MUST THE CHATAS BE FIRST? (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 7 Daf 30a)
îúðé' úâìçú äèäøä ëéöã äéä îáéà ùìù áäîåú çèàú òåìä åùìîéí
(Mishnah): Upon finishing Nezirus in Taharah, the Nazir brings three animals - a Chatas, an Olah, and a Shelamim;
ùåçè àú äùìîéí åîâìç òìéäï ãáøé ø' éäåãä
R. Yehudah says, he slaughters the Shelamim and shaves on it (i.e. after its Shechitah);
ø' àìòæø àåîø ìà äéä îâìç àìà òì äçèàú ùäçèàú ÷åãîú áëì î÷åí
R. Elazar says, he shaves only on the Chatas, for the Chatas is always first;
åàí âéìç òì àçú îùìùúï éöà:
If he shaved on any of the three, he was Yotzei.
[ãó ì òîåã á] âî' ø' éäåùò áï ìåé àîø [áîãáø å éæ] åàú äàéì éòùä åâå' îä úìîåã ìåîø éòùä ä÷ãéí áå îòùä
(Gemara - R. Yehoshua ben Levi): [R. Yehudah learns from] "v'Es ha'Ayil Ya'aseh..." - why does it say Ya'aseh? This shows that its action (Shechitah) is earlier (even though the previous verse discusses offering the Chatas and Olah).
äúéá øáé çéððà ÷åîé ø' îðà åäà ëúéá åòùä äëäï àú îðçúå åàú ðñëå îòúä åòùä ä÷ãéí áå îòùä
Question (R. Chinena, to R. Mana): It says "v'Asah ha'Kohen Es Minchaso v'Es Nisko" - if so, will you say that its action is earlier?!
îàé ëãåï
Question: What was the conclusion?
àúà ø' çéððà áùí ø' éäåùò áï ìåé ùàí âéìç òì àçú îùìùúï éöà
Answer: R. Chinena came and said in the name of R. Yehoshua ben Levi, [R. Yehudah expounded only] that if he shaved on any of the three, he was Yotzei. (Even though Shelamim is written last, Ya'aseh teaches that if he shaved on it, he was Yotzei.)
ø' æòéøà áòà ÷åîé øáé îðà îàï úðà ëì äçèàåú ùáúåøä ÷åãîåú ìàùîåú øáé àìòæø
Question (R. Ze'ira, to R. Mana): Who taught [the Mishnah] 'all Chata'os in the Torah precede Ashamos' - is it R. Elazar? (The reason is because Chatas is more Kadosh. It seems that R. Yehudah disagrees, at least according to the initial understanding of R. Yehoshua ben Levi.)
àîø ãáøé äëì äéà ëì äçèàåú ùáúåøä ÷åãîåú ìàùîåú:
Answer (R. Mana): [No,] it is like everyone. All Chata'os in the Torah precede Ashamos. (R. Yehudah expounds here "Ya'aseh", but he agrees that Chatas is more Kadosh than Asham and precedes it. Perhaps this is the intent of MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)
PUTTING THE HAIR UNDER THE POT (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 8 Daf 30b)
îúðé' øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø äáéà ùìù áäîåú åìà ôéøù äøàåéä ìçèàú úé÷øá çèàú ìòåìä úé÷øá òåìä ìùìîéí úé÷øá ùìîéí
(Mishnah - R. Shimon ben Gamliel): If he brought three animals and did not specify, the one Kosher for the Chatas (the female lamb) is offered for the Chatas. The male lamb will be the Olah, and the ram will be the Shelamim.
äéä ðåèì ùòø øàù ðæøå åîùìç úçú äãåã åàí âéìç áîãéðä îùìç úçú äãåã
He takes the shaven hair and casts it under the pot. If he shaves outside the Mikdash, he casts it under the pot;
áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áúâìçú äèäøä àáì áúâìçú äèåîàä ìà äéä îùìç úçú äãåã
This applies when a Tahor Nazir shaves. When a Tamei Nazir shaves, he does not cast the hair under the pot;
øáé îàéø àåîø äëì îùìçéï úçú äãåã çåõ îï äèîà ùáîãéðä ìáã:
R. Meir says, all cast the hair under the pot except for a Tamei [Nazir who shaved] bi'Medinah (outside the Mikdash).
âî' äååï áòéé îéîø áùìà ôéøù äà áúåê áéúå ôéøù
(Gemara) Assumption: He did not specify [in the Mikdash], but he specified in his house. (If not, the animals are Stumos, and he can change them.)
àîøéï àôéìå áúåê áéúå ìà ôéøù ìîä áäîä àéï òìéä äìëåú ñúåîåú áúçéìä
Rejection: Even if he did not specify in his house [he cannot change them]. What is the reason? The law of Stumos does not apply to an animal at the beginning (when he was Makdish it directly. It applies at the end, if he profaned Ma'os Stumim on an animal.)
øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï áùí øá èåáìå áøåèá îä èòîà åðúï òì äàù àó äæáç éäà áàù
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Rav): He dips his hair (PNEI MOSHE) in the water [in which the Shelamim is cooking]. What is the source? "V'Nasan Al ha'Esh [Asher Tachas Zevach ha'Shelamim]" - also the Zevach will be on the fire (i.e. some is absorbed in the hair).
úðé äëì îùìçéï úçú äãåã çåõ îï äèîà ùáâáåìéï
(Beraisa): All cast the hair under the pot, except for a Tamei bi'Gevulin (outside the Mikdash. His hair is buried.)
äèîà ùáî÷ãù úçú äãåã ùì àùí îáéà ãáøé øáé îàéø
A Tamei in the Mikdash brings [the hair] under the pot of the Asham (for he does not bring a Shelamim). R. Meir says so;
ø' éåãä àåîø äèäåø ëê åëê îáéà äèîà ëê åëê àéðå îáéà
R. Yehudah says, a Tahor so or so (in the Mikdash or bi'Gevulin) brings [the hair under the pot. A Tamei so or so does not bring.
åçë"à äèîà ùáî÷ãù åäèäåø ùáâáåìéï àéðå îáéà àéï ìê îùìç úçú äãåã àìà äîâìç áèäøä ôúç àåäì îåòã
Chachamim say, a Tamei [even] in the Mikdash, and a Tahor bi'Gevulin do not bring. The only one who brings is a Tahor who shaves Pesach Ohel Mo'ed.
øáðéï àîøéï òã ùéäà øàåé åñîåê
Rabanan say, [he brings] only if he is proper (Tahor) and near (in Yerushalayim).
åø"î àåîø øàåé àó òì ôé ùàéðå ñîåê ñîåê àó òì ôé ùàéðå øàåé:
R. Meir says, [he brings] if he is proper, even if he is not near, and if he is near, even if he is not proper.