BENEFITS THAT ONLY THE MADIR CAN GIVE (Yerushalmi Perek 4 Halachah 2 Daf 13b)
תמן תנינן מרפאהו רפואת נפש אבל לא רפואת ממון.
(Mishnah): He may heal him Ripuy Nefesh, but not a monetary cure (e.g. his animal).
Note: There is an implied question. The Reisha permits returning his Aveidah. This is like curing his animal!
רבי יודה ורבי יוסי חד אמר כאן במדירה מגופו. וכאן במדירה מנכסיו.
Answer #1 (R. Yehudah or R. Yosi): Here (it is forbidden) when he is Mudar from his body (he benefits from his bodily toil to return or cure). Here (it is permitted) when he is Mudar from his property (he does not give to him anything, he just returns or saves the Mudar's property. We explained this like OHR SOMAYACH Hilchos Nedarim 6:7.)
וחרנה אמר כאן בשיש לו מי שירפאנו וכאן בשאין לו מי שירפאנו.
Answer #2 (the other of R. Yehudah and R. Yosi): Here [one may not give a monetary cure, or return his Aveidah] when there is someone else who can cure (his animal, or return it). Here [one may return his Aveidah] when there is no one else who can cure (or return it).
[דף יד עמוד א] אם בשיש לו מי שירפאנו אפי' רפואת נפש לא ירפאנו
Question: If there is someone else who can cure, even Refu'as Nefesh should be forbidden!
לא מכל אדם זוכה להתרפות.
Answer: One does not merit to be cured from anyone. (Perhaps only this doctor can cure him.)
ולא ניכסי המחזיר הן שהן אסורין לבעל הפרה.
Question: Is it not the case that the property of the one who returns [the Aveidah] are forbidden to the owner of the [Aveidah, e.g.] cow? (Why does the Mishnah say that where the custom is to pay the one who returns, the wage must go to Hekdesh?)
עולא בר ישמעאל בשם ר' יצחק כשהיו ניכסי זה אסורין על זה וניכסי זה אסורין על זה.
Answer (Ula bar Yishmael citing R. Yitzchak): The case is, the property of each is forbidden to the other. (Returning the Aveidah is not Hana'ah, for it always belonged to him.)