What is the meaning of "v'Yatem Es ha'Kesef"?
Mahari Kara: Va'Yatech (they melted). So it says in Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:17 "va'Yatichu" 1 .
Radak: He should finish collecting it.
That verse is similar to ours, but it says va'Yatichu in place of va'Yatem. Also below, it says "Hitichu Avadecha Es ha'Kesef" (verse 9). (PF)
What money did they collect?
Malbim: In Divrei ha'Yamim II, 34:9 it explains that the Leviyim collected from Yisrael. Above (Perek 12) regarding Yo'ash it explains that there were two monies - that brought to Beis Hashem, and what the Leviyim collected from Yisrael. Here both are included together, concisely.
What are "Shomerei ha'Saf"?
Radak: They guard the Kelim of the Beis ha'Mikdash.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They are Gizbarim (overseers of Hekdesh).