What are the connotations of "Tzur Yeladcha Teshi"?
Rashi #1 Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'You forgot the Rock who bore you!' 1
Rashi #2 (citing the Sifri: 'When Hashem came to do good to you, you (angered Him and) weakened His ability to do good to you. 2
Seforno: '[Even you, Yeshurun, when you turned to the pleasures (of this world), your wisdom and your knowledge of Hashem's greatness] was removed (became 'dislocated'). 3
Riva (citing R"M of Kutzi, citing Bamidbar Rabah 9:1): Since the 'Yud' is small, we read it like 'Tash'
Due to new forms of idolatry, which are not worth anything (Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh. Refer also to 32:18:1.1:1 & 2.
See Sifsei Chachamim.
From the root "Gid ha'Nasheh."
What is the meaning of "Tzur Yeladcha"?
Rashbam: It means the Rock who fathered 1 you'.
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: It means that He created you in your mother's womb, and caused you to be born'.
Rashbam: As in Bereishis, 10:26.
Why is the 'Yud' in "Teshi" small?
Ba'al ha'Turim (citing Pirkei de'R. Eliezer): It hints at the ten things that 'Hashem gave you towards your creation, 1 and you tested Him with ten tests' 2 (in the desert
Ru'ach, Neshamah, the shape of face, eyesight, hearing speech, the ability to walk, common sense, understnding and wisdom (Nidah, 31a). Perhaps the tenth one - which seems to have been omitted -- is Nefesh (the soul of life).
Ba'al ha'Turim: On the other hand, the 'Yud' in "Yigdal" (Bamidbar 14:17) is large, to hint that Avraham, was tested ten times - and passed them all. See also Bamidbar 14:17:151:1.
What is the translation of the word "Vatishkach Keil Mechol'lecha"?
Rashi: And you forgot the G-d who took you out of the womb 1 .
Seforno: 'You forgot the G-d who did good to you'.
Targum Onkelos: You forgot and abandoned service of the G-d who formed you.
Targum Yonasan: You forgot the word of G-d who made you full of tubes. 2
Rashi: Like "Yecholel Ayalos" and "Chil ka'Yoledah" (Tehilim 29:9, 48:7).
See Nosei Klei Yonasan and Na'ar Yonasan.