
What is "Nimrim"?


Rashi: It is the river of that place.


Radak: It is the name of a place in Mo'av.


Malbim: It is a port where ships embarked and arrived, and a great business market. Mo'av's wealth was via the port on this river. The commerce was of (a) matters that grew in the land more than what they need, and (b) matters not found in Mo'av that they imported from elsewhere.


What will be "Meshamos"?


Rashi: [The river] will be ruined, for blood of Mesim will mix in.


Radak: All the residents will be killed or will flee. Since there are no residents, it is as if there is no water or vegetation 1 .


Malbim: The river will dry up.


Surely this is Radak's intent, like he wrote in Yirmeyah 48:34; 'Rak' is a printing mistake; it should be deleted. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Yavesh Chatzir"?


Rashi: Their Giborim, kings and their enforcers [ceased]. The praise of Eretz Mo'av is its good pasture. It was taught (Menachos 87a) that the best place for rams is from Mo'av. Therefore, the metaphor for Mo'av's punishment is the destruction of its pasture.


Malbim: There will be such heat and lack of rain, that hay, and even grass, and even vegetables (the latter endure better than the former) will be finished.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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