
What is "Gol"?


Rashi: It is like Legolel (to roll). One should roll his burden to Hashem (ask Him to bear it), so He will spare him from it.


Radak: Gol is To'ar (adjective - here, a kind of person). The grammatical form is like that of "Lechem Chom" (Shmuel I, 21:7), "Ma'oz la'Tom Derech" (Mishlei 10:29). It is one who turns his ways, questions and prayers to Hashem. We saw and heard many times, that one who turns his ways and prayers to Hashem, He spares him. If so, why do You not save us? Our eyes are to You!


Malbim: It is as if this crushed worm wallowing in its pain, rolls itself towards Hashem to spare it.


Why does it say "Ki Chafetz Bo"?


Radak 1: Hashem desired him, and heard his Tefilah, like "Im Chafetz Banu Hashem" (Bamidbar 14:8).


Radak #2: Because the person desired Hashem, like "Ki Vi Chashak va'Afaletehu" (91:14).


Malbim: [They mock us, and say] let us see if Hashem will save him, since he desires Him!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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