KINUYIM FOR NEZIRUS (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1a)
[ãó à òîåã à] îúðé' ëì ëéðåé ðæéøåú ëðæéøåú
(Mishnah): All Kinuyim (substitute names) for Nezirus are like [expressions of] Nezirus;
äàåîø àäà ä"æ ðæéø àå àäà ðàåä ðæéø
If one said 'I will be', he is a Nazir, or [if he said] 'I will be beautiful', [he is] a Nazir;
ðæé÷ ðæéç ôæéç ä"æ ðæéø äøéðé ëæä äøéðé îñìñì äøé àðé îëìëì äøé òìé ìùìç ôøò äøé æä ðæéø
[If one said] 'Nazik', 'Nazi'ach', or 'Pazi'ach', he is a Nazir. If he said 'I am like this one', 'I will be Mesalsel (smooth my hair)', 'I will be Mekalkel (grow hair)', or 'I will let my hair grow', he is a Nazir.
äøé òìé öôøéí ø' îàéø àåîø ðæéø
[If one said] 'it is Alai (incumbent on me) Tziparim', R. Meir says, he is a Nazir;
åçëîéí àåîøéí àéðå ðæéø:
Chachamim say, he is not a Nazir.
âî' ëúéá [áîãáø ì â] àéù ëé éãåø ðãø îä úìîåã ìåîø ðãø
(Gemara) Question: It says "Ish Ki Yidor Neder" - why does it say Neder? (It already says Yidor!)
àìà îéëï ùëéðåéé ðãøéí ëðãøéí
Answer: This teaches that Kinuyim for Nedarim are like Nedarim.
[áîãáø ì â] àå äùáò [ö"ì ùáåòä - ÷øáï äòãä] îä úìîåã ìåîø ùáåòä
Question: It says "Oh Hishava Shevu'ah" - why does it say "Shevu'ah"?
àìà îéëï ùëéðåé ùáåòä ëùáåòä
Answer: This teaches that a Kinuy for Shevu'ah is like a Shevu'ah.
âø"ù øàù"ä ãðãøé"í ÷ãîéú"à ò"ã ãîè"é àùëç
Reference: The text [here is like it says] at the beginning of Nedarim, from the beginning [of the Maseches] until you reach [the following teaching of R. Yishmael. The scribe put quotes to show that these are his words, and not the actual text; he did not want to copy the text. The first word is 'Garis'; Samech and Sin are interchangeable. It is as if he wrote 'mi'Kadmisa'; he relies on the Mem at the end of 'Nedarim'. We explained this like HA'MASHBI'ACH.)
úðé ø' éùîòàì ðãø ðæéø ìäæéø îéëï ùàãí ÷åáò òìéå ðæéøåú áúåê éîé ðæéøåúå
(Beraisa - R. Yishmael): "Neder Nazir Lehazir la'Shem" teaches that one can accept on himself Nezirus during his days of Nezirus. (Do not say that it is like a Shevu'ah, and a second Shevu'ah does not take effect on a Shevu'ah.)
úðé ëì ëéðåéé ðæéøåú ëðæéøåú åìå÷éï òìéäï
(Beraisa): All Kinuyim for Nezirus are like expressions of Nezirus, and one is lashed for them;
àó òì âá ãøáé éåçðï àîø àéï ìå÷éï òì äàéñøåú îåãä äåà äëà ùäåà ìå÷ä
Even though R. Yochanan said that one is not lashed for [vows in an expression of] 'Isur', he agrees here that he is lashed;
àó òì âá ãøáé ùîòåï àîø àéðå îáéà ÷øáï îåãä äåà äëà ùäåà ìå÷ä
Even though R. Shimon said that [one who accepted to bring Minchas Nedavah from barley,] he does not bring any Korban [for he did not volunteer the way people volunteer], he agrees here that he is lashed (NO'AM YERUSHALMI).
àó òì âá ãø' éåãä àîø ñô÷ ðæéøåú îåúø îåãä äåà äëà ùäåà ìå÷ä
Even though R. Yehudah says that Safek Nezirus is permitted, he agrees here that he is lashed.
îä ðï ÷ééîéï
Question: What is the case?
[ãó à òîåã á] àí áîúëåéï ìéæåø àôéìå àîø ùàæëéø ôú àäà ðæéø ðæéø
If he intends to accept Nezirus, even if he said 'when I mention bread, I will be a Nazir', [when he mentions it] he is a Nazir!
