Why does it say "Al Tislotzatzu Pen Yechzeku Mosereichem"?
Avodah Zarah 18b: Anyone who scoffs is afflicted.
Rashi: Do not say "we made a Bris with death" (15).
Radak: The Hispa'el conjugation (Tislotzatzu) is used because they used to do so very much, like "Misnakesh b'Nafshi" (Shmuel I, 28:9), "Misdafkim Al ha'Deles" (Shoftim 19:22), and similar verses. Do not mock Hashem's words more, lest your afflictions be stronger. Everything is according to your deeds; the punishment will come.
Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Shetikah, DH v'Da): When scoffing is fixed in a person, in the end he will cast off the yoke of Shamayim. Therefore, punishments come upon him, Midah k'Neged Midah.
What are "Mosereichem"?
Rashi: They are afflictions.
What is the meaning of "[Chalah] v'Necheratzah"?
Radak: The eradication will be total. Also "Kilayon Charutz" (10:22) is total eradication.
Malbim: Hashem decreed it.