
TOSFOS DH Amar Rava Ta Shma ha'Shidrah veha'Gulgoles (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáà ú"ù äùãøä åäâåìâåìú (äîùê)

åúéôùåè ãîã÷úðé áîúðé' äùãøä åäâåìâåìú ùìîéí åîñúîà (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) àéú áäåï øåáò òöîåú


Explanation: We should resolve that since the Mishnah taught the spine and skull intact, and presumably they have a quarter Kav of bones...

îëìì ãòì òöîåú ùáåøéï åîôåø÷éï ùéù áä øåáò åáàå (äùãøä) îùãøä åâåìâåìú ìà îâìç


Inference: For broken and separated bones that have a quarter Kav, and they come from the spine and skull, he does not shave.

åôøéê åäà äåà ãàîø ôéøåù øáà ìà ðöøëä àìà ìùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áäï øåáò òöîåú


We ask that he himself, i.e. Rava, said that we need this only for a spine and skull without a quarter Kav of bones!

àìà ãøáà âåôéä ñáéøà ìéä ãàéëà ùãøä åâåìâåìú ãìéú áäåï øåáò òöîåú åìòåìí àéîà ìê ãàôé' òì øåáò òöîåú äáà îï äùãøä åäâåìâåìú ðæéø îâìç


Rather, Rava himself holds that there is a spine and skull without a quarter Kav of bones. Really, I can say that even a quarter Kav of bones that comes from the spine and skull, a Nazir shaves;

åîúðé' ã÷úðé ùãøä åâåìâåìú ãîùîò ùìîéí àéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï ãàôéìå àéï áäï øåáò ðæéø îâìç


Our Mishnah taught a spine and skull, which connotes that they are complete. It needs to teach that even if there is not a quarter Kav, a Nazir shaves.

åìà àéúôøù äéëà àéúîø ãøáà åéù ñôøéí ãâøñé ìòéì (ãó ð.) àîø øáà ìà ðöøëä àìà ìùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áäï øåáò òöîåú îëç ñåâéà ãäëà


Observation: It was not explained where Rava taught this. The text in some Seforim above (50a) says "Rava said, we need this only for a spine and skull without a quarter Kav of bones" based on the Sugya here.

[åìòéì ôéøùúé] ãàé àôùø ì÷ééí àåúä âéøñà.


Rejection: Above, I explained why this text cannot be correct.


TOSFOS DH Basar d'Sham'ah mi'R. Akiva

úåñôåú ã"ä áúø ãùîòä îø"ò

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives an alternate text, and also resolves our text.)

ëê ëúåá áëì äñôøéí åìà àéúôøù îä ø"ì (äâäú áøëú øàù) åâéîâå"í


Question: So it is written in all Seforim. It was not explained what he wants to say. This is difficult.

åàé ìà îñúôéðà îøáååúà äåä àîéðà ùéù çñøåï áñôøéí åâøñéðï î÷îé ôéøëà ã÷àîø øáà ìà ðöøëä àîø îø òå÷áà äëà áùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áäï øåáò òñ÷éðï


Answer #1: If I did not fear my Rebbeyim, I would say that there is an omission in Seforim. In the [correct] text, before the question that Rava said, "we need this only...", it says "Mar Ukva said, here we discuss a spine and skull without a quarter Kav."

ôéøåù îø òå÷áà áà ìãçåú äúùåáä ùäáéà øáà îçîú ùäéä ñáåø øáà ãñúí ùãøä åâåìâåìú éù áäï øåáò åãçé ìä îø òå÷áà ãîééøé áùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áäï øåáò


Explanation: Mar Ukva comes to reject the answer that Rava gave, because he holds that Rava held that a Stam spine and skull have a quarter Kav. Mar Ukva rejects this. We discuss a spine and skull without a quarter Kav.

åôøéê äù"ñ åøáà ì"ì äàé ñáøà ãàôùø ìùãøä åâåìâåìú áìà øåáò åäàîø øáà ìà ðöøëä åëå'


The Gemara asks "does Rava disagree with this reasoning, that it is possible that a spine and skull do not have a quarter Kav? Rava said "we need this only..."!