àí áùàéðå îúëåéï ìéæåø àó òì âá ùäåöéà ðæéøåú îôéå ìà éäà ðæéø
If he does not intend to accept Nezirus, even if he said [an acceptance of] Nezirus with his mouth, he is not a Nazir!
ëê [ö"ì àðé àåîø - òìé úîø] àí äéä ÷åøà áúåøä åäæëéø ðæéø (ðæé÷) [ö"ì ðæéø - ùééøé ÷øáï]
So I say - if one was reading in the Torah, and he mentioned Nazir, is he a Nazir?! (Surely he is not!)
àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áàåîø àçã îëì äìùåðåú äììå ðæøúé
Answer: Rather, the case is, he says, I accepted Nezirus in one of these expressions;
àí úåôù àçã îäï ðæéøåú úçåì òìéå ðæéøåú åàí ìàå ìà úçåì òìéå ðæéøåú
If one of them is an expression of Nezirus, Nezirus takes effect on him. If not, Nezirus does not take effect on him.
àîø ìå ùîåø åùîòú.
One says to him 'observe and accept [to fulfill according to Torah law' - MESHECH CHACHMAH Devarim 12:28].
àäà ùîòåï áø áà áùí ø' éåçðï áùøàä ðæéøéï òåáøéï
[Our Mishnah said that if one said] 'I will be', he is a Nazir. Shimon bar Ba citing R. Yochanan said, this is when he saw Nezirim passing in front of him.
åàîø ðååä îäå åæä îìòéâ òìéäåï àå àäà ëîåúï
Question: [If one saw Nezirim passing in front of him,] and he said 'beautiful', what is the law? Does he mock them (will I be like them?!), or [does he mean] 'I will be like them'?
ø' éåñé áé ø' áåï áùí ùîåàì äìåàé àäà ëîåúï
Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun citing Shmuel): If only I would be like them! (He is a Nazir.)
àå àäà ðååä ðæéø îä àðï ÷ééîéï
Question: [Our Mishnah said] or 'I will be beautiful' - Nazir. What is the case?
àí ëùàîø [ö"ì àäà - ÷øáï äòãä] ðåä äãà äéà ÷ãîééúà
If [it is like the simple meaning, that] he said 'I will be beautiful', this is like the first case ('I will be.' Surely a Nazir passed in front of him. If not, there is no indication that he refers to Nezirus. Perhaps he means, I will be beautiful in Mitzvos!)
àí áúôåñ áùòøå
Suggestion: [A Nazir did not pass in front of him, and] he was holding his hair.
åäúðéðï äøéðé ëæä åîãøáé éåñé áø' çðéðà àí áúôåñ áùòøå åäåà àîø äøéðé ëæä
Rejection: [The Seifa of] our Mishnah teaches [if one said] 'I am like this', he is a Nazir, and R. Yosi bar Chanina said that he was holding his hair, and he said 'I am like this.' (He implies that this is not the case in the Reisha!)
àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áàåîø àéï ðàä ëæä.
Answer: Rather, the case is, he said 'no one is as beautiful as this [Nazir in front of me.' We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.]
ðæé÷ ðæéç ôæé÷ à"ø éåçðï ìùåðåú ùáéøøå ìäï øàùåðéí àéï øùåú ìáéøééä ìäåñéó òìéäï
'Nazik', 'Nazi'ach', or 'Pazi'ach' - R. Yochanan said, these are expressions that early [Chachamim] chose [for people to use to accept Nezirus]. No one may add to them.
åäà úðé ø' çééä øæéç äæéç
Question: R. Chiyah taught that 'Razi'ach' and 'Hazi'ach' [are also Kinuyim]!
à"ø ùéìà ìùåðåú ùáéøøå ìäï îùðéåú àéï øùåú ìáéøééä ìäåñéó òìéäï
Answer (R. Shila): Expressions that the Mishnayos chose, no one may add to them. (The Tosefta of R. Chiyah is like Mishnayos.)
åäúðé áø ÷ôøà çøñ ìà çñôà
Question: Bar Kapara taught 'Cheres' [is a Kinuy for Cherem]. Does this not mean Chaspa (lowly earthenware?! (This shows that one may add!)
Note: Why must we say that it means earthenware? I would prefer to say that the words 'Lo Chaspa' were improperly copied from Nedarim 1:2. The Gemara there wanted to prove that an expression used for Chulin and for Korban can be used to forbid oneself. Here, 'Cheres' suffices to prove that one may add Kinuyim to those of the Mishnah!
àîø ø' æòéøà ìùåï âáåä äåà [àéåá è æ] äàåîø ìçøñ åìà éæøç åâå'
Answer (R. Ze'ira): It is an expression that refers to Hash-m - "ha'Omer la'Cheres v'Lo Yizrach..." (BEIS YECHEZKEL Nedarim 1:3 - R. Ze'ira answers that it is a Kinuy for Shevu'ah, which is based on Hash-m's name. Nedarim and Charamim do not require Hash-m's name.)
àîø ø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù ìùåï àåîåú äòåìí äåà
(Reish Lakish): [Kinuyim] are [translations of Neder, Nezirus... in] Nochri languages.
Note: This is unlike R. Yochanan. Surely he does not hold that all Kinuyim are mentioned in the Mishnah. There are 70 languages!
àîø øáé æòéøà ìùåï ðéååúé äåà ãàéðåï ÷øéé ìçñôà ëñôà
(R. Ze'ira): [Chaspa] is from the language Nivasi - they call Chaspa 'Kaspa' (an allusion to half-Shekalim of Hekdesh).
àîø ø' éåñé ðøàéï ãáøéí áî÷åîåú (àçøéí àáì áî÷åí ù÷åøàéï ìðæéø ðæé÷ àðå àåîøéí) [ö"ì ù÷åøàéï ìðæéø ðæé÷ àáì áî÷åîåú àçøéí àðé àåîø - ÷øáï äòãä] ðæéø ôñéìéñ àéðå ðæéø
(R. Yosi): It seems that this is in places where they call a Nazir 'Nazik', but in other places, I say that what garblers call 'Nazir' is not a Nazir.
KINUYEI KINUYIM (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1b)
úðé á"ù àåîøéí áéï ëéðåééí áéï ëéðåéé ëéðåééí àñåøéï
(Beraisa - Beis Shamai): Both Kinuyim and Kinuyei Kinuyim forbid (i.e. take effect);
åáéú äìì àåîøéí ëéðåééï àñåøéï ëéðåéé ëéðåééï îåúøéï
Beis Hillel say Kinuyim forbid, but Kinuyei Kinuyim are permitted.
äéé ãï àéðåï ëéðåéé ëéðåééï
Question: What are [examples of] Kinuyei Kinuyim?
àîø ø' áà áø æáãà îðæ÷à îðæé÷ðà îôçæðà
Answer #1 (R. Ba bar Zavda): Manazka, Manzikna, Mafchazna.
à"ø éåñä àéï àéìå ëéðåéé ëéðåééï ëéðåééï îîù àéðåï
Rebuttal (R. Yosah): These are not Kinuyei Kinuyim. They are actual Kinuyim!
àéìå äàåîø (îðãøðà) [ö"ì îðæøðà - ÷øáï äòãä] ùîà àéðå ðæéø àéìå (îðæéøðà) [ö"ì îðæøðà - ÷øáï äòãä] [ãó á òîåã à] ëàåîø îôçæðà
If one said Manzarna - is he not a Nazir?! Manzarna is like saying Mafchazna!
àéìéï àéðåï ëéðåéé ëéðåééï òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåñé
Question: What are Kinuyei Kinuyim according to R. Yosi?
äãà äéà ãúðéðï äøé òìé öéôåøéï øáé îàéø àåîø ðæéø åçëîéí àåîøéí àéðå ðæéø àîø
Answer #2: It is like [was taught about] our Mishnah 'Alai Tziparim' - R. Meir says, he is a Nazir. Chachamim say, he is not a Nazir.
ø' éåçðï îùåí ëéðåéé ëéðåééï [ãðéàì ã ì] òã ãé ùòøéä ëðéùøéï øáà åèéôøåäé ëöéôåøéï.
(R. Yochanan): [R. Meir's reason] is due to Kinuyei Kinuyim - "Ad Di Sarei k'Nishrin v'Tifrohi ch'Tziparin." (ALEI TAMAR - this is Kinuyei Kinuyim, for Tziparim hints to hair, and hair hints to Nezirus.)