Why does it say "u'Mi k'Amcha
Radak: Just like there is no Elokim like You, there is no nation like Your nation Yisrael.
Why are Yisrael called "Goy Echad ba'Aretz"?
Malbim: They are the heart of all the nations of idolaters. They are like shells compared to Yisrael, which is like the heart that gives life to the body.
Who are the Elokim that redeemed Yisrael?
Rashi, from Midrash Shmuel 27:3: They are Moshe and Aharon 1 - "Nesaticha Elokim l'Pharaoh" (Shemos 7:1). Also Yonason translates 'messengers from Hashem.'
Radak: It is Hashem. 2 The plural is used for honor, like "Yismach Yisrael b'Osav" (Tehilim 149:2). In Divrei ha'Yamim I, 17:21, it says "Asher Halach Elokim" (singular).
Radak: The Midrash says that in Divrei ha'Yamim I, 17:21, "Asher Halach Elokim" (singular) refers to Hashem.
Malbim: This is like a king who went by himself to redeem his son from captivity. (This shows that Yisrael are the primary nation.)
What awesome things did Hashem do to His land?
Rashi: He expelled nations and their gods. "To expel" is omitted from our verse. In Divrei ha'Yamim I, 17:21 it says "Legaresh Mipnei Amcha Asher Padisa mi'Mitzrayim Goyim
For whom did He make a name?
Radak: For Himself, to be aggrandized in the mouths of people who did not know Him. E.g. Pharaoh said "Mi Hashem
What greatness did Hashem do for Yisrael?
Malbim: He changed nature for them, to show that they are the primary nation.
What is the meaning of "l'Artzecha"?
Radak #1: It is Yisrael's land.
Radak #2: It is Hashem's land. You did for Yisrael greatness and awesome acts before they came to Your land. Yonason translates like this.
What is the meaning of "v'Nora'os l'Artzecha Mipnei Amcha"?
Malbim: He did wonders in the Kadosh land to cast fear in the residents due to Am Hashem that He redeemed from Egypt.
What is the meaning of "Goyim vEi'lohav"?
Radak #1: [You redeemed them] from nations and from their gods. The prefix Mem in "mi'Mitzrayim" applies also to Goyim and to Elohav.
Radak #2: You struck nations and their gods, like "uv'Chol Elohei Mitzrayim E'eseh Shefatim" (Shemos 12:12).
Radak #3: They are Yisrael and their Chachamim and great people. It is plural, for there are families in Yisrael, e.g. "Binyamin b'Amemecha" (Shoftim 5:14). VEilohav is like "Elokim Lo Sekalel" (Shemos 22:27), i.e. judges.
Radak: Yonason did not translate these words. Perhaps he holds like the Mechilta (Bo, 14:85), that it is Yisrael and Hashem [as if He was redeemed with Yisrael], like it says "b'Chol Tzarasam Lo Tzar" (Yeshayah 63:9; Yisrael's pain pains Him. This is why Yonason did not translate it (for Hashem's honor).
Malbim: The prefix Lamed in "l'Artzecha" applies also to Goyim and to Elohav. He did wonders to your land, to the nations and to their gods; He expelled them.