åîùðé áúø ãùîòä îîø òå÷áà ìääåà ùéðåéà ãùðé îø òå÷áà äëà ãîå÷é ìä áùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áäï øåáò


The Gemara answers that after he heard from Mar Ukva, the answer that Mar Ukva gave here, that we discuss a spine without a quarter Kav [Rava agreed with him].

åëé äàé âååðà äâéä øù"é áæáçéí áôø÷ ùðé (ãó ëà:) ùäéä ëúåá áñôøéí äúéøåõ åçñø ä÷åùéà îï äñôøéí åäâéä øù"é (äâäú ø' áöìàì àùëðæé) âáé ùîòúéï ã÷éãåù éãéí


Support: Rashi corrected the text in Zevachim (21b) like this. The answer was written in Seforim, and the question was missing from Seforim, and Rashi corrected [the text, and added] the question, regarding the Sugya of washing the hands.

åäëé ðîé áùîòúéï ùéù ä÷åùéà áìà äúéøåõ éù ìäâéä äúéøåõ


Also in our Sugya, there is the question without the answer, we should correct [it and add] the answer.

åáòìîà ðîé àùëçðà ùäéä øáà áéîé îø òå÷áà ò"ë ìùåï îäøô"ù,


Elsewhere we find that Rava was the days of Mar Ukva. All this is from R. Peretz.

åäøá øáé éò÷á î÷éðåï ãç÷ ìééùá âéøñú äñôøéí áúø [ãùîòä îøáé ò÷éáà] åä"ô


Answer #2 (R. Yakov of Kinun): With difficulty, we can resolve the text of Seforim "after he heard from R. Akiva." It means as follows:

åäàîø (äâäú áøëú øàù) øáà ìà ðöøëà ëå' ëìåîø åäéëé úñé÷ àãòúéä ãøáà ìàéúåéé îîúðé' åäà àéäå âåôéä äåà ãîå÷é ìä áùãøä åâåìâåìú ùàéï áä øåáò òöîåú


Rava himself said "this is needed only..." I.e. what was Rava's Havah Amina to bring [a proof] from our Mishnah? He himself establishes it to discuss a spine and skull without a quarter Kav of bones!

åîùðé áúø ãùîòä [îøáé ò÷éáà] øáà ìà àîø òì îúðé' àìà òì îùðä ãàäìåú (ô"á î"å) ã÷çùéá øåáò òöîåú (äâäú áøëú øàù) äáà îùðé îúéí åùãøä åâåìâåìú îùðé îúéí


We answer that after he heard from R. Akiva, Rava did not say so about our Mishnah, rather, about the Mishnah in Ohalos (2:6) that lists a quarter Kav of bones from two Mesim, and a spine and skull from two Mesim;

åòìä àéöèøéê ìéä ìùðåéé äëé [àáì] î÷îé ãùîòä [îø' ò÷éáà] ñáéøà ìéä ùàéï ùãøä åâåìâåìú ùìà éäà áäï øåáò òöîåú


Regarding that [Mishnah] he needed to answer so. However, before he heard from R. Akiva, he held that there is no spine and skull without a quarter Kav of bones;

åîùåí äëé äåä îééúé øáà îîúðé' ùôéø ãàëúé ìà ùîòä [îø"ò].


This is why Rava properly brought [a proof] from our Mishnah, for he had not yet heard from R. Akiva.


TOSFOS DH Ta Shma Shamai Omer...

úåñôåú ã"ä ú"ù ùîàé àåîø...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the attempted inferences from Shamai's opinion.)

