What is the definition of "Nikras ha'Tzur"?
Rashi #1: It is 'a hole in the rock' 1 .
Rashi #2 (34:29), Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It is aa cave in the rock 2 (which was on the mountainside). 3
As in Bamidbar 16:14 and in Mishlei, 30:17 (Rashi).
Where Hashem placed him after he climbed onto the rock.
See Bamidbar 17:5 (Ramban).
What are the connotations of Vesakosi Kapi"?
Rashi #1: It means literally that Hashem placed His Hand (Kevayahol) over Moshe's face (Rashi in 34:29) to protect him.
Rashi #2 (citing Targum Onkelos) and Targum Yonasan: It means that Hashem protected Moshe via a command. 1
Da'as Zekenim and Rosh: It means that Hashem will place His Cloud (His shining Radiance - Rosh) in front of him (Moshe), to prevent him from seeing His Face..
See Sifsei Chachamim.
Why did Hashem need to protect Moshe?
Rashi: Because otherwise, the destructive angels that were accompanying Him would have caused him harm. 1
Why would Hashem place Moshe in the crevice "ba'Avor Kevodi" - after He passes? He should have done so beforehand?
"ba'Avor Kevodi" translates as 'Whilst i am passing', as implied by Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan.
Rosh: "ba'Avor" refers to announcing - 'When I call.'