
What is the significance of coming from Teiman?


Rashi: This refers to His first act that Chabakuk wants to arouse ? the dearness of Yisrael and punishment of early generations, when He came to give the Torah to Esav and Yishmael, and they did not accept it. Teiman is [the capitol of] Esav. Radak ? this is like it says "v'Zarach mi'Se'ir Lamo" (Devarim 33:2). The Navi tells the awesome acts that Hashem did for Yisrael in the Midbar. He will do so for them when they leave Galus.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: He will come from the south.


Malbim: This conduct will be until the time of the Ge'ulah, when He will come from Teiman to redeem them. The verse depicts that the final Galus will be divided among two kingdoms ? Edom (Teiman) and Yishmael (Paran). Hashem will come from there to redeem them. The Navi uses expressions from Moshe's Brachah "v'Zarach mi'Se'ir Lamo Hofi'a me'Har Paran." Edom and Yishmael will glorify themselves with creeds that resemble the Divine creed. Chazal (Eichah Rabah 3:1) expounded that Hashem offered the Torah to them, and they did not accept it. Their creeds are not what Hashem wanted to give. Hashem will come a second time from these places to rebuke them about the true creed ? then, all will recognize it ? "Ki Az Ehpoch El Amim Safah Berurah Likro Kulam b'Shem Hashem" (Tzefanyah 3:9). The creed of Se'ir denigrated matters of Elokus and attributed improper matters to Him 1 - He will refute their mistakes about His Elokus, unity and spirituality.


E.g. that He has three parts. (PF)


What is the significance of "Har Paran"?


Rashi: This is Yishmael ? "va'Yeshev b'Midbar Paran" (Bereishis 21:21). Radak ? it says "Hofi'a me'Har Paran" (Devarim 33:2). It mentions Teiman and Paran because they are close to Har Sinai.


Malbim: Paran (Yishmael) do not err about His Elokus, so it says "v'Kadosh me'Har Paran."


What do we learn from "Selah"?


Malbim: Until "Selah" is a Tefilah that Hashem oversee His children, lest they be eradicated in their Galus. Either do so in a hidden way ("Chayehu" ? 2) or openly ("Todi'a" ? 2). After this begins the second Tefilah, which explains three matters mentioned briefly in the first Tefilah. (a) Until verse 5 explains "Pa'alcha b'Kerev Shanim Chayehu" (2); verse 5 explains "b'Kerev Shanim Todi'a" (2), and until verse 14 explains "Eloka mi'Teiman Yavo."


When did Shamayim cover His beauty?


Rashi: At Sinai, for Yisrael.


Radak: These are the flames that they saw at Matan Torah, which made Shamayim and Aretz shine.


Malbim: When Hashem is covered and the creations do not see Him (His acts). Shamayim conducts via nature and the Ma'arachah. It covers Hashem's Hod; His Hashgachah is not visible.


What is "Tehilaso"?


Radak: His radiance. This is like "b'Hilo Nero Alei Roshi" (Iyov 29:3).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The saying of His praise. Malbim ? even though His Hashgachah is not visible, nations will begin to recognize Him, that He conducts everything.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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