Rather, the text says "who taught this? It is Rebbi", and it is proven from the Reisha from a minor whose time to see did not come. It teaches that the third time, she is like all women, i.e. because two times makes a Chazakah, and in the sighting that makes her Chazakah, she is not Metamei me'Es la'Es;
ãàéìå ìøùá''â òã øàéä øáéòéú ìà äåéà ëëì äðùéí
According to R. Shimon ben Gamliel, she is not like all women until the fourth sighting.
àáì ñéôà ãäâéò æîðä ìøàåú ãùðéä îèîàä îòú ìòú àúé ëëåìé òìîà ãáøàééúä øàùåðä äåçæ÷ä ëãúðï áîä àîøå ãéä ùòúä áøàéä øàùåðä ëå'
However, the Seifa, in which her time came to see, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es, is like everyone, for through the first sighting she is Muchzak, like the Mishnah says "in which case did they say Dayah Shaitah? In the first sighting..."
åîúðéúéï ò''ë àúéà ëøùá''â ãáôø÷ äáà òì éáîúå (éáîåú ãó ñã:) àîøéðï åñúåú åùåø äîåòã ñúí ìï úðà ëøùá''â àáì ëøáé ìà ñúí ìï úðà
You are forced to say that our Mishnah is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, for in Yevamos (64b), we say that regarding Vestos and a Mu'ad ox, the Tana of the Stam Mishnah is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel. There is no Stam Mishnah like Rebbi.
åòåã àé îñéôà ãéé÷ åøéùà ëøùá''â ú÷ùé øéùà øùá''â åñéôà øáé
Support: Also, if the inference is from the Seifa and the Reisha is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, we should ask that the Reisha is like R. Shimon ben Gamliel and the Seifa is like Rebbi!
åà''ú ãäëà àîø ãáääéà øàéä ãîçæ÷éðï ìä ìà îèîàä îòú ìòú
Question: Here it says that in that sighting which establishes her, she is not Metamei me'Es la'Es;
åáôø÷ àìå äðùøôéï (ñðäãøéï ãó ôà:) âáé îé ùì÷ä åùðä àîø ãàé (äâää áâìéåï) òáéøåú îçæ÷åú àçø ùòáø ùúé òáéøåú îéã ëåðñéï àåúå ìëéôä àìéáà ãøáé
In Sanhedrin (81b), regarding one who was lashed and lashed again, it says that if Aveiros make a Chazakah [that the person will transgress again], after two Aveiros [if Kares], immediately they enter him to Kipah (a cell in which he is fed a sparse diet with barley, so his stomach will burst) according to Rebbi.
åé''ì ãäúí ëéåï ùäåçæ÷ ìòáéøä îä ìðå ìäîúéï òã ùéòáåø ôòí ùìéùéú àáì äëà çëîéí ú÷ðå îòú ìòú àí úøàä àçø ùäåçæ÷ä ìøàåú
Answer: There, once he was Huchzak for an Aveirah, why should we wait until he transgresses a third time? However, here Chachamim enacted me'Es la'Es if she sees after she was Huchzak.
TOSFOS DH R. Yochanan Amar Tahor
úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éåçðï àîø èäåø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Yevamos.)
îùîò äà ëúí ùàçø ùìéùé èîà ãäééðå ëøáé
Inference: A Kesem after the third [sighting] is Tamei. This is like Rebbi.
åáùìäé ôø÷ äáà òì éáîúå (éáîåú ãó ñã:) àîø ø' éöç÷ áø' éåñé àîø øáé éåçðï âáé îìä áðä øàùåï ëå' ëøáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì
Question: In Yevamos (64b), R. Yitzchak b'Ribi Yosi said in the name of R. Yochanan regarding one who circumcised her first son [and he died, and also the second], like R. Shimon ben Gamliel [that three times makes a Chazakah]!
åé''ì ãäúí îñé÷ ãø' éöç÷ ñåî÷à ìàå áø ñîëà äåà
Answer #1: There, we conclude that one may not rely on R. Yitzchak Sumka.
àé ðîé ëì äê ñåâéà ÷ééîà àáøééúà ãìòéì ãàúà ëøáé:
Answer #2: This entire Sugya refers to the Beraisa above, which is like Rebbi.
TOSFOS DH v'Chi Mah Bein Zu li'Besulah she'Dameha Tehorin
úåñôåú ã"ä åëé îä áéï æå ìáúåìä ùãîéä èäåøéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how a Besulah is more lenient.)
ãàí ðùúðå îøàä ãîéä ìîçøú îøàééú ùòú úùîéù èîàä
Explanation: If the appearance of her blood changed the next day from its appearance at the time of Bi'ah, she is Temei'ah;
åàéìå îöàä ëúí ìàçø úùîéù èäåøä ëãàé' áô' äàùä (ì÷îï ãó ñ.) úåìä ááúåìä ùãîéä èäåøéï
Whereas if she found a Kesem after Bi'ah, she is Tehorah, like it says below (60a) [that if we are unsure from which woman a Kesem came, another woman] attributes it to the Besulah, for her blood is Tahor!
