
What do we learn from "Shamati Shim'acha"?


Rashi: You always exacted payment from those who anger You. Why do You bear this Rasha [and not punish him]?


Radak: I heard a voice of Nevu'ah tell me the long Galus that Yisrael will have in the future. Therefore, I pray to You.


Malbim: After I heard "Ki Od Chazon la'Mo'ed v'Yafe'ach la'Ketz" (2:3) ? Hashem informed him that after Ge'ulas Bavel will be another Galus, and it will be very long ? "Im Yismahmah Chake Lo" (ibid.) (refer to 3:2:2:2).


Why does it say "Yareisi"?


Rashi: I said, how did Midas ha'Din change due to Yisrael's sin?


Radak, Malbim: When I heard about the long Galus that Yisrael will have in the future, I feared ? how can they endure amidst their enemies?


What is the meaning of "Pa'alcha b'Kerev Shanim Chayehu"?


Rashi: Your first act, that You took payment for us from our enemies, amidst the years of affliction that we dwell among them, revive it! I.e. arouse it, return it, and make it known in these years!


Radak: Yisrael are Your Pe'ulah (handiwork) that You made ? "Al Banai v'Al Po'al Yadai Tetzaveni" (Yeshayah 45:11), "Hu Asecha va'Ychonenecha" (Devarim 32:6}. Keep them alive in the Galus, lest they be eradicated amidst their enemies.


Malbim: The act that Hashem did for Yisrael in earlier days ? He did miracles and wonders for them, and made them fall to His portion, to have special Hashgachah over them ? it should not cease, also amidst the long years of Galus. There are two ways. (a) Sometimes it is hidden. The world conducts naturally, and Hashgachah is hidden. "Pa'alcha b'Kerev Shanim Chayehu" requests this. Even when You act hiddenly, keep Yisrael alive, like a living being; even when it does not act and make its acts known, its power is hidden in it. Also refer to 3:2:4:2.


What do we learn from "b'Kerev Shanim Todi'a"?


Radak: Amidst these years, make known your words that you foretold them "v'Af Gam Zos bi'Hyosam b'Eretz Oyveihem Lo Me'astim v'Lo Ge'altim Lechalosam" (Vayikra 26:44).


Malbim: The One who acts is not always hidden. From time to time He is aroused to do for them miracles also amidst Galus. All see Hashem's acts and know He oversees them from the windows - then "Gam? b'Eretz Oyveihem Lo Me'astim? Lehafer Brisi Itam" (Vayikra 26:44). He makes all know that He supervises over them.


What should be "b'Rogez"?


Rashi: Be angry at Resha'im.


Radak, Malbim: At a time of anger.


Why does it say "Rachem Tizkor"?


Rashi: Rachem is like Lerachem (remember to have mercy).


Radak #1: [At a time of anger,] remember for them the love of their fathers ? "v'Zacharti Lahem Bris Rishonim" (Vayikra 26:45).


Radak #2: Rachem is from Rachamim. Remember Your mercy for them ? "Zechor Rachamecha Hashem Ki me'Olam Hemah" (Tehilim 25:6).


Radak #3: The Gematriya of Rachem is [248,] like that of Avraham. I.e. remember for them the Bris of Avraham.


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Ka'as DH ha'Ka'as): This is very far from man's Midos. When a man is angry, he does not put to his heart to have mercy on the poor!


Malbim: [Even at a time of anger,] remember to have mercy on them, lest they perish.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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