NIDAH 67 (8 Av) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Mrs. Lily (Leah bas Pinchas) Kornfeld, who passed away on 8 Av 5765. Dedicated by their daughter and son-in-law, Diane and Andy Koenigsberg and family. May her and her husband's love for Torah and for Eretz Yisrael continue in all of her descendants.


(a)Why does Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak forbid a woman to Tovel in the waters of a port?

(b)What if there are no signs of mud on her when she emerges?

(c)What did Shmuel's father therefore institute for his daughters during the month of Tishri?


(a)Rav Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak forbids a woman to Tovel in the waters of a port - since the ships generally churn up a lot of mud, which is a Chatzitzah ...

(b)... even if there are no signs of mud on her when she emerges - because we suspect that there was mud, only it washed off as she kicked with her feet in the water as she exited.

(c)And it is for the same reason that - Shmuel's father instituted for his daughters mats to stand on during the month of Tishri (when he knew that the water of the river was eligible to Tovel).


(a)What did he organize for his daughters in the month of Nisan?

(b)Why did he do that? What was he afraid of?

(c)Why can he not have been concerned about Mayim Chayim (water from a spring for when they were Zavos)?


(a)In the month of Nisan, he organized - Mikva'os (consisting of gathered water, for his daughters) ...

(b)... because he was afraid that, following the recent rains, the content of rain-water (which is only Kasher when it is gathered) exceeded the natural river water (disqualifying the river as a Makom Tevilah).

(c)He cannot have been concerned about Mayim Chayim (water from a spring for when they were Zavos) - since it is only a Zav who requires Mayim Chayim but not a Zavah.


(a)What does Rav Gidal Amar Rav say about a woman who Tovels after feeding her son?

(b)What if there is no sign of any food on her after she leaves the Mikvah?

(c)What distinction does ...

1. ... Rami bar Aba draw between the incision made by a blood-letting lancet up to three days, and one that is made after three days?

2. ... Mar Ukva draw between wet eye-gum and dry eye-gum?

(d)From when on is it considered dry?


(a)Rav Gidal Amar Rav declares the Tevilah of a woman who Tovels after feeding her son - invalid ...

(b)... even if there is no sign of any food on her after she leaves the Mikvah - because we suspect that she brushed it off as she was leaving the Mikvah.


1. Rami bar Aba - does not consider the crust that forms after an incision made by a blood-letting lancet up to three days a Chatzitzah - because it is soft and is therefore like part of the flesh. He does however consider one that forms after three days, which is hard, and which is therefore an independent entity, to be a Chatzitzah.

2. Mar Ukva - considers dry eye-gum a Chatzitzah, but not wet eye-gum.

(d)It is considered dry - from the time it starts to turn yellow.


(a)What does Shmuel say about blue eye-paint that is ...

1. ... inside a woman's eye?

2. ... above the eye?

(b)Some say that if her eyes blink constantly, then even blue paint above the eye is not Chotzetz either. Why not?

(c)How do others interpret the Porchos to which Shmuel refers?

(d)What did Rebbi Yochanan say about a woman who opens or closes her eyes excessively? Why is that?


(a)Shmuel rules that blue eye-paint that is ...

1. ... inside a woman's eye - is not a Chatzitah.

2. ... above it - is.

(b)Some say that if her eyes blink constantly, then even blue paint above the eye is not Chotzetz either - because the constant movement loosens it.

(c)Others interpret the Porchos to which Shmuel refers as - tears that are constantly streaming from her eye.

(d)Rebbi Yochanan ruled that a woman who opens or closes her eyes excessively - forms a Chatzitzah above the eye or below it (respectively).


(a)What did Resh Lakish say about a woman who Tovels?

(b)What must she take care not to do?

(c)Resh Lakish's source is a Mishnah in Nega'im. What is the Mishnah referring to?

(d)When a Kohen inspects a person for Nega'im, what kind of pose is struck by ...

1. ... a man?

2. ... a woman?


(a)Resh Lakish ruled that a woman who Tovels - must take up her natural stance.

(b)Taking care not to - press her hands to her body or her feet or calves together (as that will create a Chatzitzah).

(c)Resh Lakish's source is a Mishnah in Nega'im - which refers to how a Kohen should examine a Nega which appears in a Beis ha'Setarim.

(d)When a Kohen inspects a person for Nega'im, the pose that is struck by ...

1. ... a man - is the way he digs in the field or picks olives from a tree.

2. ... a woman - is the way she weaves or nurses her baby.



(a)Rabah bar Rav Huna declares one hair that is tied into a knot, a Chatzitzah. What does he say about ...

1. ... three hairs?

2. ... two hairs?

