
What is the meaning of "Yecholel Ayalos"?


Rashi: In the future, Hashem will terrify the nations, who are now strong like Ayalos 1 - "Meshaveh Raglai ka'Ayalos" (18:34). It says Ayalos (females), for their feet are straighter than males (Shocher Tov 22).


Radak (11) #1: Ayalos have a difficult birth, for their womb is narrow. The great noise will terrify them, and their wombs will open.


Radak (11) #2: Those who run fast are called Ayalos; the strong are called cedars and mountains. [Even] those who ride on horses will not escape - "v'Kal b'Raglav Lo Yimalet v'Rochev ha'Sus Lo Yimalet Nafsho" (Amos 2:15).


Radak (11) #3: Since the land of the nations is compared to a Midbar, those who dwell in it are compared to Ayalos, which dwell in the Midbar.


Ayal is one of the Kosher Chayos (Devarim 14:5 - hart?).


What is the meaning of "va'Yechesof"?


Rashi: This is like "Machsof ha'Lavan" (Bereishis 30:37). It peels the trees of the forest, i.e. strips them of their honor. The nations are compared to trees - "Asher k'Govah Arazim Gavho" (Amos 2:9).


Radak: When the cedars fall, the forests are bare.


What is the meaning of "uv'Heichalo Kulo Omer Kavod"?


Rashi: In His Heichal that will be built, all will praise Him. They will say "Hashem la'Mabul Yashav..." (verse 10).


Radak (from Zevachim 116a): When the Torah was given, the nations thought that Hashem will destroy the world, like at the time of the flood. (Each king sang Shirah in his palace.)


Radak (11) #1: In Shamayim, all honor, like it says "Bnei Elim Havu la'Shem Bnei Elim" (verse 1).


Radak (11) #2: In His Heichal in Yerushalayim, they will honor Kel, who judged the nations and subdued them that day.


Malbim: From Hashem's powerful voice the adult sheep were terrified, and the forests, animals and all vegetation were bared. However, in His Heichal, the awesome forces of nature bowed (abated) and did not harm His holy mountain.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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