åîãìà îôìéâ îùîò àôéìå äãí îùåðä èäåø
Inference: Since it does not distinguish, this connotes that even if the blood is different, it is Tahor!
åîùðé äëà àéï ùéøôä ùì èäøä îöåé ãàí äëúí áà îâåôä èîàä åãàé
Explanation (cont.): We answer that here, her "sap" (blood) of Taharah is not common. If the blood came from her body, she is Vadai Temei'ah;
àáì äúí ùéøôä ùì èäøä îöåé ìëê èäåøä ãàéëà ìîéîø äàé ëúí îòìîà áà åàôéìå àé àúà îâåôä àéëà ìîéîø ãí áúåìéí äåà (åàéëà ìîéîø) åìà çéúä òãééï äîëä
However, there her "sap" of Taharah is common. Therefore, she is Tehorah, for we can say that the Kesem came from elsewhere, and even if it came from her body, we can say that it is Dam Besulim, and the wound did not yet heal.
TOSFOS DH Amar R. Yochanan Mishum R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáé éåçðï îùåí øáé ùîòåï áï éäåöã÷
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with a source that R. Yochanan was greater than R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak.)
îùîò ùäéä øáå
Inference: This connotes that [R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak] was [R. Yochanan's] Rebbi.
Note: Rashi (Chulin 113b DH Ha) says that "Mishum" teaches that he did not hear directly from him. The Rashbam (Bava Basra 114b DH Mishum) says that it teaches that he was not his primary Rebbi. The Rambam (introduction to Mishnah) says that [in Mishnayos] it teaches that he was his primary Rebbi. Surely, all agree that normally, one cites teachings only in the name of someone greater than himself. Here, Ula calls him "[R. Yochanan's] Rebbi."
åáôø÷ æä áåøø (ñðäãøéï ãó ëå.) ÷øé ìéä ø''ì ìø''ù áï éäåöã÷ øåòé á÷ø åìà äéä îåçä ø' éåçðï òì ëáåã øáå
Question: In Sanhedrin (26a), Reish Lakish called R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak a cattle shepherd (ignoramus), and R. Yochanan did not protest for his Rebbi's honor!
åàåîø ø''ú ãúøé äåå:
Answer (R. Tam): There were two [Chachamim named R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak].
TOSFOS DH Rokah b'Shuk Tahor
úåñôåú ã"ä øå÷ä áùå÷ èäåø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is only in the market.)
ôé' áùå÷ ùàéï éãåò àí øàúä àí ìàå àéï ìäçæé÷ä ëøåàä ëéåï ùìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú åìà øàúä ùìùä ôòîéí åîééøé àôéìå ááú ò''ä
Explanation: In the market, that it is not known whether or not she saw, we do not establish her like one who sees, since her time to see did not arrive, and she did not [yet] see three times. We discuss even the daughter of an Am ha'Aretz;
àáì ááéú éãåò àí øàúä àí ìàå:
However, in the house, it is known whether or not she saw.
TOSFOS DH Lemehavi Devarav Shel Echad bi'Makom Shenayim
úåñôåú ã"ä ìîäåé ãáøéå ùì àçã áî÷åí ùðéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that this is unlike Chizkiyah.)
åà''ú åãéìîà ø''ù áï éäåöã÷ ñáø ìä ëøùá''â ãáâ' æéîðé äåé çæ÷ä åçæ÷éä ðîé îåãä ãìøùá''â ëúîä èäåø
Question: Perhaps R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak holds like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, that three times makes a Chazakah, and Chizkiyah agrees that according to R. Shimon ben Gamliel, her Kesem is Tahor!
åé''ì ãøå÷ä åîãøñä ÷éì èôé îáëúîä îãîñô÷à ìéä áëúí àé èîà àí ìàå
Answer: Her spit or what she stepped on are more lenient than her Kesem, since he is unsure whether or not her Kesem is Tamei;
åëéåï ã÷éì èôé àé ñ''ì ëøùá''â ä''ì ìèäø øå÷ä åîãøñä òã ôòí øáéòéú
Since it is more lenient, if [R. Shimon ben Yehotzadak] holds like R. Shimon ben Gamliel, he should have been Metaher her spit and what she stepped on, until the fourth time.
TOSFOS DH Harei Hen b'Chezkas Taharah
úåñôåú ã"ä äøé äï áçæ÷ú èäøä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our Mishnah did not mention them.)
