
What is the question "Mah Dodech mi'Dod"?


Rashi: So the nations ask Yisrael - how is your G-d different than all gods, that you are burned and crucified for Him?


Seforno: How is this G-d different than another god, that you give yourself over [to afflictions or death] not to switch Him for another?


Malbim (Melitzah): (a) Bnos of the body ask the Nefesh to explain the difference between this spiritual love that the Nefesh craves Elokim, and physical loves. Bnos ha'Geviyah do not sense this love and its dearness. (b) What is your Beloved's hidden essence - His descriptions, signs and attributes, that due to them you made us swear and you seek Him until death?


Why do they say "ha'Yafah ba'Nashim"?


Seforno: You are nicest in understanding, mercy and Perishus. You would be pleasing to any god!


Why do they say "she'Kachah Hishbatanu"?


Rashi: You made us swear to testify to Him about your love.


Seforno: You made us swear to tell your faithfulness with Him, to the point of death.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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