
Why did he say "today I began to ask for him"?


Rashi: This is said in astonishment. For many days the Tzibur needs him. You appointed him to take out Yisrael and bring them in. From then, I ask Hashem for him!


Radak: Why do you blame me for asking for him? This is the first time I did so. I did not know that it displeases you.


Why did he say "Chalilah Li"?


Rashi: Heaven forbid that I would do so to rebel and transgress!


Radak: Had I known that he flees you I would not have done so, and I will not do so now that I know that it displeases you.


Why did he say "b'Chol Beis Avi"?


Radak: This is like [not in me,] and not in my entire father's house. Sha'ul had sent to call also Achimelech's entire father's house.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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