[51a - 39 lines; 51b - 31 lines]
1)[line 2]áàøåï ùì ùéùB'ARON SHEL SHAYISH- with a marble coffin
2)[line 4]ìáðéíLEVENIM- bricks
3)[line 6]äâéãéíGIDIM- sinews
4)[line 13]âìâìéïGALGALIN- (a) something that nullifies something else (RASHI to Nidah 27b); (b) something that is dragged along with something else (ARUCH, cited by TOSFOS) (other versions of this word exist : GILGELIN, GANGILON, and GALGILON)
5)[line 26]äò÷áHA'AKEV- (a) the heel (that has an abundance of lifeless flesh) (TOSFOS); (b) the lower half of the body, from the loins downward (ARUCH) (which is not the main part of the body - MEFARESH)
6)[line 27]ø÷á äáà îëåìéä îúREKEV HA'BA MI'KULEI MES- that is, Rekev that comes from all of the flesh that once had life in it (TOSFOS)
7)[line 31]ãìîà ãøê ò÷á ÷àúéDILMA DERECH AKEV KA'ASI- that is, perhaps some of the Rekev comes from the Akev
8)[line 36]òåáø éøê àîåUBAR YERECH IMO
There is a Machlokes whether "Ubar Yerech Imo" - "a fetus is no more than a thigh of its mother" (i.e. it is only to be considered as a part of its mother), or whether the mother and its fetus are considered to be two different entities.
9)[line 1]ëéåï ãìà àéúöøKEIVAN D'LO IT'TZAR- that is, since the embryo has not yet formed [from the Shichvas Zera]
10)[line 3]ôéøùäPIRSHAH- her feces
11)[line 3]ëéåï ãìà î÷ééîà áãìà àëìäKEIVAN D'LO MEKAIMA BED'LO ACHLAH- since she cannot exist without eating
12)[line 9]ãàù÷ééä îé ã÷ìéíD'ASHKEYEI MEI DEKALIM- the deceased was given three cups to drink (while he was living) from the water of Mei Dekalim, a certain spring in Eretz Yisrael that emanates from the base of two palm trees
13)[line 9]åñëéà ðùàV'SACHYA NASHA- and Nasha (a medicinal salve made from the sap of a plant which causes hair to fall out) was smeared on his body [before he was boiled in Mei Teverya - TOSFOS]
14)[line 10]åùì÷å áîé èáøéàV'SHALKO B'MEI TEVERYA- and boiled him in the Teverya Hot Springs after his death (to loosen his skin - TOSFOS)
15)[line 10]ð÷èéðïNAKTINAN- we have a tradition
16)[line 15]úôåñäTEFUSAH- [when an unknown grave is discovered,] the "Tefusah," or the Afar ha'Ticho'ach (loose earth underneath the dead body) and three finger-breadths of Karka ha'Besulah (ground that has never been turned, that is under the Afar ha'Ticho'ach), [is dug up with the body for proper burial]
17)[line 16]ùëåðú ÷áøåúSHECHUNAS KEVAROS
(a)When three as yet unknown graves are discovered, they constitute a Shechunas Kevaros (lit. a settlement of graves), and one must suspect that the area was once a cemetery. It is prohibited to remove the bodies (under normal circumstances).
(b)In order to be designated as a Shechunas Kevaros, the graves must be separated by four to eight Amos. The area around them within a radius of twenty Amos from the outermost graves must be checked for other graves. If a grave is found, the area beyond that grave must be checked within a radius of twenty Amos, also. If no other graves are found, the area within the last twenty-Amah radius is Tahor.
(c)If one of the three bodies was missing a limb, the graves do not get the status of a Shechunas Kevaros. This may be a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai (TOSFOS) or evidence that the person was buried in a makeshift grave by his murderers (SEFAS EMES). Similarly, the presence of other evidence that the bodies were not given a proper burial precludes the status of a Shechunas Kevaros. Some examples: many bodies buried in a mass grave; bodies that were buried in a sitting position or with their heads between their knees; bodies that were obviously murdered (GEMARA Nazir 64b-65a, RAMBAM Hichos Tum'as Mes 9:1-5).
18)[line 21]ùåí îúSHUM MES- the general concept (lit. name) of the dead [in which Rekev forms if the body was whole]
19)[line 30]ðîìäNEMALAH- an ant
20)[line 30]ùéòåøàSHI'URA- the amount [that one needs to be liable for eating it, i.e. a complete creature] (TOSFOS, MEFARESH)
21)[last line]áøéäBIRYAH- (a) a creature [that can live without the small amount that is missing] (TOSFOS); (b) a creature [of which the majority is considered as the whole] (MEFARESH)