NEZIRUS FROM A CUP (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 6b)
îúðé' îæâå ìå àú äëåñ àîø äøéðé ðæéø îîðå äøé æä ðæéø
(Mishnah): If they mixed a cup of wine for a man and he said 'I am a Nazir from it', he is a Nazir.
îòùä áàùä àçú ùäéúä ùëåøú îæâå ìä àú äëåñ åàîøä äøéðé ðæéøä îîðå àîøå çëîéí ìà ðúëååðä æå àìà ëìåîø äøé äåà òìé ÷øáï:
A case occurred in which a woman was drunk. They mixed a cup of wine for her. She said 'I am a Nazir from it', Chachamim said that she intended only `that cup is [forbidden] to me like a Korban.'
âî' îúðéúà áùàéðå éëåì àáì àí éëåì äãà ãúðéðï îòùä áàùä àçú ùäéúä ùëåøú îæâå ìä àú äëåñ àîøä äøéðé ðæéøä îîðå åàîøå çëîéí ìà ðúëååðä æå àìà ëìåîø äøé äåà òìé ÷øáï
(Gemara): [The Reisha of] our Mishnah discusses when he cannot [drink wine at all. Therefore, we say that he accepted Nezirus], but if he can [d[, the law is like the Seifa] taught 'a case occurred in which a woman was drunk. They mixed a cup of wine for her. She said 'I am a Nazir from it', Chachamim said that she intended only `that cup is Alai a Korban.' (If she wanted to be a Nazir, she would not mention the cup! We explained this like RIDVAZ.)
ø' éøîéä áùí ø' æòéøà àôéìå ìùåï ÷øáï àéðå ìîä ùàéðå ÷åáò òìéå ìà ðæéøåú áìùåï ÷øáï åìà ÷øáï áìùåï ðæéøåú:
(R. Yirmeyah citing R. Ze'ira): It is not even an expression of Korban (she may drink the cup). What is the reason? One cannot impose on himself Nezirus in an expression of Korban, nor Korban in an expression of Nezirus.
ONE WHO DID NOT EXPECT TO GET ALL THREE ISURIM (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 4 Daf 7a)
[ãó æ òîåã à] îúðé' äøéðé ðæéø òì îðú ùàäà ùåúä áééï åîéèîà ìîúéí äøé æä ðæéø åàñåø áëåìï
(Mishnah): If one said 'I am a Nazir on condition that I can drink wine and become Tamei', he is a Nazir, with all the Isurim;
éåãò àðé ùéù ðæéøéí àáì àéðé éåãò ùäðæéø àñåø áééï äøé æä àñåø áééï
If he said 'I knew that there are Nezirim, but I did not know that a Nazir is forbidden to [drink] wine', he is forbidden to wine;
åø' ùîòåï îúéø
R. Shimon permits.
éåãò àðé ùäðæéø àñåø áééï àáì ñáåø äééúé ùçëîéí îúéøéï ìé îôðé ùàéðé éëåì ìçéåú áìà ééï àå îôðé ùàðé ÷åáø àú äîúéí äøé æä îåúø
If one said 'I knew that a Nazir may not drink wine, but I thought that Chachamim will permit me because I cannot live without wine', or 'because I bury the dead', he is permitted;
åøáé ùîòåï àåñø:
R. Shimon forbids.
âî' îúðéúà ãø' îàéø ãøáé îàéø àåîø öøéê ìëôåì
(Gemara): Our Mishnah is like R. Meir, for R. Meir says, he must double [a Tenai. If not, the Tenai is Batel].
(úîï ãáøé äëì äéà) [ö"ì ãáøé äëì äéà úîï - îéëì äîéí] àîø ìå ùîåø åùîòú
Retraction: It is like everyone. There (i.e. here), one says to him 'observe and accept [to fulfill like Torah law' - MESHECH CHACHMAH Devarim 12:28].
îúðéúà ãøáé (îàéø åøáé - îéëì äîéí îåç÷å) éäåãä áï úéîà
Our Mishnah is like R. Yehudah ben Teima (we explained this like MEICHAL HA'MAYIM);
ãúðé äøé æä âéèê òì îðú ùìà úôøçé áàåéø ùìà úòáøé àú äéí äâãåì áøâìééê äøé æä âè åòì îðú ùúôøçé áàåéø òì îðú ùúòáøé äéí äâãåì áøâìééê àéðå âè ø' éäåãä áï úéîà àåîø âè
(Beraisa): 'This is your Get on condition that you not fly in the air', or 'that you not cross the great sea with your legs', it is a Get. 'On condition that you fly in the air', or 'that you cross the great sea with your legs', it is not a Get. R. Yehudah ben Teima says, it is a Get.