(b)What does Rebbi Yochanan say about that?

(c)Rebbi Yitzchak discusses what constitutes a Chatzitzah. Which two conditions does the Torah require for something to be called a Chatzitzah?

(d)What is the source for this?


(a)Rabah bar Rav Huna declares one hair that is tied into a knot a Chatzitzah. If the knot comprises ...

1. ... three hairs - it is not a Chatzitzah, since three hairs tied together are not tight.

2. ... two - he does not know what to say.

(b)Rebbi Yochanan however states that - only one hair is a Chatzitzah, whereas three or even two, are definitely not.

(c)Rebbi Yitzchak discusses what constitutes a Chatzitzah. In fact, the Torah requires two conditions for something to be called a Chatzitzah - 'Rubo u'Makpid alav' (a majority and that he is particular about it).

(d)The source for this is - Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai.


(a)Why did the Rabbanan decree on ...

1. ... Rubo she'Eino Makpid?

2. ... Miy'uto ha'Makpid?

(b)Why did they not then decree Miy'uyo she'Eino Makpid on account of Miy'uto ha'Makpid?


(a)The Rabbanan decreed on ...

1. ... Rubo she'Eino Makpid - on account of Rubo ha'Makpid, and on ...

2. ... Miy'uto ha'Makpid - on account of Rubo ha'Makpid.

(b)They did not however, decree Miy'uto she'Eino Makpid on account of Miy'uto ha'Makpid - which is itself only mi'de'Rabbanan (and we have a principle Ein Gozrin Gezeirah li'Gezeirah).


(a)What is the definitive difference between Nidah bi'Zemano and Nidah she'Lo bi'Zemano?

(b)What Halachic distinction does Rav draw between them?

(c)What does Rebbi Yochanan say? What is his reason?

(d)How do we know that Rav retracted from his original position?


(a)The definitive difference between Nidah bi'Zemano and Nidah she'Lo bi'Zemano is - that the former refers to the seventh and final day of Nidus, whereas the latter refers to the eighth day.

(b)According to Rav, Nidah bi'Zemano must be performed - by night (following the seventh day), whereas Nidah she'Lo bi'Zemano - can even be performed in the day.

(c)Rebbi Yochanan - requires both to be performed by night, because of S'rach Bito (the concern that her daughter might learn from her that one is permitted to Tovel by day even bi'Zemano (not realizing that her mother only Toveled on the night of the eighth day).

(d)We know that Rav retracted from his original position - because Rebbi Chiya bar Ashi issued a statement in his name that tallied with Rebbi Yochanan.


(a)What did Rav Idi institute in Neiresh due to the danger of lions?

(b)What respective reasons did Rav Acha bar Ya'akov in Papunya and Rav Yehudah in Pumbedisa have for making similar Takanos?

(c)Rava (or Rabah) too, permitted Tevilah the day of the eighth because of Avula'i, which might mean the Nochri gate-keepers (who would otherwise take advantage of a lone woman leaving the city precincts at night-time). What else might it mean?


(a)Rav Idi instituted in Neiresh that, due to the danger of lions - rather than Toveling on the seventh night, the women should Tovel on the eighth day.

(b)Rav Acha bar Ya'akov in Papunya and Rav Yehudah in Pumbedisa made similar Takanos - on account of thieves and the cold, respectively.

(c)Rava (or Rabah) too, permitted the day of the eighth because of Avula'i, which means either the Nochri gate-keepers (who would take advantage of a lone woman leaving the city precincts at night-time), or - some dangerous caves that were situated on the way down to the Beis-ha'Tevilah, into which women were likely to fall and endanger themselves.


(a)Rav Papa asked Abaye and Rava, why nowadays, a woman should not be permitted to Tovel on the seventh day. What is the basis for the Kashya?

(b)They answered by citing Rebbi Shimon in a Beraisa. The Tana Kama learns there from the Pasuk in Metzora "ve'Achar Tit'har" that a Zavah must have seven uninterrupted clean days. What does Rebbi Shimon learn from this Pasuk?

(c)What did he nevertheless quote the Rabbanan as saying (that will also serve to answer Rav Papa's Kashya)? What were they afraid of?

(d)How does that also resolve Rav Papa's kashya?


(a)Rav Papa asked Abaye and Rava, why nowadays, a woman should not be permitted to Tovel on the seventh day. The basis for this Kashya is Rebbi Zeira's earlier statement, that nowadays the women all observe seven clean days. Consequently, Mah Nafshach, if she is a Nidah, then the seventh day will always have passed (and the decree of S'rach Bitah does not apply), whereas if she is a Zavah, she is permitted to Tovel on the eighth day anyway.