åà''ú áîúðé' ã÷úðé öøéëä ìäéåú áåã÷ú çåõ îï äðãä ëå' àîàé ìà îô÷à îé ùìà äâéò æîðä
Question: Our Mishnah teaches that she must check, except for a Nidah... Why doesn't it exclude also one whose time to see did not arrive?
åääåà ãáðåú ëåúéí (ì÷îï ãó ìç:) ãëì é''à áçæ÷ú èäøä åîôøù áâîøà ìòðéï ùàéðä öøéëä áãé÷ä
And [it should exclude also] the case below (38b), that all 11 [days of Zivah] she has Chezkas Taharah, and the Gemara explains that she does not need Bedikah!
åé''ì ãìà îôøù áîúðé' àìà äðäå ãàéðï öøéëéí áãé÷ä îçîú ãàéï ÷ôéãà áøàééúí ãðãä áìàå äëé èîàä åéåùáú òì ãí èåäø àôéìå àí úøàä ìòåìí èäåøä (ëï öøéê ìäâéä)
Answer: Our Mishnah explains only those who do not need Bedikah because there is no adamancy about their sightings, for a Nidah is Temei'ah in any case, and one during Dam Tahor is always Tehorah even if she sees;
àáì ìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú åé''à éåí (äâää áâìéåï) ãàéðä öøéëä áãé÷ä îçîú ãîñåì÷éï áãîéí ìà ÷úðé
However, one whose time to see did not arrive, and [one during the] 11 days [of Zivah] do not need Bedikah because they are Mesulekes Damim. These were not taught.
TOSFOS DH Patacht bi'Trei v'Siyamt b'Chada
úåñôåú ã"ä ôúçú áúøé åñééîú áçãà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not ask this about our Mishnah.)
åà''ú åäà áîúðé' ðîé ã' ðùéí ÷úðé áîä àîøå ãéä ùòúä
Question: Also our Mishnah (7a) of four women teaches "when did they say that Dayah Shaitah (singular)...?"!
åé''ì ãäúí ìéëà ìîéèòé àáì äëà àéëà ìîéèòé åìåîø îòåáøú åäéà îðé÷ä
Answer: There, we cannot err. Here, we can err and say that it refers to a pregnant woman and she is nursing.
TOSFOS DH v'Havya Menikah v'I'abra
úåñôåú ã"ä ãäåéà îðé÷ä åàéòáøä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how this can occur.)
åà''ú åäéëé àéòáøä áìà øàéä åäà àîøéðï áùìäé äîôìú (ì÷îï ìà:) ãàéï àùä îúòáøú àìà ñîåê ìèáéìúä àå ìåñúä
Question: How did she become pregnant without a sighting? We say below (31b) that a woman becomes pregnant only close to her Tevilah or her Veses!
åé''ì ãøåá ôòîéí ëê. äåà åæéîðéï ãîéúøîé åîéòáøä
Answer #1: Most of the time it is so, and sometimes she happens to become pregnant [at other times].
à''ð áéîéí ùäéà øâéìä ìøàåú àéï îúòáøú àìà ñîåê ìèáéìúä àå ñîåê ìåñúä
Answer #2: During days that it is normal for her to see, she becomes pregnant only close to her Tevilah or her Veses.
TOSFOS DH Dayan Kol Yemei Iburan
úåñôåú ã"ä ãééï ëì éîé òéáåøï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is even if she sees several times.)
îùîò àôéìå øåàä ëîä ôòîéí
Inference: This is even if she sees several times.
åàó òì ôé ãáìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú àîø ìòéì ùìéùéú îèîàä îòú ìòú
Implied question: When her time to see did not arrive, it says above that the third time, she is Metamei me'Es la'Es!
äééðå îùåí ãëéåï ùäåçæ÷ä ìøàåú áèì äñéìå÷
Answer: That is because since she became Huchzak to see, the removal [of blood] is Batel (she is no longer Mesulekes Damim);
àáì äëà îòåáøú åîðé÷ä äîñúì÷éï òãééï ÷ééîéí åàôéìå ìà ðñúì÷å áúçìä îñúì÷éï åäåìëéï áñåó
However, here, a pregnant or nursing woman, what removes [blood] still exists. Even if initially [the blood] was not removed, it is progressively removed at the end.
åà''ú î''ù ãìà äâéò æîðä ìøàåú ìà áòéà áãé÷ä åîòåáøú åîðé÷ä áòéà áãé÷ä ëã÷úðé áîúðéúéï öøéëä ìäéåú áåã÷ú àëåìäå
Question: What is the difference between one whose time to see did not arrive, who does not need Bedikah, and a pregnant or nursing woman needs Bedikah? Our Mishnah teaches "she must check" regarding all of them!
åé''ì ãëì æîï ùìà äåçæ÷ä äéà îñåì÷ú áãîéí éåúø îëåìï:
Answer: as long as [the former] was not Huchzak, she is Mesulekes Damim more than all of them.