åîãìà áòé ùîàé àìà òöí îùãøä îëìì ãøáðï ãôìéâé òìéä ñâé ìäå áùéòåø ãøåáò òöîåú äáà îï äùãøä


Explanation: Since Shamai requires only a bone from the spine, this implies that for Rabanan, who argue with him, the Shi'ur of a quarter Kav of bones from the spine suffices;

ëã÷úðé áøéùà ãøåáò îèîà áàäì ëé áà îòé÷ø äâåééä åëé áà øåáò îï äùãøä àôé' îâìç òìéä äðæéø


This is like the Reisha teaches, that a quarter Kav has Tum'as Ohel when it comes from the primary part of the body. And when a quarter Kav comes from the spine, it even obligates a Nazir to shave;

ãàéï ñáøà ìåîø ãôìéâé ëåìé äàé ãìøáðï ìéáòé çöé ÷á åìùîàé ñâé áòöí àçã


It is unreasonable to say that they have such an extreme argument, that according to Rabanan we require a half-Kav, and according to Shamai, one bone suffices!

åãçé ùàðé ùîàé ãîçîéø àáì øáðï [çöé] ÷á òöîåú áòå àó îùãøä,


We reject this. Shamai is different, for he is stringent. However, Rabanan require half a Kav of bones, even from the spine.

ìéôùåè îéðä ìàéãê âéñà ãìøáðï áòéðï çöé ÷á ãîãùîàé ãîçîéø ìà áòé àìà òöí àçã îëìì ãìøáðï ùéòåøà ãáéú äìì áòå ãäééðå çöé ÷á


Explanation (cont.): [Now] we say that we should resolve oppositely, that Rabanan require half a Kav. Since Shamai, who is stringent, requires only one bone, this connotes that Rabanan require the Shi'ur of Beis Hillel, i.e. half a Kav.

ãàé ìà áòå àìà øåáò ÷á äåä ìäå ìôøåùé çåîøééäå ëîå ùôéøù ùîàé çåîøéä


If they required only a quarter Kav, they should have specified their stringency, just like Shamai specified his stringency.

åãçé ãéìîà ìà ôìéâé àìà áòöí àçã ãìà îèîà áàäì ìøáðï àáì øåáò îèîà åìà çùå ìôøåùé îéìúééäå.


We reject this. Perhaps they argue only about one bone. Rabanan hold that it is not Metamei b'Ohel, but a quarter Kav is Metamei. They were not concerned to specify their opinion.


TOSFOS DH Beis Din Shel Achereihem Amru...

úåñôåú ã"ä áéú ãéï ùìàçøéäí àîøå...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the latter opinion and the discussion whether or not it resolves the issue.)

àó ìðæéø ëãúðï áîúðé' øåáò òöîåú åøáéòéú ãí ìúøåîä åì÷ãùéí ãäîàäéì òìéäí èîà ëãúðï áîúðéúéï ãîñëú àäìåú (ô"á î"à åî"á)


Explanation: [A half Kav of bones and a half Log of blood is Metamei for everything,] even for a Nazir, like our Mishnah teaches. A quarter Kav of bones and a Revi'is of bones [is Metamei] for Terumah and Kodshim. One who towers over them is Tamei, like our Mishnah of Ohalos (2:1,2);

àáì ìà ìðæéø åòåùä ôñç åäëé âîéøé ìäå


However, it is not Tamei for Nazir and one who offers Pesach. This is a tradition [from Moshe from Sinai].

åñáøé ìäå ëîúðéúéï ãàéï äðæéø îâìç òìéå ëìì åñáøå ðîé ëîúðéúéï ãàäìåú ãúðï äúí ãîèîà áàäì áòìîà ìúøåîä å÷ãùéí


They hold like our Mishnah that a Nazir is not Megale'ach for it. They hold also like our Mishnah in Ohalos, which teaches there that it is Tamei elsewhere, for Terumah and Kodshim;

äøé (äâäú ëúø úåøä) á"ã àçøåï ñáøé ëúðà ãîúðéúéï åëúðà ãàäìåú,


Inference: The latter Beis Din holds like the Tana of our Mishnah, and like the Tana of Ohalos.

é"î äëøòä ùìéùéú, äééðå úìîéãéí ùá"ã àçøåï äéå úìîéãéí ìæ÷ðéí äøàùåðéí åôøéê åäà àéï äëøòú ùìéùéú îëøòú áúø' (ëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä)


Explanation #1: Some say that "a third Hachra'ah" refers to Talmidim of the latter Beis Din. They were Talmidim of the earlier Zekenim. The Gemara asks that a third Hachra'ah does not determine that we follow it. (This is like Rashash, that this last word is "Basrah." Others says that it is Basraihu (follow them), or b'Travaihu (it does not override both previous opinions).