àîø øáé æòéøà úãò ìê ùòéìä äéä øåöä ìâøùä ùúìàä áãáøéí ùàéðä éëåìä ìòîåã
(R. Ze'ira): [The first Tana] holds that he seeks a pretext [to disqualify] the divorce. He made [the Get] contingent on matters that she cannot fulfill.
îä èòîà ãø' éåãä áï úéîà
Question: What is the reason of R. Yehudah ben Teima?
îëéåï ùúìàä áãáøéí ùàéðä éëåìä ìòîåã ëîé ùðú÷ééí äúðàé áâè äåà
Answer: Since he made it contingent on matters that she cannot fulfill (he merely teases her; it is not truly contingent on these matters, so) it is as if the Tenai in the Get was fulfilled. (PNEI MOSHE)
îúðéúà (ãø"ù) [ö"ì ãìà ëø"ù - ÷øáï äòãä] ãø"ù ôåèø ùìà äúðãá ëãøê äîúðãáéí
Our Mishnah is unlike R. Shimon, for [if one accepted to bring Minchas Nedavah from barley], R. Shimon [totally] exempts him, for he did not volunteer the way people volunteer.
åàîø ø' éäåùò áï ìåé ùðééà äéà ùùééø úâìçú
Rebuttal (R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Here is different, for he left [the Isur of] shaving. (For this, he volunteered the way people volunteer, therefore R. Shimon agrees that he is a Nazir.)
ø' éøîéä áòé àí áùùééø úâìçú àîåø ãáúøä ä"æ àñåø åø"ù îúéø
Question (R. Yirmeyah): If [here is different, for] he left shaving, [what will you] say in the next clause? [He erred only about wine. It says that] he is forbidden, and R. Shimon permits;
äøé ùùééø úâìçú èåîàä ø"ù ôåèø
He left shaving and Tum'ah, and R. Shimon exempts!
ùðééà äéà îùåí ôúéçú ðãø
Answer: That is different, [due to] a Pesach for the vow (a reason to consider it a mistake; he did not know that wine is forbidden).
àí îùåí ôúéçú ðãø àîåø ãáúøä äøé æä îåúø åø"ù àåñø
Question: If it is different, due to a Pesach for the vow, [what will you] say in the next clause? (He thought that Chachamim will permit him.) He is permitted, and R. Shimon forbids!
øáé ùîòåï àåîø àéðå ôúéçú ðãø åøáðéï àîøéï ôúéçú ðãø äåà
Answer: R. Shimon holds that it is not a Pesach for the vow, and Chachamim hold that it is a Pesach for the vow.
ìîä îôðé ùäåà ëúåìä ðãøå áçééå
What is the reason [of Chachamim]? He is like one who attributes his vow to his life (surely if he will die if he does not drink, Chachamim will permit him)!
ðéçà ìùúåú ééï ìéèîà ìîúéí
Question: Granted, [you can say so about] drinking wine. Becoming Tamei Mes [cannot be essential to life]!
àåîðåúå ÷åáø îúéí:
Answer: His profession is burying the dead. (Without income, he could starve.)
ONE WHO ACCEPTED TO BE MEGALE'ACH A NAZIR (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 5 Daf 7b)
[ãó æ òîåã á] îúðé' äøéðé ðæéø åòìé ìâìç ðæéø åùîò çáéøå åàîø åàðé åòìé ìâìç ðæéø àí äéå ô÷çéï îâìçéï æä àú æä åàí ìàå îâìçéí ìðæéøéí àçøéí:
(Mishnah): Reuven said 'I am a Nazir, and it is Alai to be Megale'ach (bring Korbanos for) a Nazir.' Shimon heard this, and said 'and (also) I, and it is Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir.' If they are clever, each is Megale'ach the other. If not, they are Megale'ach other Nezirim (each is Megale'ach another one).
âî' àäï åàðé îä àú òáã ìä åàðé òì ëì ãéáåøå àå åàðé òì çöé ãéáåøå
(Gemara) Question #1: This 'and I' - how do you explain it? 'And I' for everything that he said, or for half his words?
àéï úòáãéðä åàðé òì ëì ãéáåøå àîø åàðé ðæéø
Question #2A: If you explain 'and I' for all his words, if he said 'and I am a Nazir' (what is the law? Perhaps he added 'I am a Nazir' to show that he accepts only this!)
àéï úòáãéðä åàðé òì çöé ãéáåøå àîø äøéðé ðæéø
Question #2B: If you explain 'and I' for half his words, if he said '[and I], I am a Nazir' (what is the law? Perhaps he added 'I am a Nazir' to show that he accepts everything!)
úðé ãáéú øáé åàðé [ö"ì ðæéø - ëï ðøàä âéøñú îéëì äîéí] òì ëì ãéáåøå
Answer: Beis Rebbi taught that 'and I am a Nazir' is for all his words.
