
WHEN ARE THE ISURIM PERMITTED? [line 5 before end of previous Amud]


(Mishnah): He cooks or overcooks the Shelamim. The Kohen takes the cooked foreleg of the ram, a Matzah loaf from the basket, and a wafer, and puts them on the hand of the Nazir and waves them. Afterwards, the Nazir may drink wine and be Metamei;


R. Shimon says, after Zerikah (throwing the blood on the Mizbe'ach) of one of the Korbanos, he may drink and be Metamei.


(Gemara - Beraisa - R. Eliezer): "V'Achar Yishteh ha'Nazir Yayin" - after all the actions;


Chachamim say, after a single action.


Question: What is Chachamim's source?


Answer: It says "V'Achar Yishteh ha'Nazir Yayin" and it says "V'Achar Hisgalcho Es Nizro";


Just like there it is after one action, also here.


Suggestion: Perhaps there it means after both (shaving and Korbanos)!


Rejection: If so, the Gezeirah Shavah "Achar-Achar" would not teach anything.




Version #1 (Rav): The Nazir must wave (the foreleg and breads to become permitted to drink and be Metamei).


Question: According to whom is Rav's law?


It is unlike Chachamim. They permit him even without shaving, all the more so without waving!


Answer: Rather, it is according to R. Eliezer.


Objection: This is obvious. R. Eliezer permits after all the actions!


Answer: One might have thought that since one gets atonement without waving, likewise one is permitted without waving. Rav teaches that this is not so.



Question: Waving is not essential to become permitted!


(Beraisa #1): "This is the law of the Nazir" - whether or not he has hands. (We are thinking that just like a handless Nazir need not wave, also one with hands.)


Answer: You cannot say so, for if so, you should say the same about shaving (that one with hair is like one without hair. But if so, Beraisa #2 is not like either opinion in Beraisa #3!)


(Beraisa #2): "This is the law of the Nazir" - whether or not he has hair.


(Beraisa #3 - Beis Shamai): If a Nazir's hair fell out, he need not pass a Ta'ar over his head;


Beis Hillel say that he must.


(Ravina): Beis Shamai say that he need not, i.e. he must shave, but he cannot.


Inference: According to Beis Hillel, he shaves and becomes permitted!


(Summation of answer: Beraisa #2 cannot be Beis Shamai, who distinguish one with hair from one without hair. It cannot be like Beis Hillel and teach that a Nazir with hair must shave, for other verses explicit say so! Rather, we must say that Beraisa #2 equates one without hair to one with hair. It is like Beis Hillel, and obligates a bald Nazir to pass a Ta'ar over his head. Likewise, Beraisa #1 equates one without hands to one with hands. It is like Beis Hillel, and obligates a Nazir without hands to wave on the end of his arms, akin to one with hands.)


Ravina holds like R. Pedas:


(R. Pedas): Beis Shamai and R. Eliezer taught similar laws:


(Beraisa - R. Eliezer): A Metzora lacking a right thumb or big toe can never become Tahor;


R. Shimon says, it suffices to put (the blood and oil) on the place where the thumb or toe should be;


Chachamim say, it suffices to put them on the left thumb or toe.


Version #2 (Rav): The Nazir must wave (to become permitted).


Question: According to whom is Rav's law?


It cannot be according to R. Eliezer, for this would be obvious. R. Eliezer permits after all the actions!


Answer: Rather, it is according to Chachamim.


Objection: Chachamim permit even without shaving, all the more so, without waving!


Answer: Waving is essential to become permitted!


(Beraisa #1): "This is the law of the Nazir" - whether or not he has hands. (We are thinking that just like waving is Me'akev a handless Nazir (because he could not wave), it is Me'akev also a Nazir with hands.)


Question: If so, we should likewise understand the following to say that a bald Nazir cannot become permitted! (But if so, Beraisa #2 is not like either opinion in Beraisa #3!)


(Beraisa #2): "This is the law of the Nazir" - whether or not he has hair.


(Beraisa #3 - Beis Shamai): If a Nazir's hair fell out, he need not pass a Ta'ar over his head;


Beis Hillel say that he must.


(R. Avina): Beis Hillel say that he must, i.e. he must shave, but he cannot. Beis Shamai holds that he has a solution (he can pass a Ta'ar over his head! Tosfos asks, we could say that Beraisa #2 is like Beis Hillel. It teaches that in either case, shaving is Me'akev! He answers that in any case we could ask that Chachamim explicitly say that shaving is not Me'akev, and R. Eliezer learns that it is Me'akev from another since ("after all the actions").)


R. Avina disagrees with R. Pedas.




(Mishnah): If a Nazir shaved after offering a Korban, and it was found to be invalid, his shaving is invalid, and he was not Yotzei with his other Korbanos (he must bring them again);


If he shaved after the Chatas was offered Lo Lishmah (with important intent, which disqualifies it) and later he brought the other Korbanos Lishmah, his shaving is invalid and he was not Yotzei the other Korbanos;


If he shaved after the Olah or Shelamim was offered Lo Lishmah, and he later brought the other Korbanos Lishmah, his shaving is invalid and he was not Yotzei the other Korbanos;


R. Shimon says, he was not Yotzei the first Korban, but he was Yotzei the others.


If he shaved after all the Korbanos, and one was found to be valid, his shaving is valid, and he must again bring those Korbanos that were invalid.


(Gemara - Rav Ada bar Ahavah) Inference: R. Shimon holds that if a Nazir shaved after bringing a voluntary Shelamim, the shaving is valid.


He learns from "... ha'Shelamim" - it did not say 'his Shelamim.'