
Who are the 60 "Melachos"?


Rashi: Avraham and his descendants Bnei Keturah are 16 1 , R. Yishmael and his sons 2 are 13, Yitzchak and his sons are three, Bnei Yakov are 12, Bnei Esav are 16. If you will say that Timna is not counted, for she was a female 3 , Avraham is among the 60. Just like Melachos (the king's wives) are more important than the Pilagshim, so Avraham and his descendants are more important than all of them. We find that Hagar was a Bas Melech; Timna was a ruler's daughter, and she became a Pilegesh to [Elifaz ben] Esav. Chazal expounded "El Emek Shaveh" (Bereishis 14:17) - Hushvu (all agreed) to make Avraham king over them.


Seforno: There are many opinions among early Chachamim who investigate Elokus.


Malbim (Melitzah): This refers to Bnos Yerushalayim - bodily powers that gather now around the Nefesh. He says that Shlomo (the power that rules over the body) has wives and many powers. There are 60 primary powers that rule over the body.


Bereishis 25:2-4 lists six Bnei Keturah, seven grandsons, and two great grandsons. (PF)


Bereishis 25:13-15 lists them. We do not count daughters, i.e. Machalas bas Yishmael (28:9). (PF)


Bereishis 36:10-14 lists five sons and 10 grandsons. Divrei ha'Yamim I, 1:35-37 lists also Timna, who was Elifaz' Pilegesh. Some expound "Timna" in Bereishis 36:12 to also hint to a grandson named Timna (refer to Bereishis 36:12:2:4 and the note there).


Who are the 80 "Pilagshim"?


Rashi: Noach and his descendants until Avraham, those who left the ark; you find that there are 80 1 .


Seforno: There are more who investigate nature than [those who investigate] Elokus.


Malbim (Melitzah): They are secondary powers that rule over the body, at a lower level than the primary powers, just like concubines are a lower level.


The Torah lists 70 descendants who became nations, but also some who did not become nations, e.g. Nimrod (Ramban Bereishis 10:7). (PF)


What are "va'Alamos Ein Mispar"?


Rashi: All these were separated into many families.


Seforno: They are those who teach worldly matters.


Malbim: They are other natures, Midos and powers.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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