
What is a "Matzeivah"?


Rashi and Ramban: It is a Mizbe'ach made of one stone, 1 even if it is built to sacrifice to Hashem. 2


Refer also to 16:22:2:1.


Ramban: The "Matzeivah" mentioned in Bechukosai Vayikra, 26:1, however - "u'Fesel u'Matzeivah Lo Sakimu lachem" - refers to a Matzeivah that is made for the Pesel (the image) to stand on.


Why does the Torah juxtapose the Isur of erecting a Matzeivah to the perversion of judgment?


Targum Yonasan: To teach us that, just as one is forbidden to build a Matzeivah, so too, is one forbidden to appoint a community leader who is wicked - someone whom Hashem hates. 1


Refer also to 16:21:1:2.


What is the difference between a Mizbe'ach, a Matzeivah and a Bamah?


Ramban: 'A Mizbe'ach' is a tall structure made of stones with four corners [on top], between which one offers Korbanos, and a base; 'A Matzeivah' comprises one large stone on which one offers incense or sacrifices, or for the priests to stand on. 1 'A Bamah' is like a hill 2 - it comprises a mound of earth on which a Mizbe'ach is built on which to sacrifice.


Refer to 16:22:3:2.


Ramban: In fact, every tall edifice is called a 'Bamah' - See Yeshayah, 14:14 & 32:13. See Ramban DH 've'Da'.


Bearing in mind that the Avos built Matzeivos, what caused Hashem to subsequently hate them?


Rashi and Ramban #1: Because the Nochrim adopted them as an integral part of their idolatry. 1


Ramban #2: Because the Cana'anim, who were addicted to idolatry, installed a Mizbe'ach in every house of idolatry, at the entrance of which they placed a large stone (Matzeivah), for the priests to stand on, 2 and outside there was a tree (an Asheirah) to attract the passersby. 3


Rashbam: Because they fall into the category of 'Bamos', which became forbidden once the Beis-Hamikdash was built. 4


Ramban: Because there was no house of idol-worship that did not have a Matzeivah on which to sacrifice and to pour oil. Hadar Zekenim (on Pasuk 21)


Seeing as after the time of the Avos, Hashem forbade Matzeivos, how could Moshe build twelve Matzeivos on Har Sinai (See Mishpatim, Sh'mos, 24:4)?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because Hashem only forbade Matzeivos after Matan Torah, 1 and Moshe built the Matzeivos before Matan Torah - as Rashi explains in Mishpatim. 2


Oznayim la'Torah (citing the Rashbam): Moshe did not build the Matzeivos in order to sacrifice Korbanos on them but merely as testimony that all the tribes entered into the B'ris with Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu. 3


See Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates.


Sh'mos, 24:1.


See Oznayim la'Torah, citing the Ha'amek Davar.


Why did Hashem not forbid building a Mizbe'ach just like He forbade a Matzeivah, since the Nochrim also built Mizb'chos for Avodah-Zarah too?


Ramban #1: Because they were not quite as obsessed with Mizb'chos as they were with Matzeivos. 1


Ramban #2: Because, unlike the Matzeivah, the Mizbe'ach is an integral part of the Avodah, which Hashem commanded, and which preceded Avodah-Zarah.


Refer to 16:22:3:1.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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