(b)They answered by citing Rebbi Shimon in a Beraisa. The Tana Kama there learns from the Pasuk in Metzora "ve'Achar Tit'har" that a Zavah must have seven uninterrupted clean days. Rebbi Shimon learns from the same Pasuk that - she is permitted to her husband immediately after she has Toveled.

(c)He cites the Rabbanan however, who prohibited doing so - because one enters into a Safek (in case she subsequently has a sighting still on the same day, rendering the Tevilah invalid, and the man and woman subject to a Chatas.

(d)And that automatically answers Rav Papa's Kashya, too.


(a)On what basis did Rav Huna permit a woman to perform Chafifah on Sunday and Tovel on ...

1. ... Tuesday?

2. ... Wednesday?

3. ... Thursday?

(b)Rav Chisda disagrees with Rav Huna. What does he say regarding a case where Leil Tevilah falls ...

1. ... on Motza'ei Shabbos, Motza'ei Yom-tov, or Motza'ei Rosh Hashanah?

2. ... on a regular weekday?

(c)Why does he decline to learn the latter from the former?


(a)Rav Huna permits a woman to perform Chafifah on Sunday and Tovel on ...

1. ... Tuesday - taking her cue from one whose Tevilah falls due on Motza'ei Shabbos, who performs the Chafifah on the Friday before.

2. ... Wednesday - taking her cue from one whose Tevilah falls due on Sunday night which is a Yom-Tov, and who also performs the Chafifah on the Friday.

3. ... Thursday - taking her cue from one whose Tevilah falls due on Monday night, Motza'ei Rosh Hashanah, but who performs the Chafifah on the Friday too.

(b)Rav Chisda disagrees with Rav Huna. Regarding where the Leil Tevilah falls ...

1. ... on Motza'ei Shabbos, Motza'ei Yom-tov, or Motza'ei Rosh Hashanah - he agrees with him, but where it falls ...

2. ... on a regular weekday he maintains that - the Tevilah must immediately follow the Chafifah.

(c)And he declines to learn the latter from the former - due to the principle Ein Danin Efshar me'I Efshar (One cannot learn a case where one has an alternative, from a case where one does not).


(a)Rav Yeimar agrees with Rav Huna, but not fully. In which cases does he ...

1. ... agree with him.

2. ... disagree with him?

(b)What must one then do according to Rav Yeimar, should the Leil Tevilah fall on Motza'ei Rosh Hashanah which falls on Sunday and Monday?

(c)Like whom does Mereimar finally rule?


(a)Rav Yeimar agrees with Rav Huna, but not fully. He ...

1. ... agrees with him - in the first two cases, where he too, learns the concession of performing the Chafifah two or three days before the Tevilah.

2. ... disagrees with him - with any concession permitting four days between one and the other.

(b)According to Rav Yeimar, should the Leil Tevilah fall on Motza'ei Rosh Hashanah which falls on Sunday and Monday - it is better to perform the Chafifah on Motza'ei Rosh Hashanah, before going to Mikvah.

(c)Mereimar rules - like Rav Chisda (Ein Danin Efshar me'she'I Efshar'), according to Rav Yeimar's interpretation.


(a)We ask whether a woman is permitted to perform the Chafifah at night-time before going to Mikvah (see Seifer 'Eizehu Mekoman'). Why might this be forbidden?

(b)Mar Zutra forbids it. What does Rav Chin'na from Sura say?


(a)We ask whether a woman is permitted to perform the Chafifah at night time before going to Mikvah (see Seifer 'Eizehu Mekoman'), which might be forbidden - because in the woman's haste to be with her husband, there is good reason to suspect that she will not perform it properly.

(b)Mar Zutra forbids it - whereas Rav Chin'na from Sura permits it.


(a)Rav Ada from Sura queries Mar Zutra from an episode that occurred with the wife of Aba Mari. Who was Aba Mari?

(b)What was the problem there?

(c)How did Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak interpret the statement of Aba Mari's wife, that she could just as well Tovel the following day?

(d)So what did he say to her?

(e)What does this prove?


(a)Rav Ada from Sura queries Mar Zutra from an episode that occurred with the wife of Aba Mari - the Resh Galusa (the exilarch).

(b)The problem there was - his wife's refusal to go to Mikvah.

(c)Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak interpreted the statement of Aba Mari's wife that she could just as well Tovel the following day - to mean that she had not yet performed Chafifah.

(d)So he asked - whether it was because she lacked servants (to fetch water and heat it up), bowls (in which to heat the water), or a folding seat (on which to sit during the Chafifah) ...

(e)... a proof that - it is permitted to perform Chafifah after nightfall immediately prior to the Tevilah.