àîø øáé éåñä äãà àîøä àçã ùàîø äøéðé ðæéø ÷' éåí åùîò çáéøå åàîø åàðé æä ðæéø ÷' éåí åæä ðæéø ìì' éåí òã ùéàîø äøéðé ëîåúå äøéðé ëéåöà áå
Inference (R. Yosi): [Rebbi holds that 'and I' alone is only for half his words. Therefore,] if one said 'I am a Nazir for 100 days', and his friend heard and said 'and I', [the first] is a Nazir for 100 days, and [the latter] is a Nazir for 30 days, unless he says 'I am like him' or 'I am similar to him.' (We explained this like MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)
úðé øáé çééä äøé òìé ìâìç (çöé) [ö"ì ðæéø - ÷øáï äòãä] åçæø åàîø äøéðé ðæéø àí âéìç (éåí ì') [ö"ì ìòöîå - ÷øáï äòãä] éöà
(R. Chiyah - Beraisa): If one said 'it is Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir', and then said 'I am a Nazir', if he was Megale'ach himself, he was Yotzei.
àîø ø' éåñä îúðéúà àîøä ëï äøéðé ðæéø åòìé ìâìç ðæéø åùîò çáéøå åàîø åàðé åàîø åòìé ìâìç ðæéø àí äéå ôé÷çéï îâìçéï æä àú æä
Support (R. Yosi - Mishnah): If one said 'I am a Nazir and Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir, and his friend heard, and said 'I also, and it is Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir.' If they are clever, each is Megale'ach the other;
äà ìòöîï ìà îôðé ùàîø äøéðé ðæéø åòìé ìâìç ðæéø àáì àîø äøé òìé ìâìç çöé ðæéø åçæø åàîø äøéðé ðæéø àí âéìç ìòöîå éöà
Inference: It does not suffice for each to be Megale'ach himself, because he said 'I am a Nazir' and [only after] 'Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir', but if he said 'Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir', and then 'I am a Nazir', if he was Megale'ach himself, he was Yotzei.
ðéçà ùðé ìâìç àú äøàùåï øàùåï îâìç àú äùðé
Question: (Our Mishnah says that if they are clever, each is Megale'ach the other.) Granted, the latter can be Megale'ach the first. Why can the first be Megale'ach the latter? (When the first vowed, the latter was not a Nazir!)
øáé éåñé áùí øáé æòéøà æàú àåîøú ùàãí ÷åáò òìéå ÷øáï ðæéø åòúéã ìéæåø
Answer (R. Yosi citing R. Ze'ira): This teaches that one can obligate himself [to bring] Korban Nazir for one who will later accept Nezirus.
ø' çéððà áùí øáé æòéøà àîø úìú
Inference (R. Chinena citing R. Ze'ira): We learn three things from this;
äãà àîøä àí âéìç ìòöîå éöà
[If one said 'it is Alai to be Megale'ach a Nazir', and then accepted Nezirus,] if he was Megale'ach himself, he was Yotzei.
äãà àîøä ùàãí ÷åáò ìçáéøå ÷øáï ðæéøåú ìéæåø
One can obligate himself [to bring] Korban Nazir for one who will later accept Nezirus.
äãà àîøä (àí âéìç òöîå éöà) ùàãí ÷åáò ìçáéøå ÷øáï ðæéøåú ùìà îãòúå àáì àéðå îôøéùå àìà îãòúå
One can obligate himself [to bring] Korban Nazir for his friend, without the latter's Da'as (consent), but he can separate the Korban for him only with his Da'as.
ø' îðà áòà ÷åîé øáé éåãï àîø äøé òìé ÷øáï ðæéø åòúéã ìéæåø
Question (R. Mana, to R. Yudan): [If one said 'it is Alai to bring Korban Nazir for one who will accept Nezirus in the future' [what is the law]?
áùòä (ùðæø) [ðøàä ùö"ì ùðãø] [ãó ç òîåã à] ñúí îâìç áéï ðæéø ùëáø ðæéø áéï ðæéø ùòúéã ìéæåø ôéøù
When he vowed Stam (did not specify 'for one who will accept in the future'), he can be Megale'ach either one who was already a Nazir (at the time), or one who later accepted Nezirus. If he specified [what is the law]?
ééáà ëäãà øáé ìåé áø çééúä áòé ëúá ìä ãéï åãáøéí àéï ìé áðëñééê äòúéãéï ìéôåì ìê îä äï
Answer - Question: This is like R. Levi bar Chayasah asked. If one wrote to his wife 'I have no claims in your property that will later fall to you [for an inheritance]' - what is the law?
åéù àãí îúðä òì ãáø ùìà áà ìòåìí:
Answer: Can someone stipulate about Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam (something not in the world now?! He cannot, so his words have no effect. The same applies here. We explained this based on SEFER NIR. R. MEIR SIMCHAH left this difficult, for vows takes effect on Davar she'Lo Ba l'Olam!)