åîãîúðé' ãäëà åîúðé' ãäúí ãàäìåú ëá"ã àçøåï ñáéøà îëìì ãäëé äéìëúà åîùåí ãäåå ìäå îëøéò


Our Mishnah here and our Mishnah there in Ohalos hold like the latter Beis Din. This is the Halachah, because they are a Machri'a.

åé"î ãòú ùìéùéú. åôøéê (äâäú áøëú øàù) åäà àéï ãòú ùìéùéú îëøòú ùãòú ùìéùéú èòí áôðé òöîå äåà ëé äøàùåðéí ìà âéìå ãòúí ùéäà øàåé ìçì÷ áéï ðæéø åòåùä ôñç ìúøåîä å÷ãùéí


Explanation #2: Some say [that "a third Hachra'ah" refers to] a third opinion. We asks that a third Hachra'ah does not determine, because it is its own reason, because the first [opinions] did not reveal their opinion that it is proper to distinguish between (1) a Nazir and one who offers Pesach, and (2) Terumah and Kodshim.

åîùðé àîø øáé éò÷á áø àéãé îôé ùîåòä àîøåä îôé çâé æëøéä åîìàëé åòì ëï ëãàé (ëï ðøàä ìäâé ò"ô úåñôåú ø ôøõ åúåñôåú àéåøà) á"ã ùì àçøåðéí ìñîåê òì ùîåòúí åì÷áåò äìëä ëîåúí.


We answer that R. Yakov bar Idi said that they said it in the name of Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi. Therefore, it is proper to rely on what the latter Beis Din received, and fix the Halachah like them.


TOSFOS DH Al Elu d'Reisha Lemi'utei Etzem ki'Se'orah

úåñôåú ã"ä òì àìå ãøéùà ìîòåèé òöí ëùòåøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Seifa explains what we may infer from the Reisha.)

åàò"â ãáäãéà ÷úðé òì òöí ëùòåøä òì îâòå åòì îùàå ãîùîò àáì òì àäéìå ìà


Implied question: [The Seifa] explicitly taught a bone the size of a barley seed, for touching or moving it. This implies [that he does] not [shave] for its Ohel!

é"ì úðé åäãø îôøù


Answer: [The Tana] teaches [concisely] and later explains.

åòì àìå ãñéôà ìîòåèé àáï äñëëåú àáï äîéñê òì äàøõ åéù ùðé àáðéí àå â' éåöàéï îï äâãø åèåîàä úçú àçú îäï åòáø úçú àçú îäï åàéðå éåãò àí äàäéì òì äèåîàä


Explanation: "For these" in the Seifa exclude Even ha'Sechachos, i.e. a rock that towers above the ground, and there are two or three rocks jutting out from a fence, and Tum'ah is under one of them. Someone passed under one of the rocks, and does not know whether it [is the one that] towers above the Tum'ah.

å÷öú ÷ùä ãäà úðà ìéä ñéôà àáì ñëëåú åôøòåú àéï îâìç


Question: This is explicitly taught in the Seifa (54a) - one does not shave for Sechachos and Pera'os!


Note: Our text says Even ha'Sechuchis. It seems that Tosfos holds that Even ha'Sechachos is Pera'os. He cited also Sechachos, for they are the first matter listed in the Mishnah. Even ha'Sechachos cannot be Sechachos of the Mishnah, for that refers to a tree (54b).

åö"ì ãä"ð úðé åäãø îôøù ëîå òöí ëùòåøä, îäøô"ù.


Answer: We must say that also here, the Tana teaches [concisely] and later explains, just like regarding a bone the size of a barley seed.



TOSFOS DH Chetzi Kav Atzamos...

