
What is the meaning of "Al Tedami b'Nafshech"?


Rashi: Do not think. This is like "v'Hayah Ka'asher Dimisi" (Bamidbar 33:56). Do not think that you will be saved in Beis ha'Melech on the day of killing, that you do not want to risk yourself now to go to the king without permission.


Malbim: There are fundamentals in this Shelichus. (a) We must heed matters unlike nature, and see that Hashem is doing a sign for a reason of Hashgachah. It is not normal for Esther to rise from her lowly state 1 to the palace. Surely Hashem did so for a purpose. Since this affliction befell Yisrael, surely Hashem prepared her to cure the breakage of His nation. (b) Every affliction has a limited time. Means are prepared for the salvation. If they will not be saved via one of them, Hashem will send another, for "Ki Lo Yitosh Hashem Es Amo" (Shmuel I, 12:22). (c) Anything that does not exist for itself, rather, for something else, its existence depends on that other matter 2 . Also refer to 4:13:2:2.


Why was she in a lowly state? She descends from Sha'ul ha'Melech! Perhaps he means, Achashverosh thought that she is lowly (was an abandoned baby). Or, it is like the opinion that she was green (refer to 2:7:2:4). (PF)


Malbim: E.g. one who builds a winter garden (greenhouse), with trees and vegetables that give their fruits in winter like in summer, if he will decide to wait until summer, he will destroy the building, for in summer they grow better via the sun than via an oven and artificial heating.


Why did Mordechai think that this is her intent? Perhaps she sincerely thinks that it is better to wait until the king calls her!


Vilna Gaon: He thought that she holds that one may not sin in order to help another. For this [going to the king to request for Yisrael], she will be killed. She is not obligated to do so! Therefore, he told her that in any case she will be killed. Therefore, she should not slacken, and she should go.


Malbim: He thought that she thinks that she is in Beis ha'Melech due to herself, and by chance, the Jews will be saved via her. Just the contrary! Their salvation via natural means or people is primary, and from it she was elevated! If she will refrain from saving now, Hashem will save via another means.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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