úåñôåú ã"ä çöé ÷á òöîåú...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

ö"ò îàé ÷à ôøéê äà ìòðéï àäì àééøéðï åòöí ëùòåøä ìà îèîà áàäì


Question: What was the question [that it is Tamei due to Etzem ki'Se'orah]? We discuss Tum'as Ohel, and a bone the size of a barley seed is not Metamei b'Ohel!

åàåîø ø"é ãñîéê àîàé ãáòéðï ìîéîø áñîåê ãáúø ãúðï áøéùà çöé ÷á ãîùîò àáì ôçåú ìà àîàé àéöèøéê ìîéúðé áñéôà øåáò òöîåú ãàéï äðæéø îâìç òìéå


Answer (Ri): [The Makshan] relies on what he wants to say below, that after the Reisha taught for half Kav of bones, which implies not for less, why did the Seifa need to teach a quarter Kav of bones, that a Nazir does not shave for them?

åîùðé áñîåê ãàééúé ìîéã÷ ãôçåú îçöé ÷á ìà îâìç òì àäéìå àáì òì îâòå åòì îùàå îâìç


[The Gemara] answers below that it comes to infer that for less than a half Kav, he does not shave for Ohel, but he shaves for touching or moving.

åà"ë äåé òé÷ø øáåúà ãîúðéúéï ìàùîåòéðï ãòì îâòå åòì îùàå îâìç åìëê ãéé÷ äùúà ôùéèà ãòì ôçåú îçöé ÷á îâìç òì îâòå åòì îùàå åúéôå÷ ìéä îùåí òöí ëùòåøä


Consequence: The primary Chidush of our Mishnah is to teach that he shaves for touching or moving. Therefore, now we infer that it is obvious that he shaves for less than a half Kav, for touching or moving it, due to a bone the size of a barley seed!

åîùðé ëâåï ãà÷îç à÷îåçé ùèçï äã÷ ë÷îç àå ëòôø ãëé äàé âååðà ìà îèîà îùåí òöí ëùòåøä.


We answer that the case is, they were ground like flour or earth. In such a case, it is not Metamei due to Etzem ki'Se'orah.


TOSFOS DH Cherev Harei Hu k'Chalal

úåñôåú ã"ä çøá äøé äåà ëçìì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings laws that we expound from the verse.)

ãëìé îúëåú äðåâòéí áîú ðòùéí àáé àáåú äèåîàä ëîú òöîå ìèîà àãí äðåâò áå (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ) èåîàú ùáòä ëðåâò áîú òöîå


Explanation: Metal Kelim that touch a Mes become Avi Avos ha'Tum'ah like a Mes itself, to be Metamei a person who touches them Tum'as Shivah (he must receive Haza'ah on day three and day seven to become Tahor), like one who touches a Mes itself;

àå ìèîà àãí äáà áàäì àùø äçøá áúåëå èåîàú ùáòä ëáà àì àäì äîú,


Or (i.e. also it is like a Mes) to be Metamei one who enters the Ohel in which the sword is, Tum'as Shivah, like one who enters Ohel ha'Mes.

àå áîú æä àáø äðçìì îï äîú, åéù áå áùø ëãé ìäòìåú àøåëä ãçùéá ëîú òöîå,


Explanation (cont.): "Oh b'Mes" teaches about a limb that came off the Mes that has enough flesh that such a limb on a living person could heal. [The limb] is considered like a Mes itself.

àå áòöí àãí æä øåáò òöîåú, ùîèîà áàäì åäìëä ìîùä îñéðé äéà ãáòéðï øåáò å÷øà àñîëúà áòìîà,


"Oh b'Etzem Adam" teaches about quarter Kav of bones. It is Metamei b'Ohel. A tradition from Moshe from Sinai requires a quarter Kav. The verse is a mere Asmachta.


TOSFOS DH Cherev... (part 2)

úåñôåú ã"ä çøá...(çì÷ á)

(SUMMARY: Tosfos teaches about a sealed coffin.)

æä ÷áø (äâäú áøëú øàù) ñúåí


Citation of Gemara: ["Oh b'Kever" -] this is a sealed coffin.

ãàîø îø èåîàä áå÷òú åòåìä îï ä÷áø áå÷òú åéåøãú îï ä÷áø


Explanation: It was taught that Tum'ah pierces and ascends from the coffin and pierces and descends from it.

åäàé (äâäú ëúø úåøä) ÷áø ñúåí àéï ìåîø ãäééðå ùàéï áå ôåúç èôç


Suggestion: This sealed coffin is when there is not an open [hollow cubic] Tefach [above the Tum'ah].

ãääåà äåä èåîàä øöåöä åìà îèîà àìà ëðâã âåôå ùì îú


Rejection: That is Tum'ah Retzutzah. It is Metamei only what is opposite (directly above or below) the body of the Mes;

åäëà àééøéðï ãä÷áø òöîå îèîà àôé' ùìà ëðâã äîú àìà äëà àééøé á÷áø ñúåí áëì øåçåúéå åéù áå ôåúç èôç áéðå ìîú


Here, the coffin itself is Metamei, even not opposite the Mes. Rather, here we discuss a coffin sealed on every side, and there is an open Tefach between it and the Mes.

ãéù çéìå÷ îèåîàä (äâäú áøëú øàù, åëï äåà áãôåñ åðöéä) øöåöä ùä÷áø òöîå îèîà áàäì àôéìå ùìà ëðâã äîú


Distinction: This is unlike Tum'ah Retzutzah, for here the coffin itself is Metamei b'Ohel, even not opposite the Mes.

åäëé àéúà áñéôøé àå á÷áø æä ÷áø ñúåí ùîèîà ëì öããéï àôéìå øé÷ï ùáå


Support: It says so in the Sifri. "Oh b'Kever" teaches about a sealed coffin. It is Metamei all sides, even the empty part of it.

åãå÷à ùéù ôåúç èôç áéï äîú ì÷áø ùòìéå àáì àéï ôåúç èôç àéðå îèîà ëì öããéï àìà èåîàä áå÷òú åòåìä ëðâãå ãäééðå ëðâã äîú ãå÷à


Limitation: This is only if there is an open Tefach between the Mes and the coffin over it. If there is an open Tefach it is not Metamei all sides. Rather, the Tum'ah pierces and ascends opposite it, i.e. only directly above the Mes.

åäáéà øáéðå ùîùåï ð"ò øàéä îô"æ ãàäìåú (î"à) ðôù [àèåîä] äðåâò áä îï äöããéï èäåø îôðé ùäèåîàä áå÷òú åòåìä áå÷òú åéåøãú


Proof (R. Shimshon): It says in Ohalos (7:1) that one who touches Nefesh Atum'ah from the sides is Tahor, because the Tum'ah pierces and ascends and pierces and descends;

åàí äéä î÷åí äèåîàä èôç òì èôç èîà îôðé ùäéà ë÷áø ñúåí


If the place of the Tum'ah was a Tefach [long] and a Tefach [wide], he is Tamei, for it is like a sealed coffin.

åäà ãàîøé' (áøëåú ãó éè:) øåá àøåðåú éù áäï ôåúç èôç


Implied question: It says in Berachos (19b) that most coffins have an open Tefach [therefore it was permitted to pass over them in order to see kings]!

öøéê ìåîø ùàåúï ä÷áøéí äéå ôúåçéí îï äöã åàéï òìéäï ãéï ÷áø ñúåí àí ìà ùëì äöããéí ñúåîéí


Answer: We must say that those graves were open from the side. [A coffin] gets the law of a sealed coffin only if all of the sides are closed.

åäëé úðï áàäìåú (ô"â î"æ) áéá ùäåà ÷îåø úçú äáéú éù áä ôåúç èôç åáéöéàúå ôåúç èôç èåîàä áúåëå äáéú èäåø.


Support (Ohalos 3:7 - Mishnah): A covered sewage channel under a house - if it has an open Tefach, if it has an open Tefach [above the Tum'ah], and there is an open [square] Tefach at the exit [to Reshus ha'Rabim], if there is Tum'ah inside it, the